Up, Up, and Away

Just for fun I tried building the house from the movie Up (which is a wonderful movie, by the way — just bring tissues!). It didn’t turn out much like the actual house, but I enjoyed giving it a shot.

Sims 3

It made me really miss custom content and being able to adjust individual roof slopes. Hopefully we’ll get the roof slope adjuster in a future XP (as we did with TS2), and as for custom content, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it can be done. I’m already amazed at how quickly things like mods and custom skins have come out, so maybe custom objects will follow relatively soon.

The Charles

Hey all. I’m still having a blast building and decorating in TS3. Although I really wish there were more options for wall hangings…and deco items…and windows… (I was sooo spoiled by all of the awesome custom content for TS2! Weren’t we all?) Anyhoo, this was a house I built for a happily single Sim who was going to be the narrator for my attempt at a story. Unfortunately her family got messed up and I’ll have to re-create them. In the meantime, I decided to just finish her house and make it available for upload.

Download The Charles from Mod the Sims

Sims 3

It was inspired by a real-life house in my hometown, so it’s a bit on the small side. There’s not even room for a double bed upstairs! So it’s perfect for a lifelong bachelor or bachelorette. Or you could put another single bed in the “office” area and have roomies. You could also expand the area by the easel and make a master bedroom. The possibilities are endless.

The house reminds me of those old craftsman-style cottages, so I decorated it in that style, too. More pics after the jump!

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Building Is Fun

UPDATE: This house is available for download (now with a green door!) from Mod the Sims. However, some people are having issues with it being usable in game. I have a feeling it’s a lot placement issue (like we get in TS2 sometimes when the terrain isn’t uniform), but I don’t know for sure. Let me know if it works for you or not!

UPDATE #2: I think I’ve fixed the problem! The lot has been repackaged and re-uploaded to MTS, so if you were having issues and still want to use the house (heh), please re-download! And again, let me know if it’s still being stupid or you have any other issues.

So I took a break from gameplay to mess around with CAS and attempt to build a house. This time I used the “motherlode” cheat so that I could do whatever I wanted, and man, it was a blast.

Sims 3

I worked on this house for about 6 hours, and I’m still not done with it! You’d think it wouldn’t take that long with just the base game items and no CC, but I’m still learning TS3, plus Create-A-Style is amazing and full of endless options. I’m sure I’ll get sick of the patterns at some point, but they’re still new right now. It’s overwhelming, really.

More pics and rambling after the jump…

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More Rosy and Riverview

OK, the in-game camera works MUCH better than Snag-It. Hooray for that! Some of my pics are still dark, but that’s mainly because they were taken at night. The daytime pictures are much improved.

I’m also enjoying the game more, although the combination of the new Sims and the recycled Sims 2 animations is jarring at times, as if I were watching a scene-by-scene re-creation of my favorite movie starring a completely different cast. (Hey, like Gus Van Sant did with Psycho.)

Here are some more pics if you’re interested!

Last we left Rosy Curran, she was hitting it off with fellow Coffee Courier Don Lothario at the community garden in Riverview.

Sims 3

They chatted about work and gardening and made silly faces at each other.

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First Impressions

This will be brief because it’s late as heck, but I wanted to at least post a few pics of my experiences with The Sims 3 so far.

After downloading Riverview, I created Rosalia Curran, who ended up with the following traits: Angler, Green Thumb, Loves the Outdoors, Excitable, Friendly. Basically, someone who would enjoy exploring the town, making friends, gardening, and fishing. Her favorite food is a Fruit Parfait, her favorite music is Pop (where’s the Rawk, EA??), and her favorite color is Red.

Sims 3

She’s also apparently a closet bookworm, but more on that later.

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The “Official” Release Is Almost Upon Us

Totally cracking up over the emphasis on the word “official”. Hee!

Well, despite the negative reviews and my disgust over the Sims 3 Store, I find myself excited to try out the game on Tuesday. I just want to get my hands on it and see everything for myself. If all goes according to plan, I’ll pick up the game on Tuesday evening, install it, and give it a whirl. By Wednesday night I hope to post a few pics and general first impressions. Here are the things I want to do first:

  • Download Riverview
  • Explore the new options in Create-A-Sim
  • Create a Sim with the following traits: Angler, Green Thumb, Loves the Outdoors, Charismatic, Excitable
  • Turn aging off or way down (I want to take my time and not feel rushed)
  • Build a house for my Sim (can’t wait to play with the build and landscape options!)
  • Explore the town

How about you guys (if you haven’t already played the game)?

By the way, my Sims 3 Community Page is here:


See you on Wednesday!

I Haz a Sad

And that sad is called The Sims 3 Store.

Plus the reviews from the people playing the pirated version of the game aren’t very promising.

However, I remain optimistic. There might be a fun game in there. I won’t pass judgement on that until I play it myself. But the store? Shame on you, EA. It’s obvious you withheld craploads of content from the game just so you could sell it for outrageous prices at your store. It’s nothing but pure greed. If you want to kill the love people have for this franchise, you’re going about it the right way.

*steps off of soapbox*