Green’s Good Enough For Me

After I decided to have Lauren Ravelo go for the “Have 10 Kids” want, things changed drastically in my Nightlife Legacy household. Suddenly it wasn’t so easy to keep Simon and Lauren in platinum — they didn’t have as much time for dream dates or fulfilling their wants. Instead, their lives were taken up with the feeding and care of children, and in Simon’s case, skill-building and working as much as possible to bring in money. Since Pleasure Sims aren’t really into building skills or going to work, I was lucky if I could keep Simon in the green, let alone plat.

They were still a happy family for the most part; I had them eat meals together whenever I could to save money and keep their Social scores up…

Ravelo Family
“She gets that from you, right?”

…and Marlee helped keep little Ethan occupied while their mom was busy being pregnant for the third time.

Ravelo Family
“Come on, Ethan, give ME the bunny. Please? I promise I’ll let you play in the toilet.”

Simon helped with Ethan, too, even though he was spending most of his time building skills, taking bubble baths (had to keep him in green somehow!), and working. Despite the fact that Simon had never really wanted any children (the “Have a Baby” want never spun up for him, but he didn’t fear them, either), he was quite the loving father.

Ravelo Family
Ravelo Family
“Did you just go tinkle?”

Finally it was time for Lauren to have her third child. Let the chaos begin!

Ravelo Family
“Augh, why do I keep doing this to myself?”

She had another little boy. I chose a random name from the baby name book again and came up with Trent. Of course, he has the same black hair and grey eyes as Marlee and Ethan. The nice thing is that even though all of these kids look similar (which was inevitable since Simon is carrying no genes but his own, and they’re dominant over Lauren’s), they have widely varying personalities.

Ravelo Family
“I feel MUCH better now.”

Here’s little Ethan in his fall clothes. I know he looks like a girl, but he’s cute anyway! (Naturally I’m a little biased, like a proud grandmother.)

Ravelo Family
“I’m a scary bear! Grrr!”

And here’s a pic of Ethan as a child.

Ravelo Family
“These are possibly the ugliest pajamas of all time.”

Marlee spent the last days of her childhood playing the new piano. There wasn’t any room for it in the house, so she played outside in the crisp autumn air.

Ravelo Family
“What do you mean, ‘crisp’? It’s 75 degrees here all year long!”

Her brother Ethan enjoys painting, even though he has an Active score of 10. He’s just a very quiet, mellow boy — laid-back like his dad.

Ravelo Family
“I’m so very sensitive.”

Soon Marlee became a teenager (I rolled Family for her, woot!). She grew up into a new ’50s style poodle skirt outfit which I thought was cool (I love ’50s stuff!) so I didn’t buy any new clothes for her. Not that they could really afford to buy any — they were perpetually out of money. They had to make do with what they had, so Marlee took up dancing (her beloved piano had been sold to buy groceries and other necessities).

Ravelo Family
“Come on baby, do the Locomotion!”

The days went by quickly (actually, I was just so intent on playing that I didn’t take many pictures), and Lauren gave birth to baby #4, another little boy, whom we randomly named Darren. It happened in the bedroom, which woke everyone up (except for Marlee, who was already awake).

Ravelo Family
“Mom, uh, yikes! Are you OK? I don’t think I want to be a Family Sim anymore…”

(continued on Page 2)

25 thoughts on “Green’s Good Enough For Me

  1. Finally!! this was like the best post on the Ravelos ever!! i love the idea of having the 10 kids, but poor Lauren she’s suffering so much….i also get confused with the names, which one is darren, trent and i forgot the other guy… lol great update Jen!

  2. I simply love it!!! Really!!
    So funny and romantic, you Rules!!
    I´read your storie while i listening the cd “Grease” with John Travolta and Olivia Newton,so, this update give me a little taste of 50s era.
    So cool, and everybody seems so beautiful, and poor Lauren, 10 kids???
    You are very brave Jen…10 kids it´s to much for me.
    Bye bye and kisses..

  3. That picture of Lauren slumped over in her food is so funny!

    I just started a new legacy family and I’m having a lot of fun playing this family too. I agree, I think the family being poor and us actually having to work to have nice things makes it a lot more fun. :D

    Good luck with all those kids!

  4. I loved this update. I was surfing Vilma’s blog and noticed that her links show who updated recently and i died. i came here as fast as i could, and i am happy i did because this is a good update. It was so wonderful and full of niceness. Haha. Sorry for my lack of sense, the update was just too good. Nightlife seems so fun. Gosh i wish i had it. Im happy you are including Nightlife stuff still, it makes me really want the game, and i just might get it before Christmas…probably not. Darn homework. Loved this update. Great job. Lovely family.

