Another Day Older

Maude here, exhausted from an evening spent scaring young hooligans. Someone dared a few of Mt. Geneva’s teenagers to spend Halloween night at Berthiaume Manor, so they broke in and made themselves right at home! You should have seen the looks on their faces when a candelabra jumped into the air and sailed right past them. Take that, you ruffians!

Ahem. I’m not usually a violent ghost, dear readers, but I really really don’t like trespassers. My father didn’t either. He used to set the dogs on them! Anyway, on to our update for today, in which we have another elder, another teen romance, and another politician yap-yap-yappin’ away.

Will practices a speech

Yes, it’s Will Dobbins, the aforementioned politician. Being a Congressman suits him well, but he has stars in his eyes and wants to run for Senator at the next election. On this particular night he was working on a speech about Mt. Geneva’s spaghetti noodle shortage. Way to stay on top of the most pressing issues, Will!

Rory and Meadow eat hamburgers

Meanwhile, in the dining room, Rory Dobbins had invited Meadow Thayer over for hamburgers that he had made himself. He wanted desperately to ask her out, but she never seemed particularly interested. He figured maybe some good home cookin’ would do the trick. At this point, he was willing to try anything.

Joely's birthday

And by Jove, it worked! Meadow was so impressed by Rory’s culinary skills that she stuck around for dessert. Oh, and they kissed a little, too.

Joely's birthday

That night they held a birthday party for Joely. Her husband Nick had achieved white hair status just a few days before, and now it was her turn. The family gathered to eat cake and whoop it up, though Nick was, again, absent from the festivities. He had a good reason, though — he had been promoted to Party DJ at the Knotty Pines Country Club and was spending many a late night playing soppy love songs for wedding parties.

Nick and Joely discuss television

After the revels, everyone went to sleep except for Joely, who stayed up in the living room waiting for Nick. He came home weary but with a serene light in his eye — he really enjoyed witnessing all of the romance that a wedding reception had to offer. It made him feel that all was right with the world, if only for a little while. After Nick swept Joely up into a birthday hug, the couple decided to watch some late night TV.

Joely and Nick snuggle on the couch

They settled on re-runs of Three’s Company (Nick had a secret crush on Suzanne Somers but wisely refrained from telling Joely that) and snuggled up next to each other on the sofa.

Nick paints Joely

When Joely fell asleep on the sofa, Nick kissed her forehead and retreated to the den to do some painting. Over the years, he had become quite the artist, painting mostly abstract landscapes. This time, however, he was working on a picture of what Joely looked like when he first met her. And I must say, it was a very good likeness, too!

Well, dear readers, I must bid thee adieu for the night. If you see any trespassing hooligans, let me know.

8 thoughts on “Another Day Older

  1. Oh, that’s so romantic! Nick has settled down quite nicely now that he is an old fart. ;) You know, I just realized that as the Sims age they get more candles on their cake. d’oh! I feel stupid. My only excuse is I haven’t had very many birthdays yet…that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. (By the way, I love your writing, Jen!)

  2. how adorable! i’m still afraid of aging my sims, but i’m glad you’re doing it. i love how they’ve grown. Nick has matured a lot over the “years.” i’m sure Joely would appreciate Nick’s token of love for his darling wife.

  3. Don’t feel stupid, Kara — I didn’t notice more candles on the cake until you pointed it out! How’s THAT for unobservant? :-) I also just realized my pics are out of order…you can see the finished painting of Joely on the wall in the kitchen while they’re watching TV…woops!!

  4. Hey he’s doing another painting, not that your pictures are out of order ;) It’s nice to see adults growing up, there only seems to be the younger ones growing up in alot of stories.

    Oh and how/why did you think of the ‘speech about Mt. Geneva’s spaghetti noodle shortage’?

  5. Hi Aner-Dyfan – the spaghetti noodle shortage thing was just my attempt at some humor. There’s no war in Mt. Geneva, very little crime or unemployment, and life on the whole is fairly idyllic. So I had to manufacture a political “issue” and decided upon a spaghetti noodle shortage. We all know how much Sims love their spaghetti. ;-P

  6. I’m a new visitor to your blog and am enjoying the stories. I really like the idea of Maude being a ghost and narrator. Very interesting point of view.


  7. I love your story, the point of view and everything. I think it’s a great way of telling all these stories at once. by the way, do brothers count as tresspassing hooligans? Becuase he sure is tresspassing! ^_^

    Maria Jose