From Bad to Worse

Hey guys. Just wanted to give you an update on my Sims issues. In my continuing endeavor to get the game to run without crashing, I’ve tried a number of things — testing for conflicting downloads, updating or rolling back my graphics drivers, throwing my computer out the window — OK, so I didn’t try that last, but I came pretty darned close. When none of those things fixed the problem, I decided to uninstall my game and reinstall it, in hopes that a clean slate would do the trick.

So I reinstalled the base game with no trouble, but…everything falls apart when I get to University. It freezes on Disk 2, much like the problem I had when I reinstalled the base game ages ago and it kept freezing on Disk 4. This time I’ve tried everything aside from buying a new CD — I’ve cleaned the disks, attempted an install from my hard drive, manually uninstalled and reinstalled again (with and without patching the base game before going on to University), and so on. I’m beyond frustrated and really missing my Sims (and writing about them).

It looks like I’m going to have to order a new University disk from EA Games or buy the whole EP again. The first option is cheaper, but will probably take a few weeks. :-/ In the meantime, I’m having massive Sims withdrawal, so I’ve decided to play the base game for awhile. I never really did much with the Maxis families, so last night I played the Goths and took some pictures. I know the Pleasantview stuff is old hat to most Simmers, but I would like to post some stories and perhaps put my own spin on them. Does that sound halfways enjoyable? I know it’s not the Ravelos, but until I have University, they’re unplayable. :-/

By the way, thanks again for all of the encouraging comments. You guys rock for continuing to check my site. I really do appreciate it. Hopefully I’ll be back up and running soon.

22 thoughts on “From Bad to Worse

  1. This may sound crazy, but if you have access to a USB drive with enough space (or an external hard drive), try copying everything there and then installing from that onto your computer. That’s the only way I could get OFB installed. It wouldn’t install from my hard drive on two of our three computers, but then it did work on the third (the one I don’t use for Sims of course) so I moved the files from that computer to a portable hard drive and installed from there on my Sims computer. It worked great.

  2. My neice had to wipe her game after attempting to install OFB. She lost over a years worth of simming. However, with all that is in OFB, she isn’t nearly as sad as she was at first, and her new shops and town are excellent. Can’t wait till you can update. I like most all of your stories, so pleasantview will be just as enjoyable. :)

  3. I’m sorry you’re still having so much trouble. :( A story about the Goths sounds interesting to me. I actually just yesterday read a story where someone had done her own take on the families in Strangetown, filling in the blanks from the photos that Maxis provides and then carrying on from there and it was actually really creative and interesting. I think it’s fun to read about the Maxis families because everyone does something different with them and it’s fun to see where their lives might go. :D

  4. :( omg that sux….but i think i know how to solve that university disk problem don’t order a new copy before u try this. Make an image of the cd. use nero express for it, it has helped me on my sims disks. the original one didn’t work for me some time ago and I made an image and it worked. :D if you need more info. on how to do it you can email me :D Hope I helped! and Good luck

  5. I’ve been making a bit of a story about Pleasantview, too… it’s a lot more fun playing there than I thought it would be. I thought it was just going to be boring blah yawntime, but I took up playing the Brokes when I wanted to test some furniture, and ended up really liking them. And the rest of Pleasantview. (Strangetown already had a place in my heart. I mean, look at it. Hard not to love those Strangetownians. Maybe they should be called Strangers? I mean, we’ve got Hoosiers, Buckeyes, and all sorts of other nicknames…)
    Why not write stories about them? Every take on it is different, you know? (Mine involves a mime! And a pirate-doctor-king-superhero-hall-of-famer who has wings and fights crime. He’s supposed to have too many titles.)

    And, hey, yeah! T-sims is right! I’ve heard making image/ISOs of CDs helps with data recovery! Why not give it a shot? (I use ISObuster to make the ISOs, and Daemon Virtual Manager to use them, myself.)
    It doesn’t damage the disc at all, and it’s worth a shot at the very least. *nod*

    I hope all of your problems start to ease up with the reinstallation… *hugs* Argh, all of this breaking of the game must be such a pain and a half. x_x But, sometimes reinstalling it is all that works, you know?