  5. I’m glad you have a steady family again :D.

    Haha, it was hilarious to see Lauren with her head in her food, that just never gets old for me. Also I think Cady is pronounced “Cady”, I saw it on the move Mean Girls, lol.

    Anywho, keep up the great work! Can’t wait for your next update!

  6. Woah, this post it great! The 10 kids sounds challenging but fun! I love how Marlee and Ethancame out to be as teens. I love this post, keep up the good work!

  7. Jen, you’re crazy.
    First generation, and you’re already clogging up the town with Lauren and Simon spawn. D:
    What is a community to do?

  8. Awesome update! Have you decided who is going to be the heir or heiress or are you waiting until all ten kids are born?

  9. Sweeet! I echo Marcie’s question. :D So far it looks like Trent’s got the best stats of the bunch (31 points total, compared to the other kids 28-ish), though Marlee seems absolutely charming on her own. Tell tell!

  10. Wow, way to go Jen!! I did the 10kids when I did my first legacy challenge, but now I don’t bother anymore, way to much trouble!!

  11. Great, definitely great – just like what everybody said :) – I love the Ravelos already! Although I too must admit that telling those children apart is not as easy as I wished (looking all the same and such – just like my 4th generation at the moment *g*. I had them try for a fourth baby, a son (Ferris), but he just looks like all his sisters and has the same statistics as his two older sisters. Only Felicity is unique in stats, so I’m glad she’ll be the heir*g*). Which makes me wonder why all your children so far have completely different pesonalities! Lucky you! And I must say I looooooove Marlee’s 50s outfit, I so much wish I had capacities for nightlife *sob*! But just to read about your family (did I mention I love legacy families *lol*) makes up for it, and your pictures are simply wonderful anyway, so I’ll be content with what I got ;) – hoping for Marlee to be the heir, she’s so pretty! And I also hope that I’ll get my next update on soon, but two exams the next days leaves not even time to go on playing :( – but as long as I can read your blog, I’m a total pleasure sim :) – Good work, as always, keep going!!

  12. Teehee, just had a look at your tribal pages family tree and saw some more pictures :) – you’re so far! Cady has huge eyes, and all of the children seem to have the exact same mouth, very thin upper lip and such! The only thing: Marlee’s hairstyle isn’t as pretty *g*. Eager to see who’s goign to be the heir, especially as Trent looks awesome and so handsome!

  13. I’m glad you guys enjoyed this update. Thanks for all your comments! I agree, it’s hard to tell the kids apart; I usually go by hairstyle and clothing, which is why I probably won’t change their clothes or hair too much. Each kid needs a “trademark”, I think. Maybe in the next post I’ll do a quick rundown with pictures of each kid, so you can see who’s who more easily.

    As for the heir, it’s down to Marlee or Trent, but I’m leaning towards Trent. In a stat-by-stat comparison, he wins out on everything except Neatness (he’s 2, Marlee is 5) and Activity (they’re both 2). They’re both Family Sims, which is great. They’re both in love with NPCs at the moment, so that takes care of that, except Trent has more chemistry with his significant other than Marlee does with hers. I’d love to have Marlee start a satellite house of her own, actually, and give her more time to find someone she really clicks with. Though I’ll probably have some of the other kids move in with her for awhile. I dunno. We shall see! Maybe one of the next four kids will turn out to be a Wonder Child or something. ;-)

  14. Oh, Eva M., I agree with you on Marlee’s hair — I liked her old hairstyle, but my sister said it made her look too middle-aged when she got to college. ;-) I’ll either change it back when she becomes an adult or find a better hairstyle.

  15. Jen I love this family for so many reasons! They look like so much fun to play. I can’t wait until I get NightLife (hopefully this weekend) I think I’ll play this Xtreme challenge too, just for fun.

