How to Win Friends and Influence Paperboys

(NOTE: For those of you working on Maude’s Scavenger Hunt: you are allowed to use pictures posted in stories on the Sims 2 Exchange. Just make sure they’re actually part of a story and not just screenshots. Good luck!)

As we roll through a stretch of Indian Summer and a plague of lady beetles here in Minnesota, the Burrs of Northcliff, in the Middle of Nowhere, continue building their home and legacy one tiny bit at a time.

This first picture is for Leslie, who wanted to see a close-up pic of Coriander as a toddler. Unfortunately he looks a bit radioactive…

Burr Family
“Do not bother me. I have reached a state of total enlightenment.”

Even though he’s not a clone appearance-wise, he has the same personality points as his sister Camellia: 5-3-7-3-7, for a whopping total of 25 points. Yes, I’m afraid Gen 3 is a bit on the lame side. Ah well, at least they’re cute.

Coriander grew up shortly after I snapped that pic, so here’s yet another close-up of the little dickens.

Burr Family
“Hello, I’m Coriander Burr, and I’ll be your useless spare heir for the evening.”

Coriander’s first big task as a child was to greet the Headmaster. He made a valiant attempt, but alas, the Headmaster was stuck. Coriander just kept throwing up his hands.

Burr Family
“What? Do I smell bad? Am I not smart enough?”

The Headmaster stood there all night, despite the aroma of a homecooked pork chop dinner wafting out into the front yard. Eventually I used “move_objects on” to delete him and put him out of his and my misery. I hate headmaster glitches!

And here we have our 3rd generation heir, Miss Camellia Burr, now a young lady.

Burr Family
“No matter what she tells you, rest assured that I am completely innocent.”

For Camellia’s aspiration, I rolled ROMANCE. Joy of joys. I’m not sure a Romance Sim and the “Strict Family Values” handicap will be the best combo. She won’t be able to woohoo with anyone but her husband. And her LTW is to have 20 Simultaneous Lovers, so…I see a lot of making out in her future. Maybe she can set up a kissing booth at the county fair.

Burr Family
“So Gramps…what’s this woohoo thingy that everyone’s always whispering about?”

Poor Grandpa Vincentio. He just doesn’t know what to make of these young whippersnappers.

Burr Family
“Just SHOOT me now.”

Camellia began her forays into the romance jungle by cozying up to the paperboy, who has the unlikely but oh-so-cool name of Hades Fable.

Burr Family
“They’re real Simoleons from a real live money tree. Would you like to see it?”

Yes, Camellia has learned early on that the surest way to a young man’s heart is through his wallet. The Burrs have a ton of money wasting away in their bank account – why not use to lure unsuspecting paperboys into ill-fated love affairs?

Burr Family
“You are getting verrrry sleeeepy…you will fall completely in love with me…”

While Camellia was busy wooing Hades, Paperboy of the Underworld, her brother Coriander was busy working on his skills. I’ve gotten a bit better at going for the scholarships, but not enough to get any extra points from it, dangnabbit. I need to work on that.

Burr Family
“Drat…I’m losing against myself again!”

We tried the headmaster thing again, and this time, he was glitch-free (it was a different HM, thank goodness). So the kids donned their uniforms and went off to private school.

Burr Family
“Hey Ma! Look at me, look at me! I got straight As! Look, look! I said LOOK!”

(continued on Page 2)

16 thoughts on “How to Win Friends and Influence Paperboys

  1. Yay! Another Burr update! Wow Camellia is really pretty! Romance though, yuck and her lifetime want doesn’t work with the handicap…There’s always college! Right? Rerolling and all that. Anyway, love how the house is coming along. Poor Vinny :( dying all alone. I like the way Farley looks old, made me chuckle. You had me giggling at the paperboy’s name too XD. Hades lol. Loved it! :)


  2. BASIL! :D *hugs him* Yay! Thank you!

    Ahem. But anyway! Another lovely update, as always. Camellia a Romance sim, eh? Wow, that should be interesting. XD Can’t wait to see how she fares with that. And you’re right.. she DOES look like she should be one of the extra from one of the Harry Potter movies in that picture!

