Two New Shanleys

Both Pao and Kenneth were around when Vesta had her second child. I love how Sims freak out when they witness a birth.

Vesta goes into labor

She had a little BOY this time! I wanted to use of the names you guys suggested but I couldn’t find the list I had printed out. So I resorted to one of my baby name books and picked the name Cort. It’s short! Anyway, Cort is like a little clone of his dad — same skin tone, same green eyes, same brown hair. The first green-eyed Shanley! I’ve had every Maxis-made eye color in the family now except for the really dark blue.

Vesta holds baby Cort

I took this picture of Tristan in his PJs as a reminder — I wanted to tell you guys that he had a Want to change into his pajamas! I had seen wants to change into formals, but never pajamas! When I clicked on the explanation for that want, it said something like, “Sometimes Sims just want to feel snuggly.” Heehee. So here’s Tristan feeling snuggly:

Tristan in his PJs

Tebbany’s birthday rolled around (after the usual walking, talking, and potty training), and she grew into a lovely little child. She must have inherited the caterpillar brows from her dad, because none of the other Shanleys have had those.

Tebbany grows up

Tebbany enjoyed playing with her new baby brother. I like how the baby plays along with the peekaboo.

Tebbany plays with her baby bro

And here’s Tebbany’s first day of school. I stole the idea for this picture from Amanda, who takes great schoolbus shots of her Sim kids and just lovely pictures in general. The schoolbus shots are nice because the kid usually has a big smile on his/her face.

Tebbany on the bus

Here’s a close-up of Tebbany for the family tree. That haircut is a bit on the shaggy side, but I like that you can see her eyes. I also gave her the slightly thinner brows and a little bit of lip gloss. She’s kind of a tomboy, which I think is cute. She’ll have to deal with make-up and dresses soon enough. ;-)

Tebbany close-up

Back to the oldsters…Marie had a power want to retire, so I obliged her. She had something like 5 days left to live anyway, so I figured she might as well relax and enjoy it!

Marie retires

I tried to get Pao a job in the Business field, since that’s what he wanted, but none were showing up on either the computer or the newspaper, so he’s been staying home and pretty much doing nothing. Once in awhile he wants to flirt with Marie, so I indulge him.

Pao serenades Marie

I also had Pao drink some elixir while he was in low green so he’d age faster and be older than Tristan and Vesta. It just seemed to weird for their step-dad to be younger than they were. Unfortunately Pao kept gaining almost as much life as he lost, and I went through about 8 vats of elixir before he finally became older than Tristan.

So there are 8 people in the house now. Marie will go soon, Stefaan will become an elder in a matter of days, and then a long wait before Pao/Tristan/Vesta/Kenneth become elders. In the meantime I look forward to raising Tebby and Cort to teens, then trying to age them quickly, too, because I only have so much time left! It’s kind of cool to think that Tebby’s grandkids will be around to see the end of the Legacy Challenge. Not that they’ll care, but you know.

Also, I apologize for the lack of captions tonight. I ended up helping my mom move furniture, so I didn’t have as much time to post. Excuses, excuses! Don’t you hate it when real life gets in the way of your Sims? Speaking of real life, I’m off to bed. I hope I get to play and possibly post tomorrow night. Until then, Happy Simming!

11 thoughts on “Two New Shanleys

  1. I am starting to become obsessed with your blog. Imagine my joy when I came back from my after-school drama lessons, to find another entry! I was ecstatic. Well, I’m off to pack now for a long weekend at a mate’s property. Happy Simming to you too, Jen! From Dustyn.

  2. I loved how Tristan wanted to change into pajamas. I’ve never seen that before, either. :-) Great update, as usual. Thankfully everything’s going good for you so far. *Knocks on Wood* I can’t wait to see more of the Shanleys! Until then!

  3. So it isn’ta bug after all! I thought when sims drink Elixar when they’re in green it means they’ll definately age, but it’s actually a bit random aswell. Like drinking Elixar in Green means sims will either age or gain days right?

    It’s funny how sims look up sometimes when they dont’ want to do something or after “big events” like they’re looking up to a sim god or something.

  4. I just love those schoolbus pictures, I wanted to steal some from Amanda also but I couldn’t because I never seem to know when the kids go to school because I’m too busy managing everyone else! Your picture of Tebbany is beautiful, though. I love your updates, they just get better and better! ^^

  5. I was right about Tebby’s eyebrows! They really are caterpillars :)
    I love Cort’s green eyes, and I can’t wait to see them all grow up!
    What’s happening over at the late Uncle Liam’s? Sorry, they seemed so amusing over there I like reading about them.

  6. Yay! I’m in your blog! *dances around* Thanks Jen.

    Wow, Tebbany is such a cute little girl I really think she is the cutest little girl I’ve seen yet. I love the hair cut on her. I can’t wait to see her all grown up.

  7. Janice – You’re right, if they drink the Elixir while in green they have a 50% chance of losing life instead of gaining it. I think the percentage goes up when they’re in the red, but I’m not sure.

    E-Liz – Thanks for asking about Uncle Liam’s house — I kinda miss it! I hope once I’m finished with the challenge I can get back to them, although I’ll probably age them rather quickly to catch them up with the main house. One of them will need to get married and have babies in order for anyone to still be alive in Liam’s house when my G10 heir is born at the main house. I’m not sure who that’ll be yet! Maybe you guys can help me decide. :-)