Baby Boom

As we near the end of the fifth generation baby boom, I’m finding the Legacy Challenge to be just as challenging as ever. I blame it on this “Have 10 Kids” impossible want. It is driving me and the Shanleys insane. But we’re nearing the end, so things should calm down soon. At least, I hope so.

I’m still trying to keep the two families as connected as possible, plus Robi and Fiona often have wants involving the kids that are at Uncle Liam’s, so nearly every day they invite someone over. Usually it’s Callum. I had Robi invite him over one morning before school, so he was walking up the path just as his brother Owen was heading out to the bus. For some reason, it amused me to see them passing each other and waving hello.

Owen waves to Callum

Meanwhile Fiona the baby-making-machine was pregnant with child #6 while she taught little Kay how to talk. I’ve got this down to a pretty good routine — someone in platinum (usually Patrick — he’s been studying skills and seeing a lot of ghosts) makes the smart milk, then one of the parents teaches the kid until the bar is almost full. Whichever parent needs the aspiration points the most completes the training. It can be tricky to coordinate, but it’s the only way I’m keeping the parents in green or above, since almost all of their wants involve teaching their children.

Fiona teaches Kay how to talk

When Robi wasn’t training a toddler or helping a kid with homework, he was up on the observation deck, scanning the skies. One night while I was down on first floor, I saw Patrick and Owen suddenly jump up and dash for the stairs. When I hovered over the icon in their action queue, it said “Watch Abduction”. I paused and went up to the rooftop. Sure enough, Robi was being sucked into the mothership.

Robi gets abducted

Patrick and Owen seemed pretty upset by it. Fiona didn’t make it upstairs until a little later.

Patrick and Owen on the roof

After everyone calmed down, Owen hopped right up to look into the telescope. “Hey, I think I can see Dad!”

Owen looks into the telescope

I believe Robi was gone for a good 24 hours. While he was away, his Needs fluctuated wildly. The kids ran outside when the ship arrived to drop their father back onto earth.

Spaceships sure are loud!

When Robi returned he seemed fine, though he would think about the ship from time to time, and a new want popped into his aspiration panel — “Meet Aliens”.

I was really excited about all of this — I really wanted an alien born on my Legacy lot! — until a day or so later when I noticed that Robi wasn’t showing any signs of pregnancy. Then I glanced at his age meter — he was 3 days from elder, which meant he had been 4 days from it when he got abducted. Apparently that too old to become pregnant. ARGH! So close! I need to pay better attention to these things.

I had Robi drink the elixir just in case he gets abducted again, but I think my hopes will have to rest with Patrick, who, as a Knowledge Sim like his father, would probably enjoy an alien abduction and the ensuing pregnancy.

Patrick reads up on aliens

I also messed up when Fiona finally gave birth to baby #6 — apparently she had a fear of Having a Baby, while the Have a Baby want must have cycled away (I have the “Have 10 kids” locked, so I couldn’t lock anything else). At any rate, Fiona lost buckets of aspiration points and ended up deep in the red. Doctor Shrinker showed up to coax her out of the crazies.

The shrink mesmerizes Fiona

You can see Robi putting the new baby in the crib — it was a boy, so I named him Dubrey (courtesy of nostalgia). (continued on page 2)

19 thoughts on “Baby Boom

  1. It seems to me you’re doing great! How on earth can you handle so many ababies/toddler/children? I can barely handle two let alone 4+!

  2. Hi Jen. Great update. Too bad about the alien thing. I was really hoping you would get an alien baby and maybe that would something different. I hope you get one.

  3. Yaayy!! I gots a Shanley named after me!!!! This makes my afternoon. ^_^

    I was also really disappointed about Robi’s abduction, but at least it was fun seeing pictures of it. I love how he was holding onto the telescope for dear life with that expression on his face, LOL.

    Oh oh I’m babysitting tonight and the girl got Sims 2 for Christmas!!! I told her it must be installed by the time I get there because I HAVE TO PLAY. Oh my God I’m so excited about this. LOL.