    Poor Vincentio! Having to spend his last days on earth stuck in quarantine.

    And Farley makes a pretty cute old man. Not cute in the same way that Basil is, but in a “Ooooh! Just look at that precious lil’ old man!” kind of way.

    Can’t wait for the next update. I’m loving these Burrs. Also can’t wait t’see the pictures of Basil’s kids! .. And more Basil, of course. ;D

  3. Mental note: no eating and/or drinking whilst reading through Jenba’s blog! Ol’ Vincentio’s finger to temple gesturing made my stew shoot out through my nose. It hurts! But so funny! XD And boy, I love how the Burr estate is turning out.
    … Belinda is a *gorgeous* Elder. Wow. And awwww, Basil! Yay!! :D *joins fangirling over auburn curl-haired gent*

  4. Yay!! I just love the Burrs. All the girls keep turning out to be so pretty!

    So I’m only missing one picture for Maud’s Scavenger Hunt: the servo doing house chores. I’ve seen servos talking to volleyballs, servos getting electrocuted in bathtubs, and servos restocking shelves…but none cleaning the house! But I’ll keep checking! This was such a great idea!!

  5. Thanks, you guys! I’m glad you enjoyed the update.

    Mandie – I’d say that restocking shelves counts as a chore. Maude required “a Servo doing chores”, not necessarily household chores, so I’d say anything that qualifies as “work” would do it.

  6. hi Jen..I really really adore your website!!!It’s splendid!!! I loved reading about the Ravelos and the Braytons and now the Burrs…this is my first time ever leaving a comment so I am somewhat nervous although I don’t know y…Just wanted to say thank you for giving me so much reading pleasure!! = )

  7. Burr Update, WOOO! Anyway, it was really funny with Vincentio and his “shoot me now” and I can’t believe you rolled roamnce! Jadice is right, there’s always college (and a 80% chance she’ll be something better) I would really like to see Basil’s kids- did he have all boys?

  8. Aaaaw I love the Burrs. Looks like you finally have another winning family! I’m glad you got back into your groove. Looking forward to more! Especially since you are moving them through history, it takes away the monotony.

  9. Hahaha!! “Paperboy of the underworld.” I guess the undead need to keep up with the current events, too. As soon as you mentioned Hades and then the surname Palmfeather, I combined them and realized the sim world would be an even more frightful place if ever there existed one Hades Palmfeather. That cracks me up!

    Hehe… “Alpaca lunch”… that makes me think of something my grandfather would say! Or my father, as he loves Alpacas. :)

  10. Maaan, just missing out a few days and so many updates, Jen, you’re unbelieveable ;). Maybe I’ll take Maude’s challenge tomorrow, maaaaybe. But most of all, this update is so great, I just wished I had your story-telling ability. Thanks so much!
    Aaaand, happy birthday to Mt.Geneva, as it’s its birthday this week! And of course good choice on the new setting, looks great!
    So until later ;) – and, I’m much into “a’s” today :D

  11. Man, I was so excited when I saw you updated! Lol. What a great update!!

    When I saw Camellia as a teen I was stunned at how pretty she is! How do your kids always come out great?? ;)

    Horatio Palmfeather sure is cute! I think it would be great if he married Camellia and have even MORE gorgeous children! Wow, I can already see a line of handsome and beautiful kids in the Burr’s Legacy…

    Also, Basil’s kid in the picture sure is CUTE! My first reaction was Whoa! What a cute custom kid! Then I read that it was Basil and Roxy’s child, and I wasn’t surprised at all that they have pretty kids… I cannot WAIT for the update of their children’s picture! Genetics in this game is amazing!

  12. Oh, sorry for the double post, but thanks for putting the pic of Coriander as a toddler, he is so cute! (Even though he IS radioactive)

  13. Oh Jen! The Burrs are just smashing as usual! Extra nice pictures, btw. Loved Corriander losing to himself at chess! Love the paperboys – great title too – and so sad to see Vincentio go – and in quarantine no less *sniff* But it was very good to see the Baz. :) If I weren’t so tired, I would tell you more of what I liked, but please know, I laughed all the way through it.