Merry Measures (Part I)

“Where’s he going?” asked Morgan, perplexed.

“As far away from Flora as he can get, I reckon…” Her voice trailed off as she detected the sound of hoofbeats outside the house. “Poppy!” she cried, leaping from the couch.

The children raced out into the hallway and down the corridor towards the side door, emerging from it just in time to see the horse-drawn wagon swing into view. They waited excitedly for their father to bring the wagon to a stop, crying out “Poppy!” and “Merry Christmas!” all the while.

Poppy's here!

The horses snorted and drew their heads back as Max tugged on the reins. “I heard there were some travelers here waiting for a taxi,” he said in his booming voice. The children bounced around him as if they were riding an invisible carousel. Eventually the carousel came to a stop, and Madeline clambered up into the wagon.

“Take us to the Far East, please!”

Morgan climbed up after her. “No, no, take us to Christmas! I want to see Grandpa!”

“Very well,” said Max, turning in his seat to look at them. “Christmas first, then the Far East. Where’s your mother?”

At that instant, Cecily appeared at the door, exuding uncharacteristically good spirits. The children called out to her, waving their arms over the sides of the wagon, until Maddie shouted at Morgan for leaning on her hair, and their arms went down.

“Now be very good at Grandpa’s house,” said Cecily as Max helped her up onto the seat. “Don’t attack him with questions all at once, and don’t climb onto his lap or his back, and don’t make him carry you. He’s getting old.”

With a slight grunt, Max hoisted himself back up onto the seat. “That makes two of us. Come to think of it,” he called back to the children, “you’d better not climb on Poppy’s back anymore, either.”

Max and Cecily on the wagon

Cecily smiled slightly but didn’t look at Max, and they started off around the corner of the house, their breath making light clouds in the wintery air. Before they had even rounded the corner, Maddie cried out. The Christmas cards that she and Morgan had so painstakingly crafted for their grandparents were in the dining room, where they had set them to dry by the fire. Max brought the horses to a halt, and the children climbed out of the wagon and hurried into the house, their mother calling, “Walk, please!” after them.

Cecily nestled further into her coat and turned to look at her husband, who was staring at her fondly.

“Cold?” he asked. A moment later he smirked his own stupidity. “Of course you’re cold. Come here.” He scooted closer to Cecily to warm her, and she looked at him gratefully. “This is merry, isn’t it?” he said, resting a gloved hand on her knee. He knew he was pushing his luck, but he didn’t care much — he was in a festive mood.

Max leans in

“Yes,” said Cecily, raising a brow as if to say, “I’m only allowing this because it’s Christmas.” But before she could look away again, Max reached up and drew her closer yet, until their lips were touching.

Cecily had never kissed Max on the lips. It was always on the cheek, or sometimes not even the cheek, but the air right next to it. In fact, Cecily hadn’t kissed anyone on the lips since…

Two memories unfurled from a corner in Cecily’s mind — that one chaste kiss from Samuel, so long ago — and her last kiss from James, before he left her forever. These memories, combined with the feel of Max’s mouth clinging to hers and his constant, boundless hope, sank Cecily into such an abstraction that she almost forgot where she was and who was sitting next to her.

Max kisses Cecily

Then the side door burst open, and Cecily remembered. “The children,” she said, moving quickly out of Max’s grasp. He turned away less quickly, his face frozen in gentle amazement. He had kissed her, and she hadn’t pushed him away. Was she finally learning to love him? There had been something in that kiss, something like…desire. But no…she couldn’t…wouldn’t…he must have imagined it.

The air filled with the joyous sounds of the children again as they hopped back into the wagon, and the De Groffs took off into the darkening twilight.

From the kitchen, Flora the housekeeper had seen everything. The almost shy exchange of words, the blush that had crept into Mrs. De Groff’s cheeks when her husband touched her knee, the tentative kiss which looked for all the world like two young lovers discovering each other’s lips for the first time.

Flora watches from the kitchen

Flora thought it all very odd. Why should two people, married for years — with two children, no less — look like a couple who had just begun courting?

