Porch View

I was dog-sitting for my brother all weekend and had major Sims 2 withdrawal, so I installed the base game on his computer and built a couple of houses. This first one is your basic starter with one bedroom, 1 bathroom, and the essentials such as telephone, fire alarm, and bookcase. It costs §19,963 (I don’t know why the Exchange says it has zero value). This house is base-game only with no custom content. It is completely clean and hack-free.

Porch View
Porch View

Download Porch View from The Sims 2 Exchange

A few more pics…

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A Trio of Homes

I have three more houses available at Parsimonious (where my name is “Maude”):

Cooper – “For the small family that likes to live large”
Found in the “Medium” lot section of residential

Carraway – “A luxury cottage”
Found in the “Medium” lot section of residential

Baird Cottage – “A starter home with room to grow”
Found in the “Small” lot section of residential

Look for more houses based on your suggestions in the coming weeks! And I’ll continue to take your requests, so keep ’em comin’. :-)

Country Gothic

I hope you all had a fantastic New Year’s Eve! As for me, I ate too much chocolate, drank too much pop, and laughed my head off. If there’s any truth to the theory that the way you ring in the New Year is the way you’ll spend the rest of the year, then I have 12 months of hilarity and stomachaches to look forward to. :-D

My brain was yowling today after working on the Brayton update, so I took a break and did something a little more relaxing: I built a house. On Friday I got a new book called American Country Building Design, which is full of real floor plans from farm and country houses of the 19th century (and just as much fun to read as it is to look at). The house I decided to build was originally published in a book called “The Country Gentleman” in 1856 and is basically a farmhouse in a gothic style, hence the name “Country Gothic”.

Country Gothic

I built it on my “clean” Windows account using all Maxis items except for some walls, floors, and fencing by Marina (who kindly gave me permission to redistribute her items). The house costs around §163,000 and is fully furnished in the Victorian style (except where I had to use modern items like the telephone, smoke detector, and refrigerator). Instead of uploading it to the Exchange, I put it on my own webspace this time — let me know if you have any problems.

Download “Country Gothic” (just unzip and double-click to install)

(UPDATE: I forgot to mention that you will need the University and Nightlife expansions for this house.)

If you’d like to see some more pictures, click on the link below. Enjoy!

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Over on SimScribes, Yicke asked if anyone would like to make her some Victorian houses, and Bitsy seconded the request, so I thought I’d create one and make it available for upload. I didn’t want to redistribute any custom content, so I used Maxis-only items. I’ve checked the lot with the Sims 2 Clean Installer, so it should be completely clean, containing no hacks or custom objects. It is fully furnished, and though you may see a Victorian lady in the pictures, she does not come with the house. :-)


The lot is available for download from the Sims 2 Exchange:

Download Belldon

Bedrooms: 4 (two with double beds, one with two singles, and one with one single)
Bathrooms: 4
Cost: §158,272.

NOTE: Even though it says it requires Nightlife, I tried to keep any Nightlife objects/wallpapers/floors out of the house, so that those without Nightlife could use it. It does require University, however. Hopefully you won’t have any trouble with it!

Here are some more preview pics of the house:

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The Houses of Annabel Island

Hey all, sorry for the lack of updates! Life has been busy for me this week, plus I’m housesitting so I’m in a bit of a limboland. I’m still working away happily on my Royal Kingdom Challenge — all of the houses have been built (finally!) though some remain unfurnished and unwallpapered. Since I won’t be able to do a story update for a few days yet, I thought I’d post pics of the houses as a little preview. (I kind of jumped the gun with the Dunnavants — I still haven’t cycled through the rest of the families as far as gameplay goes, and I wanted to play them each for a few days before doing another story.)

We’ll start with the lowly “peasant” houses of Annabel Island…

Whidbee Farm
Whidbee Farm

This is Whidbee Farm, though it isn’t much of a farm yet. I only had the §20,000 to work with on this lot, and I had to build a house big enough for four people (I’m starting some of the families with kids for the sake of variety). So there wasn’t much money left over for chickens, but the Whidbees have great hopes for their little farm, and fully expect to have chickens, horses, and much more in the near future.

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Shanley Manor for Download

Hey folks, I finally put Shanley Manor up for download from the Sims 2 Exchange. There are two versions — one is fully furnished and contains quite a bit of custom content — mostly recolors, but also some wallpaper and ground textures. I tried to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer to remove the custom content, but I couldn’t get it to work properly. So I apologize for that! If you have the Clean Installer and know how to use it, you can (I believe) remove the custom content from my lots before you install them.

The second version of the lot is unfurnished. It has much less custom content and is one-tenth the size of the furnished lot. Here are link to the lots on the exchange:

Shanley Manor – Fully Furnished (40.09 MB)

Shanley Manor – Unfurnished (4.77 MB)

By the way, both lots are from the Shanley Manor of a few weeks ago, around the time I posted the Tour of Shanley Manor, so they don’t have my recent redecorating or the new lap pool. Enjoy!

UPDATE: I forgot I had taken a picture of the kitchen in the unfurnished version just because it was so weird to see the house virtually empty. I’m used to it being a hub of activity, with Sims buzzing to and fro (not to mention the flies on the plates). You can also see the faintly green glowing residue left over from a deleted thinking cap. Heh. Anyway, just thought I would share the pic — you can also see that I left the counters and appliances in the kitchen.

Empty kitchen

Blackberry Place Revisited

I finally finished furnishing and decorating Blackberry Place, so it is now available on the Sims 2 Exchange. Thanks to Dustyn for requesting that I make it available — I had forgotten that it was unfinished.

Visit Blackberry Place on the Sims 2 Exchange

I haven’t built anything in forever (aside from my Legacy House), but Heidi has made some lovely homes that I have placed in my neighborhood, and I downloaded some really nice ones from The Sims Resource. Mt. Geneva is starting to look like a real town!

Blackberry Place

Just for kicks the other night I played the Goths in Pleasantview. I had Cassandra marry Darren Dreamer and decided to build a house for them. So I picked out another house I liked from Sarah Susanka’s book Creating the Not-So-Big House, a simple suburban-style house with a lot interior character, and attempted a loose re-creation. Very loose, actually, since there are just so many things we can’t replicate due to the limitations of the objects and building tools.

Here are some examples of things I couldn’t manage:

– A winding stairway with a window seat on the landing
– A garage (I could probably fake one, but it’s just wasted space, so I ended up turning it into a master bedroom suite)
– A true island in the kitchen (not a breakfast bar)
– Built-in cabinets or benches of any kind
– Siding with trim to make the exterior more interesting

OK, enough whining. ;-) As I was saying before, I started out building this house for Darren, Cassandra, and the two boys, but I think I’ll end up moving it to Mt. Geneva and using it for a new family I created the other night. The master bedroom suite would be great for the grandparents, and the treehouse would be better suited to that family’s kids than to the Goth/Dreamer teens. Anyway, decided to share it with you guys just for fun.

Blackberry Place

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