Try, Try Again

Hey all (if anyone is even reading this blog anymore)! Turns out the book thing didn’t go so well, which I doubt will surprise anyone who knows me, heh. I tried to do some writing, but I missed having pictures to go along with my stories. I missed building houses. I missed watching families grow. And to be honest, I didn’t even try the book thing for very long. I got sucked back into Lord of the Rings Online for several months, and that was fun, but lately I’ve felt a void in my life, and I realized it was partly because I wasn’t doing anything creative.

So I thought I might get back into Simming and Sims storytelling. I decided to start afresh – I completely reinstalled TS3 and added World Adventures to the mix. The first thing I did with WA was to send a hapless traveler to Shang Simla, but for some reason I got bored quickly. I know, I don’t get it either, since it sounds like people are having so much fun with it. But I couldn’t find the location of her first opportunity before she needed food and got tired. And even though the scenery is gorgeous, I could only gape at it for so long before I realized this was not scratching that creative itch at all.
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Marty Lloyd Grows Up

In the last update on the Lloyds, Zoey and Christopher had a son, Marty, who grew very rapidly to the child stage. Around the same time, Zoey and Christopher both became elders. So Marty ended up an only child, with his parents just days from death. The Short lifespan really is short. Painfully so.

Lloyd Family

Marty was a child for just two days. The upside is that it was over the weekend, so he didn’t have to go to school. He could ride around town on his bike (well, it wasn’t really his, as I didn’t buy him one, but there must be one of those community share-a-bike program for Sim kids)…

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Lloyds Are Us

When last we left the Lloyds, Christopher and Zoey had just gotten hitched and hopped into the sack for some good old-fashioned wooing and hooing. You may have noticed that they were outside for most of the night, then suddenly in a house when it came time to do le woohoo. That’s because I paused right after Christopher moved in and…built them a house. All Zoey had was an outhouse and some furniture out on the lawn; newlyweds need a proper home in which to cavort and make babies and such.

Lloyd Family

Of course, as soon as you build a house in TS3, it becomes a burglar magnet. I don’t know why these guys don’t show up when everything is out on the lawn, easily accessible. Nope, they wait until you have WALLS and DOORS. I clicked frantically on Zoey to wake her up so she could beat the robber to a pulp, but I was clicking on the bed instead of Zoey, and she didn’t wake up fast enough.

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Running Out of Time

OK, I started a legacy-style family, and I’m actually having fun. Part of that is because I’m alpha-testing the Indie Stone Story Progression Rewrite Mod, which is an attempt to rewrite the Sims 3 story progression from the ground up. It’s a core mod, so I had to take out AwesomeMod (*huggles AwesomeMod*), but I like how it makes the town feel more alive.

I’m still not sure how I feel about Sims I’ve created having lives without my input, but it works wonderfully with the pre-mades. They’re falling in love, marrying each other, moving in together (sometimes; the mod has some kinks which need to be ironed out, but hey, it’s in the alpha phase), having babies, and progressing in their careers. And you can filter which updates you want to hear about. I like this because I don’t have to remember to read the paper every day just to get a feel for what’s going on in the town.

Lloyd Family

It’s also nice to have the town evolve without me having to play every single family. And if you want a Sims 3 town to feel alive, you need a LOT of families. I tried putting a bunch of singles in my empty town and put progression on “silly fast” to see if they would pair up quickly and begin populating the town. Well, even on “silly fast”, it would have taken me forever to fill up the town with Sims. So that’s why I switched back to original recipe Sunset Valley, just to test this mod and do some more exploration of the game.

Another twist I’ve thrown in is that I’m playing this family on “Short” lifespan. So they only have 25 days (maybe a few more than that) of life. I really have to decide what is important for every minute of their lives so no time is wasted. It’s hard to find the right balance. I was focusing on my founder’s career at first so she could get more money and get closer to achieving her LTW, but it suddenly became much more important for her to find a spouse and have a kid, so her family wouldn’t die out. Anyway, if you’d like to read more…there’s more!

Lloyd Family

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As some of you know I was trying to build my own semi-realistic ‘hood in The Sims 2 for awhile. I didn’t want to attempt a completely integrated economy since I’m just not a number cruncher, and the thought of micromanaging everyone’s bank accounts makes my brain explode. But I DID want to have a more realistic ‘hood in that people have jobs where they DO something and not just hop into a carpool and disappear for hours on end. I wanted to follow a few families through their lives and explore their connections with each other.

Anyway, it seemed like when The Sims 3 came out that I would have to put that idea on the back burner for a long while until an Open for Business-style expansion is released. But darnit, I want my own ‘hood! I have nothing against the Sims and storylines that Maxis created, but I’m just weary of them. I have a tough time getting attached to Sims and backstories that were generated by someone else.

So I’m experimenting with creating my own town in The Sims 3. Until they release a neighborhood creation tool, we can’t make new terrain or even move trees and rocks around, but we CAN start afresh with an empty Sunset Valley and populate it with new lots and new Sims.

Here are some pics of what I’ve done so far in this new town, Clarey Beach.

Clarey Beach

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Don’t Mess with the Wizard King

Once upon a time, and actually, in another world altogether, a young woman named Hildy broke one of the 327 Laws of Willelda and was banished in an impressive flash of light and accompanying puff of smoke.

As Hildy hurtled through time and space, her heart thundering in her ears, she had one thought: “It’s going to hurt like the dickens when I land.”

And it did hurt, though not as much as she thought it would.



Aside from a pesky crick in the neck and a bit of brain wobble, she felt just fine.

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Hildy’s Fable

After much pondering, I have decided to attempt Pinstar’s new Legacy Challenge for The Sims 3. I had felt a bit legacy’ed out, to tell you the truth, and wasn’t sure if I was really interested in raising generation after generation of odd-looking children in some kind of mad race to the end. I haven’t been able to finish a legacy since the Shanleys; generally I get bored by 2nd generation. After nearly 5 years of playing The Sims 2, I’m more intrigued by things like hood-building and writing stories about complex and/or silly relationships between characters. But…I am intrigued by The Sims 3, and I want to learn more about the game. Playing the Shanleys taught me that letting a Sim grow old and die can be fascinating. It forced me to explore all of the careers and aspirations. And I saw the gamut of Sim behaviors. Plus it’s just fun to see if I can do it. Can I get past 2nd gen? We shall see.

So, meet my Legacy founder: Hildemunde Garovald, or Hildy for short. She’s a little bit odd because even though I’ll be playing a legacy, I want to tell it in story form. And Hildy’s story is starting out a little bit differently from my usual legacy. To be honest, I don’t even want to think of it as a legacy. It’s just a story. Hildy’s story. Hildy’s Fable.


More coming soon…

The Beverly

I’m still on a bit of a midcentury kick, so I built a house based on a vintage 1956 house plan. I couldn’t do the windows just right, and I put a smaller fireplace in to save space, but I did try to match the crazy exterior color scheme. It is available for download from Mod the Sims:

The Beverly

The Beverly

Hope you enjoy this little blast from the past!