Whoa, It’s Late

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know what I’ve been up to. I devoted tonight to the Braytons and was all ready to post the next story when I decided to take it in a slightly different direction. That meant more pictures and more playing, which took up the rest of the night! If work is slow tomorrow I might get a chance to work on the update, so I’m hoping it’ll be up by tomorrow evening. *crosses fingers and toes*

Elsewhere in the news, the wonderful Kate over at Parsimonious has created a 1920s flapper-dress mesh which is PERFECT for the next generation of Braytons. HappyMoonBelly made some lovely skins for the mesh, and I downloaded all of them. I was so happy, because good 1920s skins are as rare as alien twins. I’m probably going to have the same problem with the 1930s, but I saw another Kate mesh that looks like a 1940s dress, so maybe I can use that for the ’30s, too. Anyway, in my excitement I even made a donation and tried to sign the guestbook so I could thank them, but the guestbook dealie wouldn’t work, so I’m typing this instead. Not that they’ll ever see it, but I just wanted to shout out my gratitude!

Also big thanks to Bitsy for all of the awesome links she has found for my Timely Finds page. I haven’t added her latest links, but I will very soon. If you haven’t looked at that page in awhile, check it out — there’s a ton of new stuff there, and it’s all pretty cool.

Happy Simming!

5 thoughts on “Whoa, It’s Late

  1. I saw KAte’s newest skins and immediately thought of you , they remind me of the grace kelly type of time. Very nice outfits that I have downloaded also :)

  2. Hi Jen!
    When I first saw this it was in school, at 10.30am British time. I got a bit confused, thinking “Whoa, it’s early,” but then I counted back the hours and thought “Ahhh!”
    E-Liz :)

  3. Don’t thank me, thank you for putting up the post and going through the trouble of sorting the links by decade. That’s where the real work lies, in my opinion. :)

  4. Hello !!

    I am so glad that you are enjoying the 1920’s skins, and that they will work with your Braytons Family. Thanks for the shout out, we heard you !! :-) We are working on getting some outfits for all time periods up, it will take time (no pun intended) to get this done, but we will !!

    Happy Simming, and many felicitations to you !!

    ‘da MoonBelly

  5. Hi, happymoonbelly! Thanks for stopping by. Parsimonious is awesome; I can’t wait to see what else you guys come up with!