Two Starter Cottages: The Durwin & The Hamilton

Hey all! Thanks for all your comments on my last post! I’m sorry for not responding right away — I’m still posting like a mad fiend over at The Sims Daily and seem to have a bit of tunnel vision in that regard. I would really like to get back to blogging, but I’m so darned rusty, I feel like a creaky old Simbot. I’m populating Johnnywr’s world Great Bear, though, and am making plans for telling stories and whatnot, so maybe I can get back into the swing of things… (Yeah, I don’t blame you for not holding your breath on that one. ;-P)

In the meantime, I made a couple of starter cottages for ani_ and thought maybe others could get some use out of them, too. At §18,192, the Durwin is more expensive than your usual starter, but I managed to get The Hamilton to be under §16,500. Woot! They’re in an English-cottage style since that is what ani_ requested when I offered to make her some houses.

The Durwin

The Durwin

The Durwin

A recolor idea if you want to put a couple of them in the same neighborhood:

The Durwin

Lot size: 20 x 15

EPs required: Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, and Pets (I think? Now that I look at the overview, I can’t figure out what you’d need Pets for…d’oh)

Rooms: 1 bedroom (double), 1 attic room which could possibly be a second bedroom (single beds only), 1 full bath, 1 half-bath, living room, kitchen with eat-in dining room, foyer, and a space for a laundry room.

Download the Durwin

The Hamilton

The Hamilton

Lot size: 15 x 20

EPs required: none

Rooms: 2 bedrooms (1 double, 1 single), den/laundry/possible 3rd bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen

Download the Hamilton

Enjoy! And let me know if anything is wonky. :)

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