Flora in the window

She’d been careful and tried not to gossip — the De Groffs paid well, she couldn’t risk losing her job — but she couldn’t help it. She was curious, with a fierce imagination, and had nothing better to do with it. There was something strange about the De Groffs, in more ways than one, and she was going to figure it all out. She simply needed more…information.

(to be continued)

26 thoughts on “Merry Measures (Part I)

  1. Wow, this update was really interesting. Actually, I’m not finished reading it yet, but I am the first on to be reading it, or leaving a comment atleast, even though somebody else will probably click the darned Submit Comment button before I do. I loved the whole little banter between Madeline and Tom, it made me giggle with delight. And why is Madeling suddenly so..soo…annoyed with everything? Maybe she’s finally becoming a teenager. You know how we are with those mood swings.haha. But wow, just finished reading it and I must say…WHEN IS THE NEXT UPDATE? Dont mean to badger you or anything, but seriously..when is the next upate? I love this, and i wanna know what happened since the long break and the whole all thing and stuff. (ok that was kinda confusing, but that’s what happens when i use winey voices in my head..haha). I just want you to know again, this is the greatest story that I have ever read…well, one of them anyway. Amanda’s Cooking for Two goes hand in hand with this story type drama type thing. Haha. Anyway, I can’t wait for the next update.

  2. Awwww! Max! Poor Max! Cute Max! *flails!*
    Am I right in thinking Madeleine has very low Playful? ;)

  3. Oh I can’t stand Flora ugh! Poor max I do hope Cecily gives him the love he’s been waiting for for so long now. He’s been her saving grace er Face :lol: Surely he deserves better? Cecily always dreamed of James she should just let it go and see how lucky she is to have Max.
    I’m so looking forward to the next post :)

  4. Hi! I’ve been reading for a long time, but never comment. I just wanted to say I love all your families – especially the Shanley’s and Braytons! :)

  5. Oh wow! I’m so glad to see another update! And what a good one at that! Great job building up the supsense. And simply magnificent writing as well! If it were a book, I’d be unable to put it down!

  6. FAHBULOUS update! I totally thought it was going to be James–I love that it’s still Max. Makes me happy that the two just might have a happy future after all.

    I bet Jen’s trying to set Tom and Madeline up in advance. I think li’l Maddie’s birthday’s soon! Hey, which reminds me–what ever happened to the whole changing-time-periods thing? I find it odd that we’re still in ye olde Victoriana… We shoulda been approaching the 20s by now, I think.

    Not that I’m complaining. I love the Braytons dearly!

  7. How neat! And, of course, I know exactly why the two seem like they haven’t been married as long as they have. Because, I predict, they actually haven’t had two children like everyone thinks. Maybe? ;-) We’ll just wait and see!
    Anyways, great job, Jen! I look up to your writing and blogging very much! It’s so neat that someone out there can provide us all with such an entertaining place to read such fabulous stories. Keep up the great work!
    (And you really should think about writing a book! ;-) )

  8. Yeah!! Annabel/Brayton update! Oh Jen, it’s so promessing!! Please, write another one soon, I need relaxation during my exams!!

  9. *squee*

    Aww how cute! Why can’t Flora leave them alone?

    And Madeline is so grouchy! I’m guessing she has low niceness? What a shame :P

    Eagerly awaiting the next one, Jen!

  10. How could Cecily have two children with Max, if she never kissed him?
    My prediction is, that the children are James’, from that time they were in the hotel together…and she quickly married Max after James left, and pretended the children were his!!
    But thats just my prediction…I guess I’ll have to wait and see if its true :)
    Cant wait for the next one Jen!

    (Oh yeah, one question I wanted to ask Jen…..what happened to the Shanleys, with Mia and Ruby and everyone? And the main house, with Parker? Just wondered as I was reading your legacy again last week)

  11. Thanks, guys. I have no idea when the next update will be, but hopefully sooner rather than later! As for Madeline the Sim, I can’t recall her Niceness score, but Madeline the character does have her grouchy moments. There’s a pattern to her grumpiness, though. :-)

    To answer some questions –

    Eva – I addressed the Madeline question above, but yeah, I think you’re on the right track.

