Another Family Portrait

Here’s the latest Shanley family portrait:

Kaylynn and Devin are standing behind their two daughters, Taryn (left) and Fiona (right). Fiona, a Family Sim, is my current Legacy heir. I left her fiancé Robi out of the picture because I couldn’t fit him in properly, and he’s not officially part of the family yet anyway.

The Shanley Family

I really wish we had some kind of in-game camera object that would arrange the family in a decent pose, have them all smile, and snap the picture. As it is, getting the whole family to cooperate for a picture-taking session can be a bit of a challenge. At least no one is slouching horribly this time! And everyone is grown up, so no acne! I do have outtakes, though, if you want to see what my silly Sims were doing while I was waiting for a good photo op…

The Shanley Family

The Shanley Family

The Shanley Family

The Shanley Family

And here’s poor Robi on the sidelines, frozen in place because I had free will turned off. At least he was a good sport about it.

Robi Charvat

Because of the holidays, I probably won’t be posting again until next week. I’d like to thank everyone for reading my stories and leaving such kind comments. Peace, good will, and candy canes to all!

13 thoughts on “Another Family Portrait

  1. lol.. those shots were funny. If you turn freewill off, does it mean they totally sit still? were they talking to each otehr or anything? I found their faces most amusing :)

  2. I love to see the family portraits. I tried to do one on my own but it was way too hard. I mean, these Sims just would not look at the camera! They start talking, looking at eachother… eventually I just gave up…

  3. oh, that was just priceless! i love your stories so very much. okay, since you’re taking a break, now i can catch up on my Blogger family. i keep getting distracted with your stories! i had a feeling you turned free will off for the family pic.

    love the tree and the snow! it’s so very festive around here! i love it! happy holidays to you Jen and your family (and your Sim families, too).

  4. those outtakes were funny! Loved Devin’s expression in the second one! ^_^ Have a happy holiday and am looking forward to your next batch of stories :D

  5. I loved the out takes, hey was your sim winking at someone? Have a great holiday and I will miss reading your blog but you deserve a break to make your own holiday moments with your loved ones. Happy white Christmas to all Sims families and your family too.

  6. Mary – No worries, I just deleted the duplicate comments. :-) I have no idea what Taryn was winking at in that one picture — I think it’s just one of the things they do when they’re idle or watching TV. Hehe.

    (Woops, I got errors, too. Sorry about that…I think I’ve fixed it for now!)

  7. Janice – I’ve noticed that when I turn free will off and let them stand idle, they do a whole range of things dependent on their personalities. Robi, for example, is very playful, so he made his hands talk to each other (sounds weird, I know!) and punch the air. The rest of the family was actually watching TV and talking! I put a TV out there so they’d all face the camera, plus it kept their fun and social up while I was making them pose for hours on end. :-P

  8. Okay now – you’re patience must be infinite!! You must be having fun or you couldn’t put this amount of effort forth. :-) Nice family picture. It was a cute idea to post the “out takes” LOL

    Have a wonderful holiday!!

  9. Kathy – I got the tree from Mod the Sims 2, which I probably never would have visited if not for you, so THANKS! :-D It was in the Beta Testers – Object Recolors forum, but unfortunately I can’t remember who created it, and I can’t find it again. :-(