The Burrs of Burr Cottage

Here’s a picture of Azalea taking a shower. I took this not because I wanted to evoke memories of the movie Psycho, or gratuitously show off Azalea’s blurry bod, but to remind myself to explain a bit more about the “Middle of Nowhere” handicap.

Burr Family
“I’m gonna wash that man right outta my hair…”

You see, since Azalea lives in the middle of nowhere, it takes forever for purchased goods and building supplies to reach her little cottage. So I can only buy one item per Sim day (except for the first day, on which I could buy as much as the starting funds allowed). And I can only build 2 of each type of build item per day.

(I was mistaken in my last post when I said I can only build 2 of anything from build mode each day – it’s 2 of each type. So, every day, I can build 2 walls and 2 windows, add 2 wallpapers and 2 floors, place 2 shrubs, etc. At least, that’s how I interpreted it after I read it more carefully. I hope I’m not wrong, because if you can really only place two of anything total, then it would take me all 10 generations just to finish a four-room, one-story house!)

So it was a happy day when I could buy Azalea a shower (I bought a wastebasket and a countertop the first two days). I was getting sick of directing her to wash her hands constantly. Not that she minded, seeing as how she’s a hypochondriac and deathly afraid of germs.

Anyway, Azalea hadn’t met any men more promising than Vincentio, so I invited him over and had them build their relationship up some more. I dig the expression on his face in this picture – he looks so in lurve! (Yes, I know they all look that way when they’re hugging or whatever, but just indulge me for a second!)

Burr Family
“You don’t really want to wash this man outta your hair, do you?”

It’s funny, because I never thought much of that face template, but Vincentio looks downright cute sometimes.

Anyway, I was all ready to get these two lovebirds shacked up together, but there was a problem: 2 lightning bolts just wasn’t enough. I had picked the “True Love” handicap, which basically says that the founder and heirs have to choose partners with whom they have 3 lightning bolts of chemistry. The nice thing is, you’re allowed to change your turn-ons and turn-offs if you’re having trouble making that happen.

Since I really wanted Vincentio to be Azalea’s spouse, I had her change her turn-ons to red hair and facial hair. Her turn-off remained “Stink” because it has to be set that way for the “Hypochondriac” handicap.

Burr Family
“Owww, that hurts! The things we do for love…”

Now I had to test it to see if it would bump their 2LBs up to 3LBs. But I couldn’t invite Vincentio over just yet (for whatever reason – maybe he was at work? Asleep?) so I had to wait. In the meantime, Azalea read her magazine, which contained articles on both Environment and Culture. How convenient! She had a 10 in both interests within a couple of Sim hours.

Burr Family
“This article on the mating cycle of the stomatopod is a tad dull, however…”

It was also important for Azalea to keep her flowers happy and thriving, so she watered them diligently. Part of the “Green Thumb” handicap is that these 20 plots of flowers must survive until the arrival of 10th generation. If one of them dies, the handicap is broken. Oh, and you can’t hire a gardener. (eep)

Burr Family
“Grow, my little pretties, grow!”

And here’s one more reason why “Middle of Nowhere” sucks –

Burr Family
“I suppose the chair I ordered won’t be here until tomorrow…SIGH…”

A chess table is just plain useless without a chair, as you all know. But I couldn’t buy one until the next day…when Vincentio came over! I don’t know what took him so long. Maybe Azalea was working weird hours.

Ah yes – she was. Here he plays chess while she snoozes away. But I did confirm the THREE magnificent lightning bolts! It was True Love, at last.

Burr Family
“If it’s true love, then why am I playing chess by myself??”

Vincentio moved in, and the next day he went to the general store to buy some clothes and change his appearance. It was time to become a Burr.

Burr Family
“I hope she likes my extra-pointy sideburns.”

Such a simple wedding for two people so in love… (am I making you gag yet?)

Burr Family
“With this ring, I thee woohoo….oops! I mean, WED…”

By the way, Vincentio turned out to be a Knowledge Sim (huzzah!) with a Lifetime Want to become a Mad Scientist. Azalea’s LTW is to have 6 grandchildren. I think both will be do-able. We shall see.

Well, I have more, but it’s getting late, and this post is long enough as it is. I’m really enjoying this new legacy so far – the handicaps give it just enough of a twist to keep it interesting. And then there are the Master points – I haven’t even thought about those yet (those are points you get for things like the Social Bunny romance interaction and the alien/vampire/zombie). There’s one called “Child Prodigy” that looks supremely difficult, but I might try for it.

For the record, here are the handicaps I chose:

Middle of Nowhere
Green Thumb
Noble Composure
Behind the Times
True Love
Strict Family Values
Free Roaming Ghosts

I’ll probably end up breaking “Behind the Times” (can’t buy any electronic items) because I know I’ll want a smoke detector at some point. Unless I can get away with just having some sprinklers…plus I want the family to buy modern technology as they progress through the various eras.

Hope you guys enjoyed the Burrs…more to come later on!

17 thoughts on “The Burrs of Burr Cottage

  1. Wow. Jenba, I never thought I’d say this, but I think this family (or, well, Sim so far) has overtaken the Ravelos’ #1 place in my charts. This. Is. Too. Awesome. For. WORDS. Seriously. I was giggling so much reading this that I was getting funny looks and I teared up a bit. Please, please! Encore! Encore! =o

  2. (Recovered enough to actually comment:) Also, I think Vincentio will look absolutely dashing as a gentleman of past times! :D That extra roman face works really well with a snazzy bit of facial hair, I’ve found. Have you opted for names for the next generation yet? If not I’d like to suggest Betony, Briony, Burdock or Basil! :D I love floral names. And eee, Azalea is so pretty! I really like how you gave her face that genteel appearance, she really does look like she’s straight out of Gone With The Wind.