  6. Jen, whatever you do will be better than nothing! Good luck with all these problems. This is definitely not your lucky year! ;) And hopefully some of ^ those suggestions will help!
    I look forward to seeing what you come up with in terms of saving your game. Oh, and of course your modified Pleasantview sims! :)

  7. Jen, I don’t have much to add to what everyone else said, but I just wanted to tell you that I hope you will solve this anytime soon. Good luck!

  8. Play and post, dear! I always enjoy reading any of your stories, whatever they are on. Besides, you’re joining in on the new “let’s go classic”-trend that is going on!

  9. Aww, poor Jen… -superhuggles!- You rock; of course we’re still here. I hope the situation clears up soon, for our sake too, but mainly for yours. And personally I’d love to see what you’ve done in Pleasantville. Knowing you, it will be brilliant.

    If it makes you feel any better, I had Uni and NL both about a month after they were released–and I’m not getting OfB til the end of the month… (Small comfort, I know, but, uh, it’s better than no comfort at all? You’ll be fine, I promise, and if your computer has a DVD drive I could even send you over my Uni disks for you to borrow.)

  10. Awww that sucks Jen! Im really sorry for you, but atleast you can play the base game huh? Better than nothing? Anything you write is always awesome you know, you’re so great at drawing the reader into the story! :) So yeah, why not post some Pleasantview stories, I know I’d read them!!
    I’ll wish you good luck again Jen, and hope you manage to get your problem sorted soon!

  11. I love Pleasantview stories, Jen. :D It’d be awesome to see what you’ve gotten up to with ’em!
    I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve gotten even more problems with the game, I was hoping your silence was because you’d suddenly been whisked off on a free trip to a tropical island or something. Computer issues suck: unexplainable ones suck even worse. Are you installing on your regular Windows account or on another one?

  12. That’s fine, Jen, though I will miss the Ravelos. At least you saved them.

    Bring on the Pleasantview families, I’ll be interested to see what you’ve done with them!


  13. OF course we wouldnt mind if you posted some pictures and wrote your own twist of the Goths or some other Pleasentview families. I dont mind atleast. No, its not the DeGroffs (you see that, how i just throw them in there and you mentioned them not once in your post haha) but we can live with it. I know i can, shoot, I will probably become unbelievably attached to the stories about the goths when you write them. But anyway, yeah, do post a story or two (or three) on the Goths until your game is like new. I hope you find a solution. I am having DeGroff withdrawals.

  14. I love Pleasantview. Currently I’ve been having a bit of fun with poor Darren Dreamer and Cassandra Goth, so I’d love to hear your take on things. Best of luck getting the EPs reinstalled.

  15. I miss the DeGroffs and the Ravelos, but I’m perfectly willing to wait for them. Stories about Pleasantview would be great! You’re such a good writer that you might even inspire me to play Pleasantview myself. ;)

  16. You know playing Pleasantville and putting your spin on it is not a bad idea. I’ve been playing all the Maxis Premade families along with the ones in the family bin as a prosperity challenge I even rolled 2 CAS families and I’m having fun with them . I have just about made a 360 degree turn as to how Maxis had originally suggested hoew to platy them . Brandi Broke and John Burb are sooo in love with each other in my game ;)

  17. I’d also like to remind you of something I’ve said before: I’d read your blog even if it was about your collection of Campbell soup cans. You have darn fine storytelling abilities, ma’am Jenba ma’am.

  18. I’d love to hear what you’ve done with the families in Pleasantview. I like hearing about how other gamers have played the Sims I have (plus I miss your stories!). Mine tend to always end up being perfect families. Dina may be one expection though. :)

  19. Jen, I’m so very sad for your loss and I’m holding vigil that you will be able to return to full Simming again very soon. I definitely miss the inspiration your updates bring me. Best Wishes!

  20. Thanks, everyone! I’m still chugging away trying to make my game work…

    Katie, congrats on the Sims Chronicles interview! THat’s awesome. I look forward to reading it!