An Extended Break

I’ve decided to try NaNoWriMo again this year, even though it’s already 9 days into November. So I’m saying good-bye to my Sims for a little while as I attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in 21 days. It may not happen, but it’s worth a shot. At any rate, updates may be sparse until the end of the month, but if you feel like checking out my progress (or lack thereof) with novel writing, you can visit my NaNo blog, Words of Fluff. Happy Simming, writing, whatever you love to do! See you soon.

6 thoughts on “An Extended Break

  1. I’ll be missing you! So I hope you can find the time to check up on my Sims 2 blog from time to time. Good luck!!! Maybe you can play your story out via the Sims 2. You’ll already have a story! :)

  2. Good luck to you! The longest story I have ever written was just under 7800 words. That was for my englsh GCSE coursework where “4 pages will be plenty” well 13 pages is close… I must say though, reading it through it could be improved and made longer.

  3. I will miss your stories. You are coming back, right? :) Hugs and I will visit again soon. Keep up the writing! I did it last year…over 52,000 words. It felt good.

  4. Thanks for the encouraging words! You guys are the best. I will definitely be back, probably soon, since I do have a backlog of Sims pictures, after all! :-D

  5. Jen, I can’t wait until you return to us (because I love your Sim stories), but I wish you all the luck in the world with your novel! I’ve wanted to try the NaNoWriMo since I heard about it a couple of years ago but I always forget about it. :)

  6. Good luck Jen! I’m really glad I ran across your blog out here on the web. I tried NaNoWri most last year, but wasn unable to complete a novel in the time alloted. I really disliked what I wrote in the flurry to complete, so it remains uncompleted. Regardless, I did learn a lot about myself, my writing style and met lots of nice ppl on the web.