  3. Omg. Omg! OMG! This is the coolest challenge ever! I really love the idea of the changing of eras and everything. The Green Thumb handicap looks… challenging. I always forget to water the flowers and the gardener doesn’t do a very good job at that either. :D Anyway, I’m really looking forward to the next update. Maybe we’ll even see some little Burrs? ^^

  4. “I dig your chapeau pretty lady…Hotcha!” and “Frankly my dear I don’t give a damn” XD Omg I was giggling like a dork. And the car! lol How does she “get into” it? Is it a truck and that’s why she can be that high? (I have no clue, I don’t have any expansion packs). I love the lights on the car too, that just made my day lol. I love this challenge so far! I noticed Kay suggested some names for the children already ha ha. You can always think of that song by Simon and Garfunkel “Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme” lol. I look forward to more of this family. :)

  5. BIGHUG – I thank you SO SO SO much for this, Jen, you know how much I adore your legacies!! Oh thank you :) – I’m also trying out a new legacy with a college sim, with some handycaps as well, but not as many as you chose – that’s gonna be quite hard for ya, I assume! SO EAGER to read on! Weeeeeeeeeeeelll done :)

  6. Thanks, you guys! I’m seriously thrilled that you’re enjoying this, because I’m having a good time with it, too. Hugs to you all!

    Kay – I love the names you suggested, and guess what — I had already used one! You’ll see which one in the next update. ;-)

    Jasmine – Thanks so much! “Green Thumb” is quite hard, as you’ll see in the next update…heh.

    Jadice – Haha, those names are on my list, too! And that wagon is funny – I think it’s based on the regular nightlife car, but the artist was able to change the animations so that the Sim sits up higher. It’s amazing what they can do!

    Eva M – Hey you, jetsetter! I wanna hear about your new Legacy, too! The handicaps are fun; hope you enjoy it!

  7. Okay, this had me cracking up! The hat and the uniform! I could totally see her running down the street, chasing after a burglar. She’d wave her handbag threateningly while using her free hand to secure her hat. “Stop right there, you scoundrel! It isn’t proper to make a lady run!”

    Can’t wait for more… this is certainly going to be a legacy just bursting with unique personality! :D

  8. by the way, a nice flowery-name is Phyllis, aswell ;) – ages ago I planned a legacy with her (in case you remember a Morrigan marriage, I think it was Felicity, and a guest was Phyllis Palmer), which main goal was to only marry gardeners into the family and give the children ‘natural’ names ;).
    came back from India this morning, Chennai to be exact, it was so exciting! oh, and I forgot to mention how cool this horse wagon is :D

  9. I am loving this new legacy! It’s really starting to inspire me to start a new one with these new rules. I love your prim and proper founder and the handicaps you’ve chosen are adding twists to the story that are just too cute. I loved Azaela’s wedding dress and Vincentio seems to be fitting right into this era. I can’t wait to read more! Baby Burrs are going to be so cute.

  10. Jen, there is something truly magical about Sims in your hands. It’s like loving evey movie Johnny Depp is in. I love any sim story that you write. The new challenge is great, and I love the handicaps – definitely a plus for master simmers who are getting bored. I’m anxious to see how they will work out – the flowers and whanot – and their interests – that’s interesting to manipulate as well. I seldom if ever buy magazines… Vincentio really is handsome… never seen that face quite like that before – further proof of your magic power over sims. I am anxious for more, and perhaps even inspired enough to go back to work on the next Confessions of an Heiress…. Thanks for giving me my Mt.Geneva Fix!

  11. This challenge sounds like a bunch of fun! I really like the handicap part of it, it sounds a bit complicated but I think I’ll understand it a bit more as you continue to update! I really like how you’re moving the generations through time periods. I’ve tried to do that in my game before, and it was really fun!

  12. Ugh, you’re getting a scary amount of spam, Jen! :/ When did that start? I recall seeing a few before, but not quite this kind of onslaught or as semi-sneaky. Yucky.

  13. Eva M – Chennai! That sounds so cool. As long as you don’t have to eat airplane food all the time. ;-) I like your idea of marrying only gardeners into the family — that would be an interesting addition to the “Green Thumb” handicap.

    Bitsy! Hey! I am still loving your mythic name hack. Best. Thing. Ever. I am hopelessly behind on your site, however. Slowly catching up. I love the Windlings and Datlows!

    Amy, that means so much coming from you, the Master Sims Storyteller (or Evil Overlord as the case may be…)! Thank you! Now get to work on that Confessions of an Heiress update! Hehe. (Or next Heiress of Strangetown, I’m not picky — they’re all awesome!)

    Mandie – Coolness! How is your Prosperity Challenge coming along?

    Marcie – Hey, I just checked out your blog! I’m adding you to my links.

    Kay – Yeah, I get a lot of spam, unfortunately. I should probably upgrade my WordPress, but I’ve been putting it off. So I just go in and delete them all as quickly as I can. Durned spammers!

  14. I love it, Jen! You are very ambitious to choose so many handicaps (I read through them and don’t know if I will ever be able to incorporate them into a Legacy challenge). I look very forward to reading more about the Burr family!

  15. I ADORE Azalea Burr. Do I need to say why? Not sure I know that myself. Lovely styling choices and wardorbe for her, as well. I love the idea of moving the legacy through the time periods, should add some fun to it. Vincentio does have an odd handsomeness about him. What a cute couple! Funny to see Azalea’s old time period clashing with the present. I’m looking forward to more. I agree with everyone, and I know you’ve been told it a thousand times, but you really do have a magic touch!