    Thanks for the lovely update, Jen, and thanks again for immortalizing the male version of my name forever in the Shanley Legacy! Heehee.

  4. Wow, what a great update! It was well worth the long wait! I can’t believe that Robi wasn’t impregnated! Well it’s cool that Patrick is a Knowledge Sims so like you said, he’ll be happy to be abducted.
    Only 1 more kid to go!! Good luck. I still don’t see how you do it with so many kids in the house. What are you gonna do when you run out of room in Uncle Liam’s house?

  5. Wow… (this will always be my reaction to your blog, Jen lol) amazing! Go Fiona and Robi! WoohoO! hehe… love machines that they are! What a baby boom. It’s amazing how Fiona can just keep popping them out like that, isn’t it? Well, I hope she has a girl next! MY current sims families (a mix of all the Pleasantview next generation) are stuck on lovestruck boys… at least their dads take care of ‘that’ side of things! Keep it up! Sincerely, Dustyn.

  6. Wow, Jen! you must’ve played for a while to get two babies in one update. It seem like fiona’s a baby machine! Whenever I see that want, I just automatically ignore it. After all, I can’t handle that many children!

    Great job! I’d love to see what’s happening at Uncle Liam’s!

  7. Wow, baby number 6! And an alien abduction! Your family seems like such fun, even though I know it’s lots of work. The kids are so cute. You’re making me want to see one of my families with one. I assume since you were surprised about the aliens, you’re not using the hacked telescope? I downloaded it but I’m not currently running a storyline where I want to use it yet. I can’t wait to see an alien baby. hehe *crossing my fingers for ya*

  8. Awesome update! Your legacy family is doing incredibly, how awesome. I can’t believe you’re trying the 10 kids want, that one is so hard.

    Every time I read your blog I keep thinking that I need to go find some more clothes to download. Your Sim’s clothes look so cool.

  9. Only one baby to go! so happy for you. No idea how you handle that many kids. Has anyone grown into Adults over at Uncle Liams? cause they’ll need an adult in the house before he passes away^^

    Man I was really looking forward to an alien baby. Keep trying I’ll be waiting to see it^^ I had one of my Knowledge sims abducted by accident but he was only a teen so wasn’t able to become pregnant.

  10. You’re getting very close to the 10 kids want. I’ve never tried that one before, maybe on G8 or so, I am far to anxious to get to the next generation each time, can’t even get myself to play the satelite houses…

  11. Awesome update Jen, I can’t believe you only have one baby left until the 10 Kids want is fullfilled. By the way how many asperation points will she get for that? I think it’s around 30,000 or something…what in the world do you do with all those points. :lol: Anyway, I love reading your updates they are always so entertaining.

  12. Yay! You put a pic of the obstacle course in action! LOL

    Oh, just FYI, my blog is having database problems and is currently being worked on. There’s a problem with my weblog table (the one with aaaaalllll my entries) and that’s why you can’t see anything except my sidebar when you go to my blog. I hope it comes back up today. I hope I didn’t lose any entries! I’ll keep you posted!

  13. Just letting you know that my blog is up and running and my first update on my sims is there too. Mercedes is writing it all for me as I am gonna be a bit busy coz we start school again on Australia Day (26th January) and I go to boarding school, so I have to get ready. Sincerely, Dustyn.
    P.S. Mercedes says Hi.

  14. Lauren, I wanted to answer your question about the telescope — I haven’t downloaded the telescope hack, so yeah, I was surprised at the abduction. We can’t use any hacks in the Legacy Challenge except for the no-cheer hack and the one that fixes the jump bug. I’m not using either of those and hope I won’t have to resort to them in the future! *crosses fingers*

  15. *also looks at Fiona’s hand* She, like Robbi, has her wedding ring on the wrong finger! What ish wrong with that? lol

  16. Jen, you can handle ten kids. If I can, you definitely can! But, of course, I adopted probably 7 of the 13 children that my Zapen family had. Good luck with it…and believe me, enjoy this time you have with all of the kids. I miss it when there were toddlers crawling around the house and children hugging their mother. *wipes away tear*

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