The Family Expands

After playing over at the Baby Factory (i.e. my main Legacy Challenge house), switching over to Uncle Liam’s house was a refreshing change of pace. It was still somewhat chaotic, what with four teens and a child running around, but since I’m trying to let them be semi-autonomous, I don’t have to micro-manage as much as I do at the other house. I barely even use the “pause” button! So it’s a bit more relaxing.

I hadn’t played Uncle Liam’s house since Kaylynn had passed away, so when I switched over, a bunch of the kids had inherited money, and the little gravestone spun above their heads. About §10,000 was added to the family funds, which I’m sure will come in handy. I haven’t decided what to do with it yet, though. Buy a proper hot tub? Buy a few more pianos (someone is ALWAYS playing piano in that house)? Or just save it and let Liam’s heir do some redecorating? We shall see.

Maire and Liam discuss Kaylynn's passing

In the above picture, Maire and Liam seem to be discussing the death of Kaylynn. Aidan is playing piano in the background.

Not long after that, it was time for Maire to become an adult. The first kid to grow up in Uncle Liam’s house! Liam didn’t feel like throwing a big party, so she transitioned quietly in the presence of Liam, Rian, and Aidan. I think she looks almost exactly like her sister Taryn.

Maire grows up!

Speaking of Taryn, after she and Hugh returned from their honeymoon, I had them move out, according to the “rules” I set up for Uncle Liam’s house. If Liam’s heir gets married, they can stay, but anyone else who gets married has to move out. So I moved Taryn and Hugh into a little starter house — we’ll catch up with them later in this update!

In the meantime, Zuzu, my little Popularity Sim, was struggling with some monster zits. How was she going to get her First Kiss with big red bumps on her face?

Zuzu applies acne cream

I’m actually regretting that I moved Zuzu out of the main house. She would have made a great spare heir, just because she’s different from all of the Fiona’s other kids. But I’m having fun playing her at Uncle Liam’s too. She’s always on the phone and wanting to throw parties, while the other kids (all Knowledge Sims at this point) are skill-building fanatics. I love Knowledge Sims, but it’s nice to have someone like Zuzu around to change things up a bit.

Plus, she likes to burn food, which can be amusing.

Zuzu burns her dinner

Since I didn’t want her to have her first kiss with Randy London or Ricky Cormier (I’m tired of them — I need new teenaged townies!), I hooked her up with the paperboy, Derek. Zuzu’s pimples had disappeared, so she was feeling pretty confident, heh. Behind them, little Callum maximizes his Creativity skill. Go, Callum! I don’t know how long he had been playing, but I eventually had to make him stop playing and send him to bed, since his Energy level was rock bottom.

Zuzu talks to Derek the paperboy

Uncle Liam has been spending his last days with his girlfriend, Pearline. It’s fairly easy to keep him in platinum since he wants to invite her over every day. I direct him to do that, since I’m fulfilling one want a day for each member of the household. When Pearline shows up, they talk, flirt, and kiss, which fulfills a bunch of his other wants. (continued on Page 2)

20 thoughts on “The Family Expands

  1. Rian’s nose IS very big. LOL. I wish I could have one of these sites with MY sim stories but this good for nothing DELL has zip (overall) for memory left over so I’m playing Sims 2 on a different computer. I enjoy reading your stories. I think awhile back you were the one to tell me on TSR where to find some good stories, bc I love ’em. Just everyone doesn’t update nearly enough for impatient me. :) Well keep them updates coming!

  2. Wow I loved this update! I think it is Kaylynn’s nose that passes on to the males because my children with her on a different family had the same nose. :)

    I wish I had the courage to make more houses for my Legacy family! Your brave – now you have two houses plus the main Legacy house to manage! Good luck!

  3. Wow, all your girls look so much alike! Even Eleanor looks like them. Thank gosh they’re pretty, right? Lol. Very cool update! I’m trying my hardest to get my next update ready, but I just don’t have time. I’ve had a very unexpected busy weekend. Well good work! These spinoff houses are a good break from the main house.

  4. Hehe, I just have to comment on Eleanor’s shirt. It’s awesome! PENGUINS!

    Anyways, I think it’s awesome how you’re trying to play all three houses now. If my kids moved out, I would probably just stay in the main house… it’s great you have so much time to play. Lucky…

    This was an awesome update. Can’t wait for your next!

