Keeping It Simple

If any of you are looking for a simpler, more streamlined version of the Legacy Challenge: University, you might want to check out the SIMplifiedU Yahoo! Group run by Ivy and Kate, who are co-owners of the TS2ClassicLegacy and TS2UniversityLegacy Yahoo! Groups. Ivy took Pinstar’s rules and tweaked them a bit, adding some things and throwing others out completely. One interesting modification is that you can start your family on any size lot, which is nice for people whose computers can’t handle the largest lot. I’m thinking I might do it, even though I already have one Legacy going. I had an idea for a family I wanted to try out. ;-)

The SIMplifiedU Yahoo! Group is also the group for those interested in trying The Greek Challenge, created by Pinstar. That one sounds like fun, too, but I think I’ll hold off on that one for awhile.

I’ve also created a new category in my sidebar called “Groups & Challenges” where you can find links to various challenges and the Yahoo! Groups.

UPDATE: I received permission from Ivy to post the rules to the SIMplifiedU Challenge. To view them, click on “Read the rest of this entry”. And don’t forget to visit the SIMplifiedU Yahoo! Group if you want tips, discussion, help, and tales of other peoples’ legacy families!

SIMplified University Legacy Challenge by Ivy (with help from Kate & Shannon):

The Goal:
To make the strongest family that you can over 10 generations. The Challenge ends when the 10th generation is born. The 10th generation child must be able to trace family back up to the original sim by blood.

To Start this challenge:
You must start this challenge with a single adult sim that you created in create-a-sim/bodyshop. You may use any skin, genetics and clothing that you want. Assign personality points and aspiration as you wish.

Stick this Sim on any size lot that you wish to begin your life.

The Rules:

No hacks, cheats, modifications or other unfair gameplay advantages may be used.

Use of 3rd party objects, clothing, walls, flooring and other items are okay, as long as they don’t give you a monetary or gameplay advantage.

Use of items to fix bugs is okay, but are use-at-your-own-risk. Make sure to backup your files before attempting any 3rd party fixes.

No reloading after bad events, such as unplanned death or bad chance cards. Reload is acceptable if you encounter a gameplay glitch.

You may only marry, move-in or breed with NPC’s or Townies.

You may move sims out of the house at any time, however you must have someone remaining to continue the Legacy, and once they move out, they cannot move back in again. **Note: You can move your Legacy teens out to University and back home again.**

When your Sim becomes a teenager, roll a 6 sided die for their aspiration:
1 = Wealth
2 = Knowledge
3 = Family
4 = Romance
5 = Popularity
6 = Choose your own

If you send your Sim to college, and they advance far enough to pick a new aspiration (at the end of the Sophomore year), you may choose to change it by re-rolling using the numbers above.

Selecting a major in college: Choose your own. See scoring for bonus points.


1 point for each generation reached (max 10)

1 point for each $100,000 in net worth the family has (round your current net worth up)

1 point for each family friend the family has at the end.

1 point every time a sim fulfills an ‘impossible’ want
The impossible wants are as follows:
Family: “Have 10 children” “Have 20 grandchildren”
Wealth: “Make $100,000”
Knowledge: “Max All skills”
Romance: “Have 30 loves at once”
Popularity: “Have 30 best friends at once”

1 point for fulfilling each “Lifetime Want” that your Sim has. This may be counted multiple times for each Sim.

1 point for each Sim in the Legacy Line that graduates from University.

1 point for each different major that your Sims get a degree in (Max 11 points, one for each major)

1 point for each Legacy family member that joins the Secret Society.

1 point if you obtain all 14 Career Reward objects.

1 point for each NPC that is in your direct family line at the end of the 10 generations. You may have two lines running if you wish, but you will incur the inbreeding penalty for doing so.

2 points for each different ghost color that you obtain.

1 point for free-roaming ghosts.

1 point for each platinum urn/tombstone. 2 points if they did not fulfill their lifetime want but die naturally in platinum mood anyways.

1 point for having a platinum grave of each aspiration (one time only).

1 point for *any* alien abduction. 2 points if they give birth after coming home from being abducted.

2 points for having two Social Bunnies romantically interacting on your lot. (one time only)

2 points if your last generation is twins.


-2 points each time a household member drops into aspirational failure, resulting in a visit from the Sim Shrink.

-2 points each time a household member cuddles the flour sack baby, panhandles for simoleans, whispers sweet nothings to the sponge mop, talks to Professor Von Ball, or has a conversation with their stick-cup buddy.

-1 point for each baby, toddler or child that is taken away by the Social Worker

-1 point for each Sim that flunks out or drops out of University

-2 points for inbreeding your Legacy line

-2 points for each visit from the Repo man

9 thoughts on “Keeping It Simple

  1. Would you mind posting the modified rules? I might try it that way but I’d like to see what’s different before I go and join the group. Thanks!

  2. Awesome. I think when I’ve finished downloading and doing “holiday” assignments (oh yeah, let’s do homework during our holidays, ick. fun! not.) that I will attempt this simpler version. Cya….

  3. Hi Jen,
    I don’t know if I will join, I’m on 3 yahoo groups as it is… Besides, I don’t mind the “difficult rules”. Oh, seems like your URL-transition worked OK!

  4. Good luck to those of you who try out the SIMplifiedU Challenge! I’ll be trying it, too, so we can help each other out.

    Yannick – That’s cool, I just thought I’d post it for people who’d rather try something a bit less complicated. Being on one Yahoo! Group can be overwhelming, let alone three. :-) I’m still doing Pinstar’s University Legacy Challenge for the Shanleys, but since I’m done with “classic” Legacy, I’ll probably drop out of the TS2ClassicLegacy group. It’s hard to keep up with!

  5. Hmmm… Does that mean that your founder can’t start at University or did I read that wrong? I’m going to go over the rules again to decide how I’m going to continue. So far all the note-taking is necessary for future website purposes but I keep forgetting to take the notes that are important for the challenge. Doh!

  6. Grrr… Should have read twice before I commented since I can’t edit. Oh, well.

    Do the new rules mean that you actually have to deduct FOUR points every time the sim requires a visit from the sim shrink. By my observations any time this happens you’ll have those ‘desperation behaviors’ such as the flour sack baby, stick cup friend, etc so if I’m seeing this correctly you lose more points than in the original rules?

  7. Hi Becki, I haven’t visited the SIMplifiedU Yahoo! Group in a few days, but it is my understanding from the rules that you can’t send your founder to college, simply because it says, “Stick this Sim on any size lot that you wish to begin your life.” Later on it does say “If you send your Sim to college”, but I don’t know if that applies to the founder or just his/her descendants. This might be a good question for the Yahoo! Group — Ivy is pretty good about answering questions in a timely manner!

    I would also think that cuddling the flour sack baby, etc. would only get you the -2 pt penalty IF it actually occurs. So if the Sim Shrink shows up, you get -2 pts for that, but if you manage to raise the Sim’s aspiration level to green before he/she can cuddle any flour sack babies, then you don’t incur any additional penalties. Again, that’s just going by my interpretation of the rules — you might want to ask Ivy for a clarification. Best of luck!