    Kay – Actually, I can’t remember Madeline’s stats, but as a character, she is very playful. She likes pretending and taking adventures and all that. But yeah, some things do make her kind of grumpy. Like her brother, for instance. Brothers are a pain! ;-)

    Madison – You didn’t ask a question, but I want to say hi and thanks for commenting! I’m glad you like my families.

    Keely – The Braytons won’t go through time anymore, sadly. They made it to about 1915, but I just couldn’t find enough stuff for the 1920s. On Annabel Island everything is still Victorian (ranging from 1860s to 1890s), so they’ve moved back a few decades and will probably stay that way.

    Kath – I haven’t played the Shanleys in a looong time. Parker and Jacinda Shanley, from the main house, went to Sim State University, and are probably still there. Mia’s progeny are still at Niadon (which has been rebuilt), and Ruby and Ginger are ready for college. Maybe I’ll do an update on them one of these days.

  12. Hooray! The Braytons! Or, I suppose, the De Groffs now. :D But, under either name, this has always been my favorite story line of yours (though everything you write is good!) so I’m really glad you’ve continued it. I can’t wait for the next part!!! :D

  13. Aww… that’s upsetting :( I wish that I knew how to make good clothes with different textures–and that my bodyshop was working

    By the way, Jen… Speaking of other things you haven’t been doing, how are Christal Chinchilla (ISbI challenge) and Maude(‘s tales)? -hint, hint- ;)

    Oh, and I found you on the NaNo site. are you doing PubYe? (I am…)

  14. Shanley update = I’d love you forever. ;)

    But! I am enjoying these Annabel Island updates. Very interesting storyline going on. And I love Madeline and Morgan. Especially Madeline. :)

  15. Hi i’m new, but i just found your site and I really enjoyed everything, but my favorite categorie was annabel island, and I was just wondering where Cecily and Max are living now?

  16. By the way I forgot to say that I love your houses and though my favorite is the dunnavant mansion, I was just thinking, are you bringing them up in your next update? If so please tell and I still would love some pictures of the interior. And I really need to know where Max and Cecily are living, please respond soon!

  17. Abby, Max and Cecily are living in Annabel Island now. Cecily used to live in another town but they have been moved. (sorry jen, she seemed desperate to know and i was around so i answerd it for her.)

  18. Keely – You’re doing PubYe? That’s really cool! I’ve never tried it, but it sounds helpful. How’s it going for you? And as for the Chinchillas, I stopped playing them because the ISBI Challenge was a bit too challenging for me, but maybe I’ll dust them off and play them again one of these days. Maude’s Tales will probably continue at some point; I have big plans for her stories, it’s just a matter of sitting down and getting back to it. Plus there are so many other stories I want to work on. And then the Prosperity Challenge looks kind of interesting…there’s just not enough time in the day!

    Audrey – Your wish is my command. :-)

    Abby – Hi and welcome! Max and Cecily live in a house called Mountainview, but I haven’t shown very many pictures of it on this site. It’s not one of the original Annabel Island houses that I posted snapshots of. I hope that answers your question! And yes, you will see the Dunnavants soon. :-)

    Eva – Thanks for helping out!

  19. Hey Jen thanks so much for the info., could you post some pictures of mountainview?, please!!!! I’m sure everyone would love em. Back me up guys!

  20. Hi. It’s been a few updates since I commented but I just had to say something. It’s not about this update but about the Shaneys. I just wanted to say that I really miss Ginger and the other one. Was it Ruby? See! That’s really sad that I can’t even remember their names! I agree with Audrey. Shanley update = I’d love you forever. Just wanted to say that because, as much as I love Cecily, this is too much drama for me and I miss the fun, wacky updates from the Shaneys where all you do is play the game and have fun making up a wierd story to go with the pictures. I know Annabel Island must be a lot more fun to write than the Shaneys but what’s the use of having a blog called Greetings from Mt. Geveva if you don’t even write about the families in Mt. Geneva?

  21. That was a really good story! Where did you find the horse and carriage? I love your stories. They’re BRILL!