Movin’ In and Takin’ Over

Hey, look! A blog! You guys don’t mind if I post here, do you? I know it’s called “Greetings from Mt. Geneva” or whatever, but I’m sure that Jen person won’t care if I take over once in awhile. I’m not calling my part of it “Greetings from Riverblossom Hills”, though. That’s just…clunky. So I’ll go with “The Franchesca Diaries”. Even though my name is actually Hortensia. Just kidding. It’s Franchesca. (Thank god.)

Franchesca Diaries

So why am I posting here? Well…I don’t mean to sound lame, but…I needed someone to talk to. We just moved to this town, and I don’t know anyone yet. Not that I know you guys. But this is the internet, I can just blab to the void and maybe someone, somewhere will listen. Right? It sure beats those private paper diaries, anyway. Paper diaries are for weenies (such as my brother — my brother is a MAJOR weenie [I hope you’re reading this, Rico! *noogie*]).

Day One, Monday, 9:14 PM

Today we moved into our new house. I have to say, it’s a little bit…weird. And I don’t mean it has strange vibes or it’s haunted or anything. (Although wouldn’t it be COOL if it were?) It just looks like it’s stuck in the 1880s and the 1980s at the same time. Total time warp. And not in a good way.

Franchesca Diaries

Although I suppose I could get used to it. After we moved some of our furniture in, it looked less like our cat swallowed a wallpaper store and puked it back up again, and more like home. But I’m getting ahead of myself. My first impressions were…not good. Not good at all.

Franchesca Diaries

First off, what’s up with the toilet downstairs? Why is the tank way up THERE? I swear, someday it’s going to fall on my head. I’ll just be sitting there, doing my business, and BAM! CLANK! Killed by a falling toilet tank. I feel sorry for the poor sap who finds me curled up on the cold tile with my skivvies down. Not a pretty sight.

(Oh wait, skivvies are men’s underwear. Never mind that. I don’t wear men’s underwear. I deny everything.)

Franchesca Diaries

And then we have my room, which cracks me up like you wouldn’t believe. It’s painted the brightest yellow it can possibly be without turning into actual sunlight, and the carpet is a deep royal purple, which would normally be just fine, but…with radioactive mustard walls? No. Just…no.

Franchesca Diaries

My brothers’ room takes the cake, though. It’s so horrible it’s gone all the way back around to being completely awesome. I like to stand in the middle of the room and pretend I’m Godzilla on a rampage at the Indy 500. *stomp*

Franchesca Diaries

I begged Rico to let me have his half of the room, but he just laughed at me. Finally I convinced him to fight for it over a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Franchesca Diaries

Unfortunately, I lost. Darn you, paper!

Franchesca Diaries

Meanwhile downstairs, I heard Mom yelling at our cat, Taz. Apparently he wasn’t in the house 5 minutes before he destroyed something. The funny thing is, none of us has any idea what he wrecked. I’m pretty sure it was something ugly that we won’t miss.


Franchesca Diaries

(continued on Page 2)

29 thoughts on “Movin’ In and Takin’ Over

  1. Oooh. Very nice. Lovely family, too. Very much loved “I’ll just be sitting there, doing my business, and BAM! CLANK! Killed by a falling toilet tank.” Ha! XD

  2. Very cool Jen, niffty idea with the blogging. I thought about doing a story in diary style until I saw the new sims life stories. Been taken now, oh well. Guess I’ll just stick to the way I’m doing it.

    So, yay, your back to stories. Always loved your stories, looking forward to more.

  3. Taryn – Eh, tons of stories have been written diary-style. Bridget Jones’s Diary, or I Capture the Castle, to name a couple. I say go ahead and write your story diary-style if you want to!

  4. Wow, how cool. I really like Fran (I won’t even try to spell out her full name – I have a cousin with the same name and I always manage to make a typo, even when I’m practically tracing it!) ;)

    And poor ol’ Elvis – that name makes me feel all giggly, and all I can think of right now it “Love Me Tender”. Heh heh heh! :D

    This is very interesting, I love how funny and diverse your characters always are. Plus, I love “I Capture the Castle”! It’s a fantastic diary-style thing, Cassandra’s got to be a favourite character of mine. :D I eagerly anticipate the next update!