  16. Yay! Marlee’s cute. I hope she finds true love. I agree with everyone about Trent being the heir so far. :)

  17. hiya! I know what it`s like to have the “10 kids” want, I had a sim called Aimee Harris who had 11 (with two different husbands, husband 1 she had three, and husband 2 she had 8!) It was really tough but I managed it was quite fun but poor Aimee didn`t think so! I love your new family, I really hope it works-out alright. Great up-date! Keep it coming!!! XxLalaxX

  18. Hey! I’m glad you agree with me about Marlee’s hair, I don’t know, but I don’t like those ‘voluminous’ custom hairstyles that much… And I’m very fine with Trent as the next heir, he’d be really great (would you mind telling whom he’s in love with already *gg* – and by chance, Marlee aswell ;)?) and I’d love to see Marlee have a family of her own too. Oh, and despite having to learn for my exams, I couldn’t get keep myself from updating the Morrigans – bad me, I know, but it’s only your fault because I was so motivated by your update *g* – So long!

  19. Yayy what a great update! I dont think Ive ever made a sim family have more than 4 kids, I should try that 10 kid want sometime xD It’ll probably drive me crazy. Just having 3 kids in the house is enough for me!!

    Good luck with this family, Ive kind of stalled on my Legacy family right now, and started playing Veronaville, but I’ll go back soon. :D Awaiting next update!

  20. Yes! Make her Auntie Marlee who lives in her satellite house and takes care of all the ‘overflow’ Ravelos! :D I loved it when you did that in the other Legacy Family.
    I still haven’t posted any pictures on my own blog, but I’m inching back into the groove. You’re always a huge inspiration, m’am Jenba m’am!

  21. (Writing the comment as I read the entry– it’s more fun that way! :D)

    Aww. Poor Simon. No more dream dates? Oh, well. Elderhood will probably give them ample dating time. Woo, Elderhood!

    I hate the Have a Baby fear. It’s always just there to get on people’s nerves, I say. XD That caption for the second “Ethan-and-Simon” picture cracks me up.

    You know, bias or no, I think the babies look adorable, too. I mean… aww! Sims 2 babies and toddlers are second in cuteness only to Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life toddlers. (You have to see those things to believe them. They’re just so dagnabbed adorable.) Aww. Little scary EthanBear isn’t scary. Just fuzzy and mitten-y.

    Ethan is a very, very pretty little boy. He reminds me of Darien/Mamoru from Sailor Moon. I wonder if he still looks like him as an adult? Hmm. Oh, well.
    I hate the default children’s pajamas. The green ones are some of the worst, though. The blue one is kind of cute. The duck with the SimDiamond over its head… hee.

    Oh, dear. If it’s 75 degrees, wouldn’t the poor toddlers get hot in their jumpsuits? And mittens?! Oh, the humanity!
    Oh, the piano!

    Aw. He’s pretty /and/ sensitive? Man, now he really reminds me of Mamoru. Maaan. Wait, no, Mamoru was kind of a jerk, sometimes. Scratch that– he reminds me of those bishounen (bishounen = pretty boy) types in animes and manga. They are so… pretty. And oftentimes sensitive.

    Family Sims are so great. :D Oh, man… I know what you mean about the “not enough money to buy clothes” thing. I really started taking it for granted, when I was playing with the Astaires, (they have, like, 490K, now. @_@) but then I played with some families in the Prosperity Challenge, and I realized how sporking expensive Everyday clothes were. Then, one-piece outfits became my friend. So friendly, we are! :D We hang out. Daily.
    But, it’s great, that she grew into /nice/ clothes. :D Too bad about her piano, though. Maybe it got run over by a train.
    She locomotioned all over it. *shakes her head sadly* Anyway, she’s a very pretty teenager!

    You know, I just realized that this entry isn’t the most recent one, and decided to save my commenting fuel for the next one. >_>; *goes to read the rest*
    I just wanted to say, because I noticed a couple of “woot”s in your post… Woot for woot! :D

    Oh, in the fire picture, it looks like Simon is on fire. Poor guy. Glad he wasn’t, though.

    Simon the old cool guy! He’s so rad. He and those clowns he was painting.
    So. Awesome. Mrrpt. (Vowelless sound! Extra points! *hoedown*)

  22. Well just flew back home last night and already I’m surfing my reads, anyway I haven’t even fired up my Sims ::: shudder::: but have to say Marlee is soooo pretty and her face shows so much ‘life’.

    I do believe I will get that baby name book just to get names randomly instead of racking my brains out over every generation.

    Well I’m off to install the latest Nightlife patch :) and surf the ‘net as I’m seriously thinking of getting myself my own laptop that way I won’t need to share the pc with the hubby and play my Sims to my hearts content :P :D

  23. lol that was cool! I love those family shots of everyone in the room aswell as the everyone freaking out from the fire shot XD look forward to the kids at college. all your kids as actually really nice looking :)