A New Legacy Begins

After the woohoo, Chase immediately fell asleep. Mia was wide awake, so she wandered downstairs for some food. The place was a complete mess, so I had Mia hire a maid (I’m surprised there are no custodians — what college student has time to clean an entire dorm?). She had eaten dinner and was socializing a bit when a fire broke out in the cafeteria kitchen. All the cafeteria worker did was run to the other side of the room and stand there. Mia was the only one who freaked out.

Fire in the kitchen
“Oh, thank goodness for sprinklers…”

Meanwhile Chase had woken up and was pilfering from Mia’s money tree, the scoundrel!

Chase takes Mia's money
“Heehee, works every time…”

Then he had the nerve to look completely innocent when Mia came upstairs.

Chase smiles at Mia
“Why, you’re looking lovely today, Mia.”

At some point Mia became a Sophomore, but since there wasn’t any fanfare, I’m not sure when it happened, pictures-wise. I’m going to have to keep better notes! At any rate, she received a fifth want slot when she became a sophomore. It didn’t make much difference, though, since most of her wants were the same — “Make Friends with So-and-so”.

She worked on becoming friends with the rest of her dormmates, including someone named Sandy Bruty.

Mia talks to Sandy
“And then I put this helmet with a lightbulb on top of my head, and I felt like, really smart!”

Apparently there is a finite number of names in SimNation, because I also saw someone named ‘Pao’ and someone with the last name ‘Wolosenko’.

Mia had a want to declare the Political Science major, so I her hop onto the computer and declare it. After that, she started going to interestingly-titled classes like “Making a Monarchy”. She also became friends with one of her poli sci professors, Jeff Jeffress.

Mia talks to her prof
“Can you believe this girl? I think she’s flirting with me!”

My favorite guy in the dorm was Darren Pederson, because he’s just plain nice, and the hippie hair combined with the sharp suit makes me chuckle. He and Mia got along really well, too.

Mia talks to Darren
“Now Picasso, there’s a genius for you — the shapes, the colors…so abstract yet so pure –”

Maybe I’m not playing the game the right way, but not much really happens at Sim college. The students are like zombies, going to class, doing homework, and studying almost constantly. Of course, in real life, that’s a good thing, but in the Sims? I was kind of hoping for some craziness. I guess Mia should have pulled more pranks, like the streaker in the picture below. But as you can see, not even the cafeteria worker was fazed by it.

The streaker
“You get to be my age, you’ve seen just about everything.”

Mia’s fun levels were hard to keep up (it almost seems like it decays faster in college, but I can’t be sure) so I bought a video game console and rearranged the living room so it wouldn’t be so crowded. Well, that seemed to liven things up. Students who had previously ignored the TV (seriously, no one ever turned it on) started to play video games with regularity. Oops. I hope their grades didn’t suffer too terribly much.

Video games in the lounge
“If you don’t quit beating me, I’ll throw this game controller out the window, I swear!”

By the time her sophomore year had ended, Mia had made a grand total of FOUR friends at college. That’s just pathetic for a Popularity Sim. In fact, it was tough to keep Mia happy throughout college, and at least one time she almost missed her final exam because she was so tired. I bought her a mood energizer with her aspiration points, but it was hard to keep her in gold or plat so she could actually use it.

At any rate, I decided to take the option to change her aspiration when she completed her sophomore year. I rolled the die, and it came up Family. YES! It doesn’t fit her personality as well as Popularity did, but it’ll be a great aspiration for the founder of a legacy. Plus I was really sick of trying to make friends and throw parties all the time. Heh.

Also on the plus side, her Lifetime Want changed! So she no longer wants to Woohoo with 20 Sims. Instead, she wants to be a Captain Hero. I think that will be MUCH easier to accomplish.

Don’t worry, though — she’s not quite finished wooing other Sims. She saw a Llama the other day that totally intrigued her…

Mia spots the llama mascot
“I just HAVE to see what’s under that llama suit…”

I didn’t mean for Mia’s trajectory to be so similar to Jade Pixel’s over on Pixelated (great new Legacy blog — check it out!), what with the Llama and the change of aspiration to Family, but there you have it. I’ve actually played Mia well into her junior year, but I’ll save that for the next update. Sorry this was so long and rambly! I also didn’t mean to rant so much about Sim college being dull — University is pretty cool, but I think from the early screenshots I was expecting it to be like Animal House or something, and it’s more like — well, like watching people sitting around reading all day. Maybe I just need to explore a few more aspects of it.

14 thoughts on “A New Legacy Begins

  1. OMG. Another update! Yay! I love this blog. And the Shanleys. lol…. someof these captions are hilarious! Keep it up, Jen!

  2. Hey Jen! This is so awesome! Mia seems to be such a good heir. Especially with her aspiration change. It’s a good thing you don’t have to try for that WooHoo with 20 sims anymore. I had a tough time getting 5! I think she has a much better Lifetime want now. Also, I don’t really think she looks that bad. But I agree, she looks better when she’s doing something. And Political Science sounds so boring to me. Lol, but whatever those crazy sims want, I guess, right? ;-) Well congrats on everything and I hope that it gets more exciting for you! Can’t wait to see your next post!