  5. I know that stories have been written in diary style, what I meant was in that note book style that sims stories did it in, with the little notes sticking out the side and all that. Like your actually looking at the book itself. I know a few have been done like that, but I haven’t come across any sims related ones. If you know of any good ones then please let me know, I’ve been looking for some new sims stories since I’m up to date with all the others that I read.


  6. cool! I like that it’s in the mind of a teen! most blogs either have a narrator or are in the mind of an adult. I think that this should get to be an interesting story. awwwwww her little bro os sooooooooooooo adorable! looking all innocent just standing there being a good little boy…i like frachesca, she has an interesting personality that i think can really be developed (i know it kind of sounds like something a teacher would say in response to a very good piece of writing) got to go, lots of work to do!

  7. Heehee, that was GREAT! I love the characters, very vibrant and diverse and “round”—I’ll join liz’s club of teachers—The narration was HILARIOUS, with your sarcastic random humor coming into play again. I love the fact that there’s already problems like the house and character conflicts. I really, really, really, can’t wait until the next update. I don’t know when the last time I’ve enjoyed a sim update so much was!

  8. YEAH!!! This looks cool, Francessca seems a lot like me, in my point of view of things, heh. (Especially the toilet comment!) Plus having the unfortunate little brother who annoys the heck out of you. Someone with my kind of a point of view is definetley interesting to me!!! GREAT JOB!!! :)

  9. Awesome Jen! Great idea writing the entry diary style. I’m so happy that you’re posting sim families again! :) Also, I love the house! I really like how Franchesca describes it.

  10. Ooh, this is a great new story! I like Rico’s racecar bedroom, and Bernie is so cute…I look forward to reading more of The Franchesca Diaries.

  11. Love the new family Jen! The house looks cute. I admit that I am in love with all the new country style wallpapers and furniture! Lol, Franchesca would hate me! I can’t wait to see what you have in store for this family!

  12. Well, I must say, I haven’t been that entranced by a family-style 1st person narrative in quite some time. But the way that you do the writing puts it in a genre allllll alonely. Hehehe…alonely. Fran’s style is kinda like my own…I say “I kid you not” and come up with all kinds of crazy sayings that really have no place in conversations. :D Must’ve been why I became immediately entranced by this.But anyway, I love this already and I hope we will see future updates from Fran.

  13. That. Is. So. Cute.

    The toilet is gorgeous, although I love Fran’s reaction: “Wait, skivvies are men’s underwear…” XD

  14. How can you NOT like a guy named Elvis? C’mon. Great to see you writing again, Jen! The descriptions of the rooms are hilarious and I am truly frightened by the mustard yellow–frightened, I tell you! Combine that with royal purple and it’s like mustard grapes. Yummy. xb

  15. *fangirl squealing* :D :D :D Jenba’s BACK! Yaaaaaaaaay! You were missed!
    I love the little guest house. Can we get a shot of the interior?

  16. Hi. Yay! a new story I’m already wondering what’s going to happen next. I liked the way you made it relisatic as when most people move house they’re usually stuck with deceratons they hate for a while but I never heard of purple and yellow together in a room though mind you I’ve had purple carpet and green wallpaper once but that was because I had to change the carpet as it got dirty easily (it was bright yellow) and wasn’t good for my ashsma.

    Just a quick question though I usually come on this site daily anyway to the links page to get to other sims site so I was suprised when I found you updated and I didn’t get the email telling me (I’ve subscribed to the email updates) I’ve already checked my spam folder as I had this problem with another site I’ve subscribed to and the emails for this site aren’t there.

    I’ve just checked my account at FeedBlitz and it says that my subscribtions are ok so I don’t know what’s going on unless it goes by order of name or something.

    keep up the good work I wonder what other stories you have for us.

