Whiny Monday

I’m antsy to start building, but I keep running into snags. I still can’t figure out my weird textures glitch (which doesn’t hurt gameplay but will keep my pics from looking pretty), and the neighborhood deco isn’t behaving as I hoped it would. