Makin’ Friends

Marcel went upstairs to rest for a bit and found Simon Kosmokos sleeping in Sandy’s bed.

Simon gets out of bed
“Drink a little too much fruit juice, buddy?”

Meanwhile Mia wanted to flirt with both Chase and Marcel. I figured Marcel would be safer since Chase wasn’t in love with Mia anymore and wouldn’t mind it. If she had flirted with Chase, both Marcel and Sandy would have had a fit. I have to admit the llama guy is kinda growing on me. He’s not nearly as compelling without the giant llama head, though.

Mia holds hands with Marcel
“You have got to be the weirdest guy I have ever known.”

Mia also made friends with Berjes the Mailman. Remember him? He’s the new mailman at Shanley Hall, too. I like him because he’s a darker-skinned version of Robi. I miss Robi.

Mia talks to Berjes
“Hahaha hahaha! Come on, Berjes, it’s funny.”

Well, Mia wasn’t making a whole lot of dough playing guitar for tips, so I decided she might as well throw her graduation party and get out of town. She invited the only family members she is friends with — her grandmother Demi, her little brother Parker, and her aunt Aurora. She gets along especially well with Parker for some reason. He gave her a big hug when he saw her.

Parker hugs Mia
“Sis, does this mean you can come home now?”

After greeting Mia, Parker grabbed a bag of chips (or cookies — I can’t tell since they’re invisible out of the bag) and sat in the living room chowing down. Only he didn’t really chow down — he would lift each chip with this sweeping, overly dramatic gesture, then bite into it delicately as if he were a little connoisseur. It totally cracked me up.

Parker eats chips
“That’s one strange little dude.”

Mia played guitar one last time and earned a few hundred Simoleons while Parker cheered her on.

Mia plays guitar again
“Yes! My big sis RULES!”

And then the cow mascot showed up and spoiled everything! Well, not really — she just annoyed everyone. She particularly enjoyed poking people, including poor Demi. There’s Marcel in the hot tub, sans llama head for a change.

The cow pokes Demi
“It’s a cow poke! Geddit? Am I bugging you yet?”

The clock wound down, and Mia’s graduation party came to an end. I decided to let the cinematic play, so I didn’t get a good camera shot of her growing up, but she basically spun around like always and became an adult. Then the taxi drove up, and her best friends gathered to bid her farewell.

Mia leaves campus
“Bye Mia! Have fun in your new floorless, wallpaperless shack!”

So my 10th gen heir is all grown up and ready to start her own Legacy family! Will the family line continue for another 9 generations? Who will Mia marry? Will I ever quit asking questions? (Probably not.) Stay tuned!

14 thoughts on “Makin’ Friends

  1. Great one! I hope Mia does well in her “new floorless, wallpaperless shack”! I can’t wait to see if she does–or who her husband is going to be. Have fun. I can’t wait to see what comes next!

  2. I can’t wait to see how Mia’s life turns out! I just now sent my 10th generation heir to college, so hopefully it will be as fun as Mia’s was!

  3. Hi Jen, just saw your note over on Moonlight. Thanks for the names …your great!
    Well, now I’m going to read your update.
    I decided to have Rowan & Willow go Greek, so I need to get on my game and play , but I’ve got 2 sick kids with a stomach bug that makes them go …barf big time, need to have a trash can right next to them, so not much time to play :(

  4. Yay! Start of 2nd Legacy! Funnnnnnnnn! I love the captions… Makes me wanna start playing TS2U more again. Which I probably will do once my computer is fixed this holidays. Mmmm… I just got more EASTER EGGS! Go Chocolate! Cya Jen, great update.

  5. Wow… They grow up so fast… Sniff…
    I’ve just moved from the frat house to the wall-less foundation as well. Good luck!

  6. Cool! Cow mascot^^ never seen that before. anyway… congrads on graduating! Can’t wait to see the new “shack”. It’s great to see how you’ve established such a nice greek house! btw… Aurora looks so cool! really nice make over, just love the hair and eyes^^

  7. I didn’t know there was a cow mascot! I am waiting for the ep to go down in prices a bit ;) I love Aurora’s new style more her I think.

  8. Hi Jen, i loved the update. I also have my little one sick & pucking so i had to wait till i got to work to read your update. Daddy stayed home with her, she’s a big fan of yours too. Anyhoo what was Mia’s major? Well i can’t wait for your next update.
    Happy simming

  9. Hi Jen!
    I’m reading this with a “strained” ligament in my leg, following the trend of being ill at the moment…
    Wow! You got someone graduated from college! I’ve only just got the EP, so no sims’s actually graduated yet…I’ve seen that cow mascot too, it’s pure EVIL ):-)
    Anyway, good luck!

    E-Liz :)

  10. Bummer, I’m sorry to hear about all the sick kids. And your strained ligament, E-Liz. Hope everyone feels better soon!

    Mary – Mia’s major was Psychology (switched from Poli Sci). She had to prepare for a life in Law Enforcement if she wanted to be a Captain Hero someday (her Lifetime Want). :-)

  11. Okay, so I thought Mia was one of the prettier sims, but you were right. She looks freaky playing the guitar in her mortar board and gown. Freaky.

  12. Hehe. I like the ending part. You’re funny. Great end to your heir’s life at University! I can’t wait to see what you have in store for her as an adult! Who’s she gonna marry? What kind of job does she want? Hehe. TELL ALL!

  13. Hi!!!!

    just to say that i think Mia and Parker look really cute in the photo when their hugging!!

    i love following your stories!
    Keep up the good work!!!