    Keep Simming!

    See ya

  17. In love with a Mime? ROFLMAO. Uncle Elvis. Well, at least he has his own spot. What a colorful family. I love the dad, and the crazy cat and the race car room. Franchesca has tons of personality. It’s SOOOOO Good to read Jen Stories again!

  18. Thanks for the comments! I’m glad you guys are enjoying Franchesca’s ramblings so far. I’m sure she’ll be back soon.

    One thing about the house — it’s actually a Maxis house from Seasons that I just plopped into Riverblossom Hills. If I had built it myself, I would have made it look much more horrible! As it is, I don’t think it’s too bad at all. But Franchesca hates it. ;-)

    To answer a few questions:

    Taryn – You asked about some good Sims stories to read — I think I’ve seen you commenting over on most of the ones I would mention (Swinging on a Star, Knock It Down). Have you read Amy’s The Heiress and Confessions of an Heiress stories yet? They’re my personal favorite. Her Heiress of Strangetown series is also awesome (at the same link). But there are a ton of great ones — check out my sidebar for more links, if you haven’t already. I’m sure I’m missing some, too.

    Leslie – You asked if I’m going to do any more Legacy stories. I would have to say — not at this time. I think I’m Legacy’ed out, to be honest! I plan on focusing on just regular ol’ stories for a little while.

    Kay – I’ll try to get a shot of the guest cottage’s interior for you!

    Pandora Moon – That’s strange, I wonder why FeedBlitz isn’t working for you. I checked and it has a green light by your e-mail address, so it should delivering you the updates…Did you maybe sign up with a different e-mail address than you usually use? I can’t think of anything else except that maybe their system has hiccups once in awhile.

  19. Ooo I love it! I love Fran, keep her coming! I started my own blog, with my first post and I thought it was good. Now you make me feel inferior. Gotta love Jen’s writting!

  20. Hi. no I haven’t changed my email address and it always worked for me before. it’s just weird that only yeterday I found out that the email notices from swinging on a star have ended up in my spam folder when they’ve never done that before I’ve just checked again to see if that was the case here but there’s nothing in there. hopefully it’s a temporary syterm bug thing.

    Thanks anyway. Keep up the good work on your stories I wonder what other new families you have in store?.

    See ya

  21. Wow, really cool family. Where’s the weather??? Sorry about that, I get twitchy about seasons. (twitch) Fran is funny with her paranoia. Her little bro is very cute. Her uncle is… intense. Liked the creek, that was funny.

  22. Hi. I’ve just logged onto the internet and found I’ve got the email for this post (it’s 11:30 in England) so maybe I get them a day later or something coz of the time different?.

    Just thought I’ld let you know.

    Keep Simming

    See ya

  23. Feedblitz isn’t an instantaneous service unless you’ve paid. Otherwise, it sends them out at a certain time of day… like around 11-12 at night. It said it would send mine out at 2am! Thus why I use newsflash and don’t bother waiting around for it.

    That’s probably why you didn’t receive it right away, Pandora Moon. Either because your time is different or because it had to wait until that delivery time to send out the emails.

  24. Yup, my Feedblitz announcements go out at 1 AM central time, I believe. But it was past that time when you posted that you hadn’t received it, Pandora Moon, so I’m still not sure why you received it so late. Just a weirdness, I guess. I’m glad you got it eventually!

  25. Hi. thanks for the answers Jen and Mao. I think you might be right on the weirdness thing coz England is five hours ahead (I think that’s right?) so if the emails get sent at 1.AM in central time then I still should’ve got it except it will say I’ve got it at 6.AM with the five hour differnce.

    Hopefully it will sort itself out I’ll have a look at my FeedBlitz account again to see if there anything there.

    Thanks again

    See ya

  26. hey jen this is so cool and from a teens point of view for a change.and now i understand why u ditched the ravelos its hard to ajust an old family into seasons.P.s. this girl is nicking ur blog!