Those Crazy Shanleys

Hey folks! It has been snowing since last night and shows no signs of letting up, so I get to stay home all day and play my Legacy Challenge family, huzzah. But first, a loooong update! Also, just for kicks I took pictures of my frontyard (you can see the house across the street but…no street) and backyard buried in white stuff. It’s beautiful and serene and everything, but part of me would much rather be here. Ah well.

On Friday I asked you guys to vote for which bartender my 7G heir Tebbany should marry. Gary Hiatt won over Goopy Zhang, 14-9. I have to say I was a bit relieved, because I’m not fond of the name Goopy, either. I think I would have had to name him something else, at least for blogging purposes. :-) So now that Tebby’s future hubby had been decided, it was time to wait out her teenage years. In the meantime the Shanley family went about their business.

Shanley breakfast
“Just look at this motley crew! What has my legacy come to?”

After the death of his wife Marie, Pao settled in comfortably into life at Shanley Manor, even though he wasn’t blood-related to any of its inhabitants. Due to his excellent cooking and cleaning skills, he became indispensable, especially in a house with three extremely messy Sims. In the pic above, the family (minus Tebby and Cort) partake of Pao’s omelette breakfast while the Legacy founder, Nia, looks on.

Pao also made it to the top of the Business career track (Business Tycoon) and got to take the helicopter to work. The funny thing about Pao is that he’s a Popularity Sim, but seems to have trouble getting along with people. He’s moderately nice, I think, but his interests just don’t seem to mesh with anyone else’s very well. My two Romance Sims, Stefaan and Tristan, were having a much easier time making friends, but perhaps that’s because they were flirting with all of them.

Young Cort (7G) eventually had a birthday and become a teenager. I rolled Knowledge for him (yay!). He and his sister can be geeks together.

Cort as a teen
“I’m only the spare heir, so you won’t be seeing too much of me.”

Here Cort studies up on his Cooking while his great grandmother Fiona floats by. I love how they sometimes acknowledge the ghosts with a smile (then five minutes later get completely freaked out by them and wet the floor).

Cort sees Fiona's ghost
“Hi Fiona, you’re looking nice and transparent today!”

Meanwhile Cort’s great uncle Stefaan (5G) was still romancing every woman in town. I mistakenly had him invite over his girlfriend Suzanne Courderc while his girlfriend Marylena Hamilton was in the hot tub. Oops, forgot she was there! After Stefaan greeted Suzanne with a kiss, Marylena hopped right out of that tub and showed Stefaan what she thought of him. Man, she looks scary when she’s mad.

Marylena slaps Stefaan

Finally it was time for Pao to become an elder. I laughed to see him grow up into Devin’s old Santa suit from the Shanley holiday party. It’s Santa Pao!

Santa Pao
“Ho ho ho, haaaaappy birthday! Where’s my reindeer?”

Stefaan had a want to Flirt with Marylena, but she was still ticked off at him (I don’t blame her one bit). They managed to at least become friends again.

Stefaan hugs Marylena
“Yup, I’ve still got the magic touch.”

So what was Tebbany up to this whole time? Well, I was trying to age her as quickly as possible. The teenage years seem interminable when you’re just trying to get to the next generation. In a way, I’m sorry to have to rush through my last few generations — they’re actually some of the most interesting Sims I’ve had in awhile — but I’m also eager to just finish the challenge and move on. And I’m worried that my lot is going to bug out on me at any moment, so I’m just trying to get to 10G before that happens (knock on wood).

Unfortunately in order to age Tebbany more quickly I had to sink her aspiration level into green or lower. Since she had a fear of a fire occurring, I had Tristan start cooking salmon and leave the room while Tebbany sat there and watched it burn.

Salmon on the stove
“Hm, I wonder why Tristan just left his salmon sitting there…”

Sure enough, a fire broke out on the stove. Tebbany freaked out, as did Jan Tellerman, who happened to be visiting.

*shrieks of horror*

So poor Tebbany’s aspiration meter dipped into red. Time for the elixir! She drank a sip…and gained three more days of teenagerhood. She took another…three more days. This happened about five times in a row, until I just got frustrated and sent her to bed. What a waste of elixir! When she woke up the next day, I had her drink again, and this time she finally lost three days of life. Eventually I figured out that if I had her her wait about an hour between drinks of elixir, she was much more likely to lose life. After about a day of napping and waking up to drink elixir every hour or so, I had her aged to adult! Unfortunately I was impatient to have her grow up that I forgot to raise her aspiration meter, so she grew up badly AND received a visit from ye old Sim Shrink!

