They Grow Up So Fast

I had Mia scanning for fingerprints and working out around the clock so she could get promoted again at her job. I usually have my Sims work out until their Hygiene is almost zero, then have them stop and hop into the shower or the energizer. Well, after Mia took a shower, she still had that green cloud of stink following her everywhere. No matter how many times I had her shower, she still had the stinkies. Yay, a bug.

Mia goes to work
“Huh, I really need to wash this uniform…”

Eventually it sorted itself out (I think after she slept and showered again) and Mia wasn’t stinky anymore, but it happened again, so I guess it’s going to be a recurring thing. Plus it happened to Marcel as well.

Meanwhile it was almost time for Sierra to become a teenager. She spent her last morning as a kid jumping on the bed.

Sierra jumps on the bed
“Ah, I miss being a kid…well, not really.”

Then I answered a couple of chance cards incorrectly (to make up for my lucky answers last time) and the family funds were wiped out. Thankfully I only had about §800 in there. Unfortunately I forgot to sell something before the maid left that day, and she had to take something as payment. Much to my dismay, she took Mia’s and Marcel’s college diplomas!

The maid looks evil
“Ha! That’ll show them not to pay me! Although I’m not sure what I’m going to do with a couple of pieces of paper…”

Delaney shared my distress over the loss of the diplomas.

Delaney misses the diplomas
“Ugh! They used to look so good hanging above the chess table!”

That night Sierra became a teen. I rolled Family aspiration for her as well! Her Lifetime Want is to reach her golden anniversary. That’ll only happen if she becomes the heir or moves out, since I want to avoid having too many people in the house. If possible. Doesn’t always work out that way, though, does it?

Sierra becomes a teen

Sierra has some wicked scary cheekbones, very much like Bree from 2G in the old legacy. I couldn’t have her wearing the same shirt as her sister, and the glasses really didn’t suit her anymore, so I had her change into something else and gave her a makeover. The right hair and makeup can really work wonders on a Sim.

The new Sierra
“I feel pretty! Oh so pretty!”

In the less-than-pretty department, we have Marcel going to work as an Ecological Guru wearing nothing but a fig leaf. Well, two fig leaves, actually.

Marcel goes to work
“It’s a good thing I can’t see if the neighbors are watching…”

I decided it was finally time to get the girls into private school (I don’t know why I didn’t do it earlier), so while Marcel was at work and Mia was sleeping, I had the girls invite the headmaster over for dinner. Sierra had the higher Cooking score, so I sent her to make salmon while Delaney shmoozed. Unfortunately the fridge decided to run out of food at that exact moment, so Delaney had to keep the headmaster busy while Sierra ordered more groceries.

Delaney talks to the headmaster
“Just go ahead and pull my finger. I dare ya.”

(continued on Page 3)

19 thoughts on “They Grow Up So Fast

  1. As usual Jen, your posts make me giggle! I love the mailbox picture! Keep up the amazing work.
    Oh, have you ever thought of “Rose” as a name?

  2. Great job, Jen! That picture of Mia checking for fingerprints on Fitz cracked me up. And the mailbox pic was very creative! I can’t wait to see Delaney and Sierra’s adventure to college. Keep up the great work!

    P.S.: I hope that green fume bug doesn’t cause troubles for your lot later on!

  3. Good, I think the picture of Delaney and the Headmaster having a pillow fight was the best.
    Good luck with the girls growing up, Happy simming.
    Bye R

  4. I love reading your stories. It’s inspired me to have a go at the University Legacy Challenge again even after my first attempt was eaten by bugs. Thank you! :D

  5. Oops… Green fume-bugg. I hope it isn’t a sign of bugs to come… It’s always very nerve-wraking watching one bug turn into another and then another and then, oh well, you’ve got the picture, right??

  6. I love reading these, I couldn’t wait for this update. I liked the mailbox picture, it was really cool looking, and that bug was funny. I love the captions you put on these, they always make me laugh. :D Anyways, I can’t wait for the next update.

