A Deadly Reward

Wow, I was reading the TS2Legacy Yahoo! Group and found a reference to the Noodlesoother aspiration reward being a Sim killer. I found this interesting because one of my Sims, Sid Kilman, died tragically while wearing one. I jokingly blamed the Noodlesoother for his death at the time, but after finding threads like this one at The Sims Resource Forums, I am growing convinced that it was the culprit (chattykathy, you were on to something!).

Apparently though the Noodlesoother keeps your Sim’s mood high, it drains their needs at a much faster rate than normal (!). Also, if the Sim’s aspiration level slips below gold (or even below platinum, according to some other players) while wearing the Noodlesoother, their needs can take a serious nosedive, possibly causing Sim death and a visit from ye olde Grim Reaper. I’m thinking this is what happened to Sid, because one second he was taking a bath, and the next he was curled up next to it in a fetal position, dead as a doornail. Poor Sid!

6 thoughts on “A Deadly Reward

  1. D’oh! What an evil aspiration reward! Although, it might come in handy if you’re trying to fulfill a knowledge sim’s aspiration “Cheat Death”…just make sure a popularity sim is around to plead for his life. I’ll have to try that out sometime.

  2. Well I’ve never used it, mainly cause I’d read your story before playing the game myself. But I haven’t ever had need of it, as it’s expensive and mood isn’t that hard to keep up, especially compared to getting the amount of aspiration points needed for it.

  3. You’re right, Aner-Dyfan, it’s not worth it. I haven’t used the Noodlesoother since. I prefer the Energizer now if I’m really concerned about mood.

    And good idea, Kara! I might have to utilize the Noodlesoother in that capacity for my crazy Knowledge Sims…

  4. I actually don’t use the rewards much. I haven’t found them that helpful. I have used the money tree for some quick cash but I never really saw that much different than using a cheat code.

    I used the thinking cap once when my Sims dipped below gold and it drained his energy completely to red. Ever since then I never really used the rewards again…except for the Love Tub, I like that one :)