Life at Shanley Cottage

Hurt by Ericka’s brutal honesty, Rian watched Eleanor play with her dollhouse and longed for the days of his childhood, before everything got so frighteningly complicated.

Rian watches Eleanor play
“‘Mommy, can I stay up till midnight and eat ice cream for dinner?’ ‘Sure, honey, right after Daddy and I put together your new robot.'”

Later on that evening, Hugh and Rian got into a shouting match over nothing in particular. Rian didn’t seem to like Hugh very much, but no one could figure out why.

Rian yells at Hugh
“And your grandmother gave you that sweater for Christmas, didn’t she!”

Rian’s pointless tirade continued in the bathroom the next morning while Taryn mopped up the puddles from the broken tub.

Rian makes fun of Hugh
“I can’t believe you married my sister! You must be crazy!”

Hugh tried not to let it bother him. It was his daughter’s birthday, after all — a time for celebration! He invited his friend Marylena from work, while Aidan invited Ericka the pizza lady in hopes she might give Rian another chance. Marsha Bruenig was also there, having come home on the bus with Eleanor. After blowing out her candles, Eleanor grew up into a lovely teenager. (And I rolled Popularity for her — darn.)

Eleanor grows up

The next night it was Taryn’s turn to have a birthday. She decided to forgo the cake and party since she just wanted a quiet night at home with her family.

Taryn becomes an elder
“Why are we all staring into space and smiling?”

Still several days from reaching elderhood himself, Hugh didn’t seem to mind Taryn’s more “mature” appearance. He still wanted to kiss and hug her as much as possible.

Hugh holds Taryn's hands
“So you really go for ladies with silver hair, huh?”

Just as strange as ever, Rian came home from work one night and started trimming the rose bushes by moonlight. He cursed and mumbled as he went, seemingly upset about something that happened at work.

Rian trims the rose bushes
“That’ll teach them to call me dumb! *snip* I’m a Knowledge Sim for crying out loud! *snip*”

After he was done he went upstairs and changed into his pajamas. Taryn cornered him and asked him if everything was OK. Apparently she had heard him grumbling to the foliage out front. Rian didn’t seem to want to talk about it.

Taryn talks to Rian
“Is it work? Is it Hugh? I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s wrong.”

The more Taryn urged Rian to talk about his problems, the more he shut down. He seemed to be in another world where no one could reach him.

Taryn frowns at Rian

So there you have it. Things in Shanley Cottage are a little shaky, but nothing my Sims can’t handle. (Unless I’m being overly optimistic.) This will probably be my last update for at least week, since I’m going on vacation starting early Saturday morning (way way early) and won’t be back until the following Saturday. I’ll be sans computer and internet access, so I’ll probably suffer withdrawal, but being in a warm, tropical place might make up for it!

I also wanted to apologize for being so behind on reading everyone else’s blogs. There are so many great ones out there, and I’m missing out. I used to get caught up reading them while at work, but work suddenly got busy, so I can’t do that anymore. I hope to get caught up on the blogs in the next day before vacation and when I return. I also wanted to apologize for the lateness and weirdness of this update. I’m operating on a severe sleep deficit, which makes my brain a little fuzzy. :) OK, enough of my whining and apologizing. See you soon, and Happy Simming!

18 thoughts on “Life at Shanley Cottage

  1. Eleanor is so pretty as a teenager! And poor Rian, he just has s oamny problems, doesn’t he?
    I hope you have oodles of fun on your vacation. I’m going to miss your updates dearly, but will manage if I try. ;-) Maybe I’m being a bit over-dramatic? Lol.
    It’s okay about you not being caught up on everyone’s blogs. We understand that with work, you are very busy.
    I think you deserve a vacation! Something very relaxing. Where are you going? I love the tropics, though I’ve never been. Have fun and I can’t wait until you get back! Though I encourage you to make that best out of your vacation on not to stress because of separation issues with the Sims! Lol. Again, have fun!

  2. Eleanor’s a really pretty sim! yeh I know what u mean with the main house. Everything seems to go so slowly cause there’s either too many sim in the hosue or too many things on the lot ( For me it’s both) and it all gets a bit tedius. It’s be great to see all three houses connected! and have a good holiday break! look forward to your updates when u come back.

  3. There is this really weird movie that came out a few years ago called “Willard”. Aidan sort of looks and acts like the main character. Weird.

  4. Don’t worry Jen, the blogs won’t run away! Have a great, great vacation (and come back with some lovely new storylines perhaps;-)), and catch up on some sleep!

  5. Hi Jen. Thanks for the update on your sims. Please enjoy a relaxing vacation and catch up on some ZZZzzz. I really enjoy your stories and I’m sure we(at least I think I will) will survive w/o you for a week or so. I’m sure you know I will suffer from Sims withdrawal along side you. lol
    Since you live in a snowy state I’m sure you will enjoy a vacation somewhere warm and tropical. Have a great week and I’m patiently looking forward to your next update.

  6. Eleanor is a very pretty teen. I feel bad for Rian too because he doesn’t seem to be having a good time in life, poor guy. Anytway, have fun on your vacation.

  7. Hehe, I love hearing about all your family members, even at the Shanley Cottage (I love that name!) I’m sorry about you being overly tired. I hope you can relax while you’re on vacation! How fun is that! ^__^ Don’t worry, though. I’ll sure miss your updates but I’ll be so happy when you get back!!

  8. We’ll all have lots for you to read when you get back. I wish I could pry myself away from my computer when I’m away on vacation, but the least I do is check on my e-mail. Have fun at your trip! Where will you be going? Since you’re from Minnesota, I’m sure anyplace warm is good enough! :) Take care!

  9. I’m going on a cruise in the Caribbean, which is MUCH warmer than Minnesota right now, so yeah, that’s a good thing. Unfortunately it’s midnight and I have to leave in about three and a half hours…not sure if I’ll get any sleep tonight! I’ll probably zonk on the plane. Anyway, see you guys in a week! *reluctantly shuts down computer*

  10. Oh, I’m so jealous of your break from winter weather. Have a fun and safe trip. You’re becoming the queen of funny picture captions. :-)

  11. I love your Sims blog! Some of your photo captions had me laughing out loud. I’m hoping to start a blog for my Sims’ exploits soon, so I plan on making good use of your Sim blog tips.

  12. Haha, Rian is hilarious. :D

    And your NPC regenerator has definitely kicked in, Ericka is definitely not one of the original three pizza delivery people.

  13. Yesh, those two Ivy Copurs get me mad! I don’t know why, but, eh, iamausername (nice, lol) ish right! *has never seen that pizza girl*

  14. *misses updates* When will there be another one? Sorry, I know you’re busy, but, like many here, I am addicted!

  15. Erm…okay. Jessica, I think we could read that. I was just saying that for when she gets back…if it’s posted, I read it. Thank you though!