  7. I get that green fumes bug with my babies and toddlers pretty often. No matter how many baths or diaper changes they get, they still look like they stink. I love that mailbox picture :D

  8. Wow!
    I read this first in school – I’ve been inside with a sprained ankle so I can go on the computer – and I’m just making a comment, now I’m home. Talking of Sims, did you know that the Sims 2 University is top of the PC games chart? I saw it on ceefax (I don’t actually know what I was doing on it) and I thought I’d share it.
    See ya!
    E-Liz :)

  9. I’ve noticed a bug in my game where the energizer doesn’t take away the green stink, but the showers always seem to do the trick for me…
    And that’s probably a wise decision on not going for scholarship points, I decided I was definitely going to go for it before I realised quite what I was getting myself into; you have to get every skill point (including dancing and pool) up to level 8, keep at least an A- in school and a top level teen job to even get half a point for it, unless you can get them abducted, orphaned or zombified! But I guess that’s something to keep the Challenge in Legacy.

  10. Thankyou for another funny update. You are quite good at capturing the best pictures.

  11. Wow that mailbox picture is cool! May need to be a copy kat and try it myself one day LOL.

    Jen I wanted to let you now that I had downloaded your house with the tree house out in the back yard….girl you sure can make them look pretty! I could really use some decorating tips LMAO
    anyway are you by any chance going to upload some more? pretty please? Now this Niadon house is very nice too Just to let you know that I don’t download houses due to various misfortunes in the past , I only have yours and Parsimmous’s houses in my game besides the dinky ones I’ve TRIED to build and the boring ones that do not come fully furnished with the game.
    Oh I also finally updated my Moonlight blog, so when you get a chance….

    Take care :)

  12. To me that one picture of her using the cell phone looked like she was using an inhaler lol. ha! just my imagination though. Great work!

  13. Funny update. :)
    Especially the one where mommy turns of the radio and kids stare–“HEY.” xD

  14. Hiya Jen;
    Your so sweet , thanks for the comments you left on Moonlight’s.
    I just saw a question you had posted about Neroli’s wedding dress. I found it here: she has some very nice attire. I’ve also been getting some other dresses from MTS and Varioussimmers too. I pretty much got tired of always having the same wedding dresses for the brides so I’ve been having them change into their formal attire and get married in front of the wedding arch during their party, just don’t click on the wedding arch or they’ll change into the maxi made dress. I plan to have a different wedding dress for each bride.

  15. yay! anotehr update! Cna’t wait for the girls to go to college and join Hoh-Cham-Hoh ^^ That shot of Mia checking the mail’s creative! never thought of that shot. The pair, Mian and Marcel still look cute cuddling together liek that as elders^^

  16. I am so glad to see an appearance by Shanleys again. Woo Hoo! I love reading your sim stories. HUGS! Oh yes, and great post too. :)

  17. As usual, thanks to everyone for the feedback! I’m glad you guys liked the mailbox picture — I almost didn’t post it because it makes me feel a little claustrophobic. Plus Mia looks kinda freaky, doesn’t she? Heh.

    Vivi – I think Rose is a beautiful name — I used it for Cecily’s middle name in the Brayton family, but maybe I can use it for a first name at some point!

    Kay – Good luck with your next University Legacy Challenge family! Let us know how it goes…

    E-Liz – Cool, thanks for sharing that bit about University being at the top of the PC games chart. I’m glad these games are so popular, because it means they’ll keep making ’em, which feeds my addiction. :-) Now they just need to make things less buggy…

    iamausername – Yeah, going for the scholarship points would be madness, I think. I want my teens to have a life! BTW, your new blog is looking great! I need to get caught up…

    PRMami – Thanks for answering my question about Neroli’s wedding dress. PronupSims is an awesome site! I might try the hack that Bitsy posted in Timely Finds where they change into their regular formals for wedding arch ceremonies, but if that doesn’t work right, I might start doing what you’re doing. Good idea! As for houses, I’m glad you like Blackberry Place! I’ve been building some houses lately for the Brayton story that I might upload at some point…

    Lani – HI!!! It’s always good to see ya!

  18. Wow, I’m late at seeing this update. Silly me! Anyway, about the cop… you have to wait until the officer goes into the house to speak to your sims. Then you can let the burglar out of the car.

    The family is looking really great! I love your custom content and the way you decorate your houses. So nice and serene. :D

  19. Yay! A Shanley update! :-) I love the bedroom set you have in the little girls room. Very nice with all the purples and greens!

    Also, the thing about the Mom scanning the boyfriend was too funny! Hee!