A Not-So-Extreme Makeover

Greetings, my dears! Maude here with yet another tale to tell. It will be relatively short and painless, I promise! I just thought I’d share the news of Rhonda Kilman’s transformation, subtle though it may be. You see, since the death of her husband Sid, Rhonda has been acting a bit strange. First there was her hasty engagement to Alessandro Desanto, who may be devilishly handsome but lacks a certain something. Charm, perhaps? Her kids all but ignore the man. But I digress. We were discussing Rhonda’s weird behavior of late…you know, I can’t put my finger on it! She just seems a little too eager to become…someone else.

If you recall, when she moved into Gustav House, she met a couple of the Singleton girls, Audrey and Bailey. She was so impressed with their chic clothing and trendy hairstyles that she asked Audrey to stop by and give her a makeover. As she explained to her fashionable new friend, she was thinking of entering the workforce and wanted to look more “professional” and “up-to-date”. Green eye shadow and heavy blusher didn’t seem quite so glamorous now that she had grown up a bit.

Rhonda looks in the mirror

Audrey showed up on the appointed day, and Rhonda, looking excited but nervous, answered the door in her pajamas. She had no idea what to expect.

Rhonda greets Audrey

Actually, I think she was expecting a miraculous transformation, but cosmetics and hair gel can only do so much. Audrey made Rhonda wash all of her make-up off, then sat her down in a chair and worked her magic. When all was said and done, Rhonda didn’t look all that different. She had to admit, however, that she looked very professional and much more adult.

Rhonda checks out her new look

Noting her disappointed expression, Audrey asked Rhonda if she was happy with her new look. Rhonda quickly put on a smile and said, “Of course!”, but I’m almost positive Audrey could sense that she was lying. “It’ll take time to get used to it, I’m sure,” Audrey said, packing up her cosmetics bag.

Rhonda thanks Audrey

Rhonda nodded and thanked Audrey profusely. “You’re right. Maybe I just need a new outfit to complete the transformation!” Audrey agreed and bid her goodbye. After she left, I swear I saw Rhonda’s shoulders slump a bit, but as Alessandro was coming up the walk, she quickly straightened her posture and pasted an effulgent grin on her face. Curious!

3 thoughts on “A Not-So-Extreme Makeover

  1. Poor Rhonda…I think she’s just scared of being alone. It’s a nice makeover though. She just needs a business suit now. And then she’ll be all set to conquer the workforce. :)