Village Point Lighthouse and Vivarium

I have another lot from Whimsett Cove for you…the Village Point Lighthouse and Vivarium! I built the shell ages ago before Supernatural came out, but I got sidetracked by that EP and couldn’t decide what I wanted to do with the interior. Once Seasons came out and I saw that awesome sculpture with the shark jaws, I was inspired to make it into an aquarium of sorts…but since it has insects and reptiles, too, I’m calling it a “Vivarium”. :) (Thank you to Tedhi from The Sims Daily for the suggestion!!)


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Mayor Litton’s House & Family

Ack, I’ve been so terrible about updating this blog!!! :-( I’m still Simming away, of course, and posting like mad on The Sims Daily, but I have been neglecting to re-post stuff over here as well. D’OH.

There’s a bit to catch up on, so I’ll jump right in! (And for those of you who already saw these pics at TSD, there is nothing new here to see! :)

I did post there a few more times about Lenore and Drake in Moonlight Falls, but I haven’t played them since October, so I’m jumping ahead to what I’ve been working on since then, which has been Whimsett Cove (a.k.a. Johnnywr’s Matkooskee).

Meet Delaney Litton (a tweaked version of Dee’s self-Sim from TSD), her husband Andy Cain (made by kimjimbob), and their daughter, Joanne (a toddler version of WOE’s self-Sim). (We have quite a few self-Sims posted at TSD, and it’s fun to re-use them in all sorts of creative ways! *insert evil laugh here*)

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I’m a Good Witch…for the most part

We’re sharing supernatural versions of our Sim-selves over on The Sims Daily, and I thought I might as well share here, too!

This is Jeneva Morphew, and her house is called — what else? — Morphew House. You can download just Jeneva, Jeneva + Morphew House, or just Morphew House by itself. Options are good.

Here’s Jeneva, playing with magic:

Moonlight Falls

She’s slimmer than my usual Sim-self because I figure a witch knows where to find a steady supply of “Lean and Mean” elixirs. :D

And here’s her house…it’s a simple farmhouse built in the style of most of the other Moonlight Falls domiciles. And…it’s pink.

Moonlight Falls

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Mini-mall and Random Craziness

So…I built a mini-mall in Moonlight Falls, for a few different reasons:

  • I wanted a place for my teens to hang out that wasn’t a “supernatural hangout”
  • Lenore got a point of Sculpting from attending Art Club and wanted to gain more skill, but there was no room in the house for a sculpting station
  • I’ve been wanting to do something with Sandy’s awesome gypsy set since she posted it

Plus I love having a bookstore that isn’t a rabbithole, and Moonlight Falls was just screaming for a comic book shop. (OK, maybe not screaming…I just wanted to make one. :-D ). I guess that’s more than a few reasons.

Anyway, I kind of cheated with this lot — I saved the Sam’s Market Diner rabbithole lot to the bin and then placed it across from the school. I deleted the rabbithole and built the mini-mall with the same basic footprint. That way I didn’t have to re-do the parking lot, the lot would stay relatively small (thank goodness), and it would kind of “match” with what is already in MF. Although the style ended up being a little more modern than I intended…

Moonlight Falls

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More Dunningtons in Moonlight Falls

I have my computer back now! *cheers* Unfortunately I can’t Sim for the next two nights, as I have stuff going on (real life stuff! Oh no! *gasp*), but I have some screenshots to share from Monday night’s gameplay. So if you’d like to hear more about the Dunningtons in Moonlight Falls, read on!

Moonlight Falls

I thought wicked step-father/evil wizard Hayden needed a creepy maid, so I placed Bonehilda’s coffin on the premises. She seems cheerful and tidy enough, but the cat hates her.

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From Sunlit to Moonlight

Last week my lovely computer got fried during a power outage. *major sad face* It’s in the shop, and I have no idea what will need to be done fix it or how long it will take. Faced with the prospect of no Sims or foruming or anything else internet for a whole weekend (unless I wanted to go blind looking at my smartphone screen), I unearthed my old computer and hooked it up. ;) (Yes, I am pathetic!)

It had all of the EPs/SPs installed up to Generations, so I updated it with all of the new stuff except for Showtime (I left the Showtime disc in my broken computer when I took it to the shop…D’OH!) and played a little Supernatural in Moonlight Falls this weekend. Yee-HAW!

A few pics from gamplay…

This is Lenore Dunnington and her twin brother Drake, hanging out at Moonlight Point. They’re plain old humans, with not a supernatural bone in their bodies.

Moonlight Falls

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