  3. Looks great, once again the captions keep me laughing.
    How do you manage to get such clear and sharp photos?
    I just managed to start a blog on my family, not nearly as enjoyable as yours but I’m learning.
    Take Care, V

  4. Thanks, you guys!

    PRMami – First off, I checked out your blog, and I love it so far! Can I link to you from my site? Also, I left a comment, but I’m not sure if it showed up or not. I had to leave an anonymous one since I don’t have my own LJ.

    As for my pictures, I think lighting helps a lot. Sometimes I add a gazillion lights before I snap a photo. I also have my camera settings on high, and I use the “Sharpen” feature in Microsoft Photo Editor to make them a little less blurry. But I think sometimes the sharpening doesn’t look as good. Blurries make the Sims look more natural and less cartoony, I think. But I’ve gotten in the habit of sharpening. Did that make any sense? Heh.

  5. This was hilarious! LOL! You had me laughing out loud with your captions ^_^ Mia seems to be havng a great time in college these days. I have to agree with you that she’s not the best looking Sim… at least she looks different, it would be boring to have all look the same… Wonderful update, I wish Mia good luck with making friends and on that lifetime want!

  6. Hi Jen;
    Please by all means go ahead and link. All us Simaholics need to stick together ..eh? as anyone who isn’t a simmer has no clue how addicting this game can be.
    I’ll be adding you to mine(if it’s also ok) once I figure out LJ options.

  7. That llama suit gets them every time… I love it! Seriously, I haven’t got a problem with the similarities in the story (it’s not like I have a patent on wooing the llama).

    College gets much more fun with the next generation, as they’ve had more time to get skills and scholarships and you get more time to go hustle pool and play in a band.

  8. All of my sims are like zombies! Its so weird! I once had to grab a guy, using buy mode, and bring him out of his dorm. My girl had a crush on him and he would not come out. I waited for like 90 sim hours! I have had a person graduate, it is cool. The new carrers are sooo awsome. Have fun!

  9. Hi Jen. Great update as always!
    Assuming most of the skins are Maxis-made since Uni has just been released, I wonder what’s so seriously wrong with Maxis people when it comes to designing clothings and hairdos… especially the guy’s stuff. But somehow they look cute and funny in your pictures with your narration on! Having beatniks and hippies around may not be so bad, now coming to think about it.
    I don’t know if it’s the right place to post but I bought the Guster CD yesterday. I kept forgetting (I seriously need to organise To-Do list) but finally managed to slip into a nearby HMV store and found it. I really enjoy it. Thank you, Jen, for introducing! I’m not rushing you or anything but when’s the next installment of “Christmas in the City” coming?
    Another random question… I think I saw a “High Fidelity” poster in your blog a while back. Do you mind if I ask you where or how you got it? It’s one of my favorite movies and I’m thinking about having the reproductions of the characters, especially the one played by Jack Black, when I have TS2 (Yes I’m a lousy Mac user and have to wait till May). Thanks!

  10. hey jen! I love the funky green room! Especially the bed covers! I guess there’s a lot of feaures in Uni that we haven’t explored yet. Are you planning to satrt a greek house? and send all the YAs there? it’s be cool. as for me, I haven’t got a clue how to start a greek house. btw… I’ve gone back to updating my blog so if you have any time, don’t hesistate to drop by ^^ cheers

  11. Hiya Jen;
    Just a quick note to let you know that I switched blog formats. I could not find a way to fix comments made by non LJ members to anonymous..drove me batty. Here’s hoping this service is a bit better.
    So Moonlight’s Legacy stories will be here:


  12. Well I’ve found that the droms are boring! So very very boring. You won’t get much done if you just have your sims live there. What I have done for Jared Starchild, is to basically have him living on the community lots. In fact I have him living in only one (Campus Lounge) make sure a lot has all the nessesary stuff on it and have them drink coffee to stay awake. This allows you to do so much more, as a few cups of coffee keep a sim awake longer than a night asleep. Use influence to get other sims to do all your work for you, term paper is the best to get them to do. The problem is, is that the lot gets very slow as alot of sims start coming in.

    I haven’t tried a Greek House yet, might be ok as you might get enough friends to influence sims to do all of your schooling for you.

  13. chie – I downloaded the High Fidelity movie poster in a pack from Mod the Sims 2. You can find them on this thread. As far as I can tell, the creator hasn’t released an EP-ready version of the set, so I had to delete mine for now. Hopefully he’ll update them at some point (will Mac users be able to use the same downloads?). And you bought Guster! That’s so cool. I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I’m not sure when I’ll do another episode of “Christmas in the City” — I’m still searching for the right song!

    Janice – Starting a Greek house is pretty easy — you just move your Sim into one of the rental houses and have them apply for a Greek charter over the phone. I didn’t have any trouble with it, but I don’t have the Prima Guide for the EP, so I don’t know if there are other factors involved. I’m glad you’re updating your blog again!!

    PRMami – Thanks, I updated the link! I hope Blogger works better for you.

    Aner-Dyfan – Yeah, the community lots in University are pretty cool. Good strategy! You’re so right about the dorms being boring. Try a Greek house, I bet you’d have fun with it. :-)