(continued on Page 2)

23 thoughts on “Those Crazy Shanleys

  1. That was a great update Jen! I am currently on 6th generation and I have yet to have twins. I want them terribly since I haven’t had them in a while. Thats so funny, since yesterday my 6th generation heirs husband got abducted; my first also. He had a little girl with black hair, has practically no nose, but has the dads brown eyes instead of the black alien eyes. I hope to make it to 10th generation too before the expansion pack comes out. Good luck! :)

  2. Hi Jen. That’s great about the alien baby. :)I was really rooting for you to get your alien baby. Hey I wish I could help you shovel but i’m in a no snow part of the US. Your pic of your home front and back your was cool. I love to see snow.. in pics I mean. You are almost done with your challenge.. great job. Can’t wait for you next up date. Cleo is so cute! :)

  3. Hey Jen! Great post, twins AND alien baby, am sehr jealous! (i dunno if sehr actually means very, but it sounded good in my head) The twins are adorable! And Cleo is cute too! Your garden looked beautiful by the way, we never get snow like that in England, stupid weather. That beach was really nice too, looked like the Bahamas or something! Oh, before I head off to do something pointless I’ve thought of another girls name you might like (i know, so many names, but better too many than too little), Mia. I love the name Mia, it’s pretty :D
    Bye! xxx

  4. Hehehe…hurray on the alien baby. I can’t wait to see some more pics of Cleo. That is too funny. I have never had an alien abduction in my sims. Not from my lack of trying either. LOL!

  5. First of all, your house looks beautiful! (The REAL house) You’re lucky to have snow. (Hello, SNOW DAY!) Living in Texas sucks sometimes.

    This was an AWESOME update. Congrats on the twins and the alien baby! Lennon and Scottie are beautiful. Cleo doesn’t look that bad compared to many aliens I’e seen. She looks cute so far… (I love the expression on Gary’s face when he got abducted)Congrats also on the 8th generation! You might be able to finish this before the University comes out. Go Jen!

    Loved your update, can’t wait for the next.

  6. Hey, I love the pictures!! Do you think you could (in next update) show us a profile picture of Tebbstirs (my so ool nic-name), Gary, and the twins, I really wan tot compare and contrast! Thanks!

  7. Hey, Jen.
    I’ve been reading your blog for some time, and haven’t really commented anything. So I figured that now was as good a time as any, eh?
    You’ve definitely got some great writing skills right there. I really love to read your stories. It’s a bit sad that you’re rushing through these last few generations of your legacy family, but it’s sure been one hell of a ride, if I may. I’m sure it’ll be equeally good to be returning to the other stories.
    You might have noticed that I signed up for SimScribes the other day, but it seems that I haven’t gathered anything important to say… And I’ve got a shyness score of 3.
    While I’ve got to admit that your legacy got a little one-sided since Patrick passed away, I can perfectly understand that decision. I just hope you’re done in time.
    Anydangways, good luck with the rest of the generations. And happy simming.

  8. Congrats Jen! You’ve definitely earned Cleo. Good job, Gary! ;-)And congrats on your twins! They sure are something, though a major handful. And it doesn’t hurt that they’re so cute! It’ll be sad not having Kenneth, Vests, Tristan, or Stefaan in the house, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right? And I understand perfectly about rushing through the last generations. I must admit that I’m doing the same exact thing as you. It gets kind of annoying when they gain life instead of lose it. I’ll try your little trick, for sure! Have fun shoveling your driveway (yes, that was sarcastic), and have fun playing the Shanleys today!

  9. Wow Jen, I looove those 3-page-updates! Thanks sooo much for using my name for your little alien baby and congrats to that too – you’ve been trying so hard for it and finally it’s there :) – Cleo looks really pretty for an alien I must admit! And the twins are very sweet aswell, I like the change in nose, not so barbie-like anymore, a little broader, looks good! And I wonder, how is it possible that Scottie is blonde?! I thought genetics would not pass through three generations – and definitely not blonde, with black and brown parents!!
    What I like, too, is that you have a generation with three different hair-colored children – never had that before, eh? I’m VERY excited to see the three grow up, expecially because of the looks and aspirations!
    Oh, and will you actually move Vesta back home, because of the gravestone? I thought you should have all generations featured, or not? Well, whatsoever, I loved that update!! Greeeeeeat choice with Gary :)
    OH, and @ Helen: ‘sehr’ is German and in fact it DOES mean ‘very’! Good one ;)
    Many greetings from Frankfurt (had to get rid of the snow too), Eva!

