You Gotta Have Friends

Unfortunately, as soon as Melody got back home, she was too tired to play hostess. While her guests danced around her living room, she excused herself and went to bed. Everyone called out “Good night!” and continued bopping around.

Melody slept soundly for awhile but was awoken before dawn by the sound of conversation in her room. It seems Trevor and one of his pals had migrated to her room to have a nice, quiet talk. About ghosts. Complete with ghostly “woooOOOOoo” noises.

Melody Wines

Melody decided she might as well get up. She met Raiden on her way to the bathroom.

“Good morning, gorgeous!” he said with a cheerful wave.

“Wait! That’s my bathroom! I get dibs!” she replied, waving just as cheerfully.

Melody Wines

“I’ll only be a minute!” Raiden replied, shutting the door. He made good on his word. Within a minute, he emerged from the bathroom, bid Melody goodbye (thanking her for her hospitality), and left the house.

Melody showered and dressed, her mind filled with thoughts of both Trevor and Raiden. Trevor was certainly the most intriguing of the two — who had ever heard of a cowboy chess player? And a ruggedly cute one at that? But he didn’t seem to be the least bit attracted to Melody. He was sweet and kind to her, of course, but he kept his distance.

Raiden, however, was a bit of a flirt, and had called her gorgeous. He had also shared his super-secret grilled cheese recipe with her.

Mmm…grilled cheese. Melody headed for the kitchen.

Everyone had gone home except for Trevor. What was he still doing there?

Melody Wines

Melody could feel his eyes on her as she prepared her first grilled cheese sandwich. Should she say something witty? Something flirty? She didn’t want to scare him away.

Melody Wines

She finally settled on something neutral. “Are you hungry?”

Trevor jumped up from the sofa and stroke lankily to her side. “Thank you kindly,” he said, taking the plate of grilled cheese from the counter.

Melody was dismayed. So that’s why he was staring at me! He wanted my grilled cheese! That bandit!

Melody Wines

Sighing inwardly, she went back to the fridge and retrieved more cheese and bread. This time she made a whole plateful of grilled cheese — she had to make sure she got some, too.

“Trevor, would you like another–?”‘

But he didn’t hear her. He was too busy snoring.

Melody Wines

Melody shook her head. “A good sandwich, utterly ruined! Ah well. Sweet dreams, cowboy.”

She sat down and bit into her grilled cheese. It was the best thing she’d ever tasted! Holy moly. The buttery chewiness of the bread, the warm melty cheese…that Raiden was a genius.

Melody Wines

She was just about to start in on another sandwich when Trevor suddenly snapped awake.

Melody Wines

“Wha? Hm? Oh.” His face turned crimson as he took a bite of his smushed sandwich.

“Nice nap?”

Trevor smiled sheepishly and changed the subject.

Just as Melody was about to take the last bite of her sandwich, the phone rang. It was Raiden.

“So whatcha doing tonight?” he asked.

“Umm…” Melody glanced at Trevor, who was standing up. He smiled, tipped his hat in farewell, and strolled out the door.

Melody wanted to call out “Wait!”, but she couldn’t…not with Raiden on the line.

Melody Wines

“Raiden!” she said in her most sparkly voice. “I guess I’m not doing anything tonight…”

(to be continued…)

NOTE: This was getting to be a bit long, so I decided to cut it in half. Originally I was going to do just commentary on the challenge, but I ended up slipping into story-mode and got a bit little long-winded. Look for the next installment sometime this weekend!

And yes, Melody’s Lifetime Want is “Eat 200 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches”, even though she’s a Popularity Sim. Thankfully OFB makes it easier to have Grilled Cheese at any time of the day (though I didn’t realize it at first, which is why she had to make spaghetti)…but I’m still not sure I can make her eat 200 before she dies. She’d have to eat Grilled Cheese every spare moment. And when she passes the torch it’ll be even trickier.