  5. That is a big nose indeed, but it makes the sims a little more human to me, even te cute ones have a less cute feature, to perfect is nothing for me. Plain ugly is nothing for me either, but anyway…
    It’s going to be a lot of hard work to play them all simultanious, I am currently trying to keep Ben’s house (G2, brother of heiress) up to date with the main house, so he has to become an elde… Gotta do a lot of playing in verry little time… .
    Good luck with your femilies! Don’t you love how they all get interlinked and in the end you have a whole neighboorhood related and befriended. I just love it!!

  6. How awesome. Thanks for using my name! I felt so proud of myself for choosing that name. lol. Now I have a big head. Well, I’m off to get Mercedes to update my blog. I just finished playing Rioneh River and there was hope for a second generation… Sincerely, Dustyn.

  7. Whoa.. the family is expanding indeed. It’s cool to watch a whole neighbourhood of people which can be traced back to the legacy founder! lol Rian’s nose reminds me of a witch. my G2 Legacy holder has a similar nose except a bit broader and it annoys me lol… cause his otehr 3 siblings didn’t have that nose I don’t think.

  8. Wow, your family is huge! I’ll probably go back to playing my Legacy family next week. I miss them a little bit :)

  9. Hi Jen. Great job on the update. How do you do it? You have taken on a big task by having now 3 sim houses. I think it’s a great idea but I hope you don’t over extend yourself. I think you should keep Taryn and hubby young together or old together. It seems she has earn a few more days of youth since she helped so much at Uncle Liam’s house. I can’t wait to read your next update on your legacy challenge.

  10. Hey everyone, thanks for the comments. Yeah, I’m probably a little insane for starting yet another offshoot of the main house, but I couldn’t let Taryn just disappear. We do get attached to these little simulated people, don’t we? Heehee. Hopefully when I play her house I can move things along quickly (triple speed is your friend) so I don’t take up too much time. I need to finish this challenge before March!

  11. Why before March? Good luck finishing your challenge. We are all hide you and eager to see you through the end.
    Sim you later.

  12. Hi Mary! According to Pinstar, the creator of the Legacy Challenge, the challenge will be officially over once the new expansion pack is released. Since that will be sometime in March, I’m hoping to finish the challenge before then. :-)

  13. ohhh!! I see. Hey Jen I just saw my type-o. I meant to say “We are all behind you not hide you.” :) lol opps. I read my comment three times before I posted it and didn’t catch that. lol sorry. Thanks for answering my question.

  14. Eleanor looks like a boy to me. x) I mean, without the little buns on the top of her hair–she’d look like a boy. o_o
    And some of the Shanley girls (namely-Zuzu and Taryn…) have short, fat lips. Where’d they get that from, I wonder?

  15. oh, my – i need to get started on my legacy family before March. i’ve been so lazy. i really just want to redecorate the Blogger house and get a move on with them. decisions, decisions… oh, well, i’m not playing by the rules anyway. :)

  16. Hi Mieko, I know what you mean…maybe Eleanor will look more like a girl when she becomes a teen. They seem to change a lot in that transition. If not, there’s always make-up! Or maybe she can be a tomboy. :-)

    Not sure where Taryn and Zuzu (and Fiona and Maire) inherited their mouth from!

  17. *scratches head*
    Yeah. I can’t forget though–my sim child was a pretty girl x3 *pride & joy*. But since I can only play ts2 on my mother’s laptop–then, well, I don’t have screenshots and my mom deletes it off everytime I go home. o_o (don’t live with her.)

  18. Even if the challenge is over, I’m still gonna continue doing it. I’m not even keeping score anymore. I just enjoy playing the challenge!

  19. Yeah, I don’t think it really matters when the challenge is “officially” over, since people will keep playing it anyway! I personally want a deadline so that I’ll focus on the challenge and actually finish it, instead of drifting back to my other families and never getting to 10th gen. :-)

  20. I can’t believe you are playing three houses at once. That must be a challenge of it’s own. I’ve tried doing that and I end up playing one family too long and one not enough. You seem to be doing well though.