  10. It was nice to come back after shoveling and have so many great comments already. Thanks, guys!

    Kristina – Congrats on your alien baby and good luck on finishing the challenge! :-)

    Mary – You’re lucky you don’t get snow where you are. I wish you could have helped me, too. ;-) The snow at the end of the driveway was up to my knees because of the snowplow!

    Helen – Mia is a lovely name, I’m adding it to the list. It would be great for my 10th gen baby, if it’s a girl, because my legacy founder’s name was Nia. The beach in my picture is from the Virgin Islands, so you were pretty close!

    Lani – Hi! I hope you get your own alien baby soon! :-)

    Leslie – The house in my front yard pic isn’t mine — it’s the house across the street. I took that pic from my front window. But thanks! ;-) It is fun to have a snow day sometimes.

    Lindsey – I took some profile pics tonight, so I’ll crop them and post them tomorrow for you!

    Alexander – Hi and thanks for your honest comment. It made me think about what I’m going to do when I’m done with the challenge. Even though I’m rushing through it now, I think I will miss it. I’m not entirely certain I’ll want to go back to my usual stories after this, but I’m not sure I want to do another Legacy Challenge all over again, either. It’ll probably end up being a combination of both. At any rate, I hope it’ll still be fun to read about! I’m glad you joined SimScribes, too — welcome!

    Jessica – Heya, I’m glad I’m not the only one rushing through the last generations. Best of luck to you, and I love your new site!

    Eva – I like the variety in hair and nose shapes, too. :-) I’m thinking Gary must have some blonde genes hiding in him in order for Scottie to have blonde hair. I’m not entirely sure how Sim genetics work, but it’s definitely interesting to see what traits appear in each generation. As for Vesta, I won’t be able to move her back, since you can’t move in anyone who has moved out once already. And you’re right, I won’t have any 7G gravestones as a result, but that’s OK. You get 1 point per platinum headstone no matter what the generation, and one extra point for getting all 5 aspiration headstones. I already have a Family one, so I don’t need Vesta’s. Great questions!


    I haven’t been commenting much lately, but I just wanted to let you know I’ve been following religiously. And I am very excited about Cleo — if you’d gone to generation 10 without an alien baby it would have been very disappointing, considering how hard you’ve been trying to get one, lol. Good luck on making it before the new expansion pack comes out!

  12. Wow. Wow. Wow. I’m practically speechless. This blog is my lifeline. Jen, you’re a genius! Congratulations! CYA…

  13. Congrad indeed to all the new additions! I love twins cause liek u said, are never clones! and your little alien baby looks so cute! way cuter than mine two who had huge eyes. And Lennan looks so cool by the way, very nice features, so hopefully he’ll maintain those features through to adulthood^^

  14. Oh I’m happy for you finally getting the alien baby! And Twins! that’s exciting, I’m also glad you like Gary. yay! So much excitement in this update. I love reading your blog because since I can’t play my game at the moment it makes things not so bad. I get a good dose of the Sims by reading. So yay! Can’t wait to see what happens next.

  15. Congrats on your alien baby and the twins! I was so excited to get mine this weekend, my first alien ever. They’re so cute with the green skin and big black eyes :D Weird looking, but cute in an odd way

  16. yay, an alien baby! they sure are cute when they’re small… but i don’t like the shape of their heads when they grow up. at least you got a wish fulfilled!

  17. Hi Jen!
    Alien baby, twins, niceness scores of three…what next?
    The alien baby is so cool, maybe when she is older you can move her out and she can have her own family?
    Good luck with shovelling the snow!
    E-Liz :)

  18. How did Scottie get blonde hair? That’s weird, seeeing how her parents have brown/black hair…
    Yay for the alien baby! When I played the Viscud brothers, I named Pascal’s alien baby Alena.

  19. YOUR…FAMILY… ROCKS!!!!!!!!!! So much that it bothers me. Thanks for using the name Scottie I think it is cute. I think Scottie should be the heir. She is cuter. Have fun!

  20. Your blog is awesome as usual. You have excellent writing skills. I absolutely adored the Colin Firth T-shirt. I know hes kinda old but I love him, especially in Pride and Prejudice. Can you tell me where you got the shirt if you can remember.

  21. I just read the “Colin firth” comment, and had to read your story again to see it. not that that was a problem. If only you had a shirt of him all wet and running into Elizabeth in Pride and Predjudice. Woo woo

  22. That was a really great update. Twins AND an alien baby. And you used the guy name I suggested…thanks. :)