Triple Trouble: Round 2

Huzzah, I made Round 2 of Triple Trouble! Woot! I gotta say, I was really excited and surprised that I got through considering the high quality and creativity of all of the entries. The competition was fierce!

Here are some extra pics from my Round 2 entry, which charged us to decorate the family’s living room in a Coastal style. Since my Stevens family lives by the beach in Sunset Valley with palm trees all around, and one of the sub-styles of Coastal is Tropical, I went with bright coral orange, sea green, pearly white, and some stark white as well. I even got some brown in there (the wicker pieces, the tray on the ottoman), so I think I represented everyone’s colors in the room. I wanted it to be a lively yet relaxing space, something that would be fun for the little ones (with kid-friendly fabrics on the furnishings, of course) and yet comfortable for the adults.

Triple Trouble - Round 2

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May and Sharla

Hi, all! I have some more pseudo-story pics for you. And an update on my progress in the Mt. Geneva Friends project, which is painfully slow, as I hit a few snags on house #4. I was going to preview that one along with #3, but it keeps either freezing on save or crashing in play mode. Argh! I spent a whole week trying to finish that lot (and it’s not even that big), but after redoing it three times, shedding a few tears, and growing a few more gray hairs, I said to heck with it and moved on.

I thought maybe I had too much CC, so I pared it back and merged a bunch of package files, but that didn’t solve the problem, and I kept running out of space on my hard drive. When I tried to defrag, it told me I didn’t have enough space to do that, either. So the upshot of this all is: I have ordered a new computer! It has oodles of space, so at least I won’t have to worry about that anymore. And since the game will have to be reinstalled, maybe that will clear up my other issues. Here’s hoping!

Until then, I’m focusing on community lots (since I have no crashing issues when I’m in Edit Town). I’ve built a laundromat/café which you will see at the end of this post, but first off, here’s house #3 in my friends project (this will be a bit of déjà vu for those of you who read my thread on Living Sims – but the pics are all new, at least!):

Mt. Geneva Friends

It’s a bit of an oddball, but it’s based on a real house in my hometown. I was totally enchanted by its art deco-ish lines and green awnings, so I built it for my game and put friend #3 in there…with her grandmother. Originally I was going to have all of the friends live alone, but that’s a bit boring to play, so some of them will have roommates.

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Triple Trouble: Round 1

Triple Trouble is a contest that Living Sims is hosting over on their forum, where I’ve been hanging out quite a bit. I decided to enter the contest because it looked like fun, and the participation prizes are awesome. (Hey, I’m a sucker for cool CC.) So I took a break from Mt. Geneva to attempt the first round of the contest.

I posted my entry in the Round 1 thread on the forum, but thought I might as well post some extra pics on my blog here, too, because it’s been so dead lately (mostly because I’ve been building and decorating instead of actually playing — but I have finished Mt. Geneva house #3 and am working on #4!). So taking a cue from Lilymayrose (who posted more pics of her amazing entry), here are more pics of the grandparents’ bedroom and bathroom, which had to be decorated in an English Country style:

Triple Trouble - Round 1
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A Little Bit of Vanora and Drew

Hey all! I’ve been trying to think of a name for my Sunset Valley re-do (where my “Friends” project is taking place), and I thought, well, hey…why not Mt. Geneva? Sunset Valley has a mountain, after all. A pretty majestic one. And I’ve been “greeting” people from Mt. Geneva for years, even though none of my Sims have lived there since the early Sims 2 days. Why not resurrect it?

So…welcome to Mt. Geneva, folks! Now for some pics of random stuffs…

While I was putting the finishing touches on Vanora’s house, a fire broke out in her living room. Fortunately she was able to extinguish the flames before they reached her painting supplies…

Mt. Geneva Friends

…but they completely roasted her beloved suitcase Victrola.

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I Just Need a Peppy Theme Song

So here’s a little preview from one of the other things I’m working on. (Those of you who frequent the Living Sims forum will have already seen some other shots of this project.)

In my mind I’m calling it the “Friends” project, even though these characters are nothing like the characters on the TV show. None of them are roommates or siblings, and they don’t live in the big city — they just happen to all live near each other in Sunset Valley, in a neighborhood full of shabby old houses and overgrown gardens. What they share with “Friends” is that they’re all single, and their lives will (I hope) become intertwined as they struggle with their careers, social lives, and place in the world.

That’s the plan, anyway. My Sims may have other ideas. :)

The first Sim I’ve created is Vanora Lance, who lives in a rundown old Gothic Victorian cottage (in the lot by the criminal warehouse where Mosquito Cove used to be).

Vanora's House

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The Moody Bunch

Whew! I had some time to play over the weekend but am just now getting around to sharing the pics. Much of this stuff is old news to those of you who have Generations, but I figured I’d post anyway.

While Talia Godfrey (of my daycare family) was pregnant and on maternity leave for what seemed like a million years, I decided to switch over to the Bunch family. I had never played them before but knew they had some teens and children, so I’d be able to check out the Generations stuff for those age groups.

I got the idea to switch when Talia was outside of the spa and wanted to make a new friend. I had her chat with Lisa Bunch, who was nearby (as were a bunch of the other Bunches). Lisa blathered on about how her cell phone is her best friend, while Talia looked completely bored. That was probably the most pleasant interaction they had.

Bunch Family

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Happy Campers

Meet Talia Godfrey, an independently wealthy woman with a generous heart and a lot of money to burn. She’s Brave, Excitable, Good, Family-oriented, and Friendly. Basically, she’s a saint. But she’ll kick your hiney if you tick her off. She didn’t go to Fort Starch Military School for nothin’.

Godfrey Daycare
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