20 thoughts on “You Gotta Have Friends

  1. Melody should definitely pick Raiden. He may not be as cute as Trevor, but he’s way funnier and way more talkative!

  2. Wow, I loved this update!! I am eagerly awaiting the next, I really want to see what Raiden looks like! I think Melody should definitely go with him.

    Thanks for the update finally!


  3. *works on setting up own website account and stuff* :D
    Oh hey, Jen, have you been having problems with spam bots -> comments awaiting moderation and stuff? My previous one did. :o

  4. Loving this story! Of course, I love everything you write. She is so beautiful! And Trevor, what a hunk. Though he might take chess a LITTLE to seriously. First update and already a love triangle? Or…something like that…Anyway, amazing writing as usual, and I look forward to more! And congratulations on getting out of your slump! I haven’t been writing as much because of the start of school. Actually, I haven’t been playing either. : (

  5. I’m so glad you’re updating again, I missed reading your stories! I loved reading about Melody so far. I can’t wait to find out which guy she’ll choose. :)

  6. Actually, I know a recipe for the best grilled cheese sandwiches ever. I made some, just the other day! They were perfect– almost enough to make one want to stick one’s head into the aspiration-changing machine.
    I can post it, if you like. *nod*

    I like that picture on the last page, where Melody asks Trevor if he’s hungry. It looks lovely. :D

    Man, though. Accursed Trevor, with his eat and run tendencies! *shakes fist at him* Good riddance to bad rubbish, I say.
    And, hey, with Melody’s hairstyle, I can see you, too, have caught SunAir Fever, eh? :D I don’t have a TSR subscription, so I’m just sitting and pouncing on them whenever they enter the free rotation. (So far, three or four of them have. *dance*)

    Glad to see you back! …I can’t say the same for CellieSims, though. I took it down– bandwidth issues. *shrug*
    I’ve been doing a group uglification challenge over at Livejournal. The Ishkabibbles! So far, my Kajibble Ishkabibble lives in Bibblebrook. He has a daughter named Bibblianna, and a son named Ivan.
    So far, it’s been great. Well, decent, anyway– Bibblianna is too cute… *sigh*

    Well, even if it’s hard to accomplish her lifetime want, at least there’s the “call to meal” option. That thing is a lifesaver with ISBI challenges. It and influencing. I had such trouble running an ISBI challenge before I got Nightlife, I ended up just ditching the ISBI thing out of pity. They had adorable twins– I couldn’t let them suffer!
    How on earth did she get Grilled Cheese wants, anyway? Do you have the Lifetime Wants hack from More Awesome Than You? With that hack, if she’s interested in food, I could see it happening…

  7. Your sim is beautiful. How do you get them to look so real, Is there a site with a really good tutorial that you use? My sims always look like cartoon characters.

  8. Oh this is fun! Yes. I can feel the peace and quiet. Eerie. I LOVE ‘talking to her hand’ Is there really a sim named Horatio Palmfeather??? Restaurants don’t serve grilled cheese? Thanks for the warning! A party with a radio and a bookshelf? And I wasn’t invited?? LOL. Love the picture of Melody making grilled cheese and Trevor on the couch. Wow. Oh I love this Jen. I can’t thank you enough for writing again. I can tell you’re having fun. Can’t wait for more!

  9. It had a bit of a rough start but it got a lot better. I could really tell she was desperate to get out of the house, and desperate to get with that guy. Poor thing, he only wanted her for her grill cheese. Hopefully things will get better. The pitures were great.

  10. hey Jen! is so nice to see you still active and with a lot of energy posting about your sims! as always great work now to browse other blogs^^ take care!

  11. Hey, thanks for the comments, everyone! I’m still very rusty as you can see but I’m getting back into the swing of things, slowly…

    lorna, wow! I haven’t seen you in forever! I’ve missed you! :-) Are you blogging?

    Kay, that picture is hilarious!!! I love Harvey already!

  12. ^^ yea, just started yesterday and now i took over again on the sims blog webring. so you will see me around now a lot :P