Small Quarters 4.0 – The Sound of Little Feet

Hey folks, even though I’ve been quiet on this blog since the release of Late Night, I’ve still been Simming away, mostly working on Living Sims forum challenges and building some homes for Rflong7’s Winter Wonderland world. At the same time, I’m also re-doing Riverview and filling it almost entirely with my own houses and Sims. I don’t want it to have rabbitholes, so most of the inhabitants will be self-employed. Here’s where I’m really missing Open for Business…*wistful sigh*

Anyway, more on that later! For now I wanted to share some pics I posted at Living Sims for the Small Quarters 4.0 – The Sound of Little Feet challenge. The challenge was to design a home for at least one adult and one child, and the footprint of it had to be a specific size and shape. It could only be one story, and it had to contain a playspace for the kid/s out in the living area, as well as a “grown-up” space for the parents.

I’ve been wanting to try my hand at a 1950s-style Storybook Ranch for a long time, and I thought the layout given for the challenge would be just about perfect.

Small Quarters 4.0 Challenge
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Late Night – Buy Mode

Late Night Buy Mode

Hey folks, today I bring you the new Buy Mode items in Late Night. But first, I missed a couple of things from CAS Mode – two new Sleepwear pieces that are actually underwear. I just didn’t scroll down far enough! Now I get why we have the garters…

Sleepwear underwear #1
Sleepwear underwear #2 (with hosiery added in Accessories)

Cute, huh? OK, onto Buy Mode! I’m going to list the item names after each picture, including occasional commentary as we go.
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Late Night – Build Mode Items

Late Night Build Mode
(This picture has nothing to do with Build Mode, but I needed a nice pic to put here!)

Happy Late Night Day, folks! I took pics of clothing, hair, and build items, but I’m only posting build items tonight because I’m a tired puppy with a crappy cold. ;-p I hope to post clothing/hair tomorrow and perhaps Buy Mode the day after. There’s just a lot of STUFF. And yet, it never seems like enough. Why is that? Oh yeah! Because I am a greedy little monkey.

Anyhoo, here we go with Build Mode…
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The Pomeroy

The Pomeroy is a house I built for the “Challenge me to build 2.0” thread at the Living Sims forum. I enjoyed the challenge immensely and decided to put the house up for download. One caveat: it requires several CC items for the exterior, since I was trying to make it look like the original drawing that sebausten gave me. However, the interior consists only of base game items and patterns (hopefully nothing from Ambitions or WA slipped in!). At the end of this post I’ve listed the CC you will want to download if you want the exterior of the house to look like it does in the pics.

The Pomeroy

This Florida-style house was built on 4 Bayside Drive in Awesim’s Redcliffs, so it looks best there, but it should be fine on any lot that is 35×45 or larger. The lot is much bigger than it needs to be for the size of the house, but I guess that just gives you some extra room for expanding, building a garage, or adding a pool. The cost is around §60,000 furnished.

The roof is a bit wonky and has some odd gaps — it’s the only way I could think of to make it look like the picture. However, you can only see the gaps when the roof is up and you’re looking from the right angle. It doesn’t affect the view from inside.

The Pomeroy

More pics, CC list, and download link below!
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Still Simming Away

Hey all, just thought I’d do a quick post about what I’ve been up to lately. As you may have noticed, I ran out of steam with my Wishful Living Challenge family, sadly. Generation 6 (Jules’s heir) reached adulthood, moved into Goodwin Goode’s old house, and married a lovely woman. Last I left them, they had engaged in some post-wedding woohoo which resulted in lullaby chimes. For some reason, I never went back after that.

Wishful Living Challenge
The last pic I took of the Shanleys

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One Big Crazy Family

Wishful Living Challenge

Hey all, here’s another update on the Shanleys, my Wishful Living Challenge family. This one’s a little shorter than usual – I want to try doing smaller updates so I have a better chance of remembering what the heck happened and so it doesn’t take me forever to write it all up. We’ll see how that goes…I’m actually quite a bit past this point, so it’ll be a couple of updates before I’m all caught up. Anyway, onward and upward!
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Days of Wine and Robots

Wishful Living Challenge

Things are moving right along with the Shanleys, my Wishful Living Challenge family. In the last update, generation four torch-holder Gibson had just moved out of the family’s home in Twinbrook. Even though he had §97,440 in cash and was allowed to purchase a home with a value of up to §49,999, I had him buy one of those shacks in the swamp because it seemed like the appropriate setting for him to work on his Lifetime Wish – to make three monsters.
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