Late Night Legacy

I played my Legacy family a bit tonight, but it’s too close to my bedtime to post an update (unfortunately it takes me 2-3 hours to do one post :-(), so I decided to save it for tomorrow night. In lieu of that update I thought I’d post my current Legacy Challenge scorecard. (If you want to compare it to my last scorecard post, you can look here.)

I usually post a family tree with the scorecard, but since I’m using Tribal Pages now, you can click here to see Tebbany’s ancestry. I really like that particular layout; it’s easy to follow.

Total Points: 36

Score Breakdown
Generations: 7
Family net worth: §495, 650 (5 pts)
Platinum graves: 6
Family friends: 17 (5 pts)
Impossible Wants: 6 (Bree, Leo, Liam, Taryn, Fiona, Robi)
Shrink Visits: -3 (Nia, Sheldon, and Fiona)
NPCs in bloodline: 6 (Mailman, Gardener, Maid, Exterminator, Pizza Delivery Person, Grocery Delivery Person)
Career Reward Objects: 2pts for a full set (I finally got them all!)
Ghosts: White, pink (2 pts)
Ghosts free to roam: 2 point bonus
Visitor death penalty: 0
Alien births: 0
Children, toddlers, infants taken by social worker: -2 pts
10th gen twins: 0
Platinum graves of all 5 aspirations: 0

I am guessing I’ll have around 50 points when I’m done with the Challenge (barring any major bugs or computer disasters, knock on wood!!), which is good but below average compared to others who have finished so far. It’s fun to keep score (I have a competitive streak, I have to admit), but I think I’ll just be happy to make it to 10th gen.

13 days until the expansion pack! Are you ready for some wild college Sims?

5 thoughts on “Late Night Legacy

  1. Hi Jen. I’m hoping you get your alien baby points and any other points you can get. I wonder how the others that finish their challege got such high scores? What is the highest, do you know Jen?
    Looking forward to seeing you next update.

  2. Hi Mary, after reading your comment I went to find the scores of those who have finished the challenge and only found 4. I thought I had seen more, but I’m not sure where, and I can’t find them. At any rate, 3 of those 4 finished with scores in the high 60s. They got the bulk of their points from having a LOT of money at the end (someone’s family was worth over §1,700,000 — that’s 18 points right there) and a bunch of platinum headstones (10-14). I doubt I’ll have much more than §600,000 when I finish, so I’m going for the platinum headstones. If I do it right I should be able to get at least 10 more before I’m done. We’ll see!

  3. Ten more? How? wait don’t tell me… killing spreed? … no I doubt you would.. lots of hard work i’m sure.
    Can’t wait! :)
    BTW: Thanks Jen for looking scores up. :)

  4. Heh, nope — no killing spree for me. Besides, you only get platinum headstones if they die of old age (and in platinum, of course!). I was just estimating how many Sims I’ll have pass away of old age before 10th gen is born. Not sure if I can get them all in plat before they die, but therein lies the challenge. :-) Hope you’re having a good day!

  5. Hehehe…WOW, I am not even keeping track of my points system. I am mainly doing my legacy family for my own pleasure. I am only on the 3rd generation currently. It’s a lot harder than it looks too.

    Wow, is it that soon for the expansion pack (Sims 2) I am SO excited. LOL!
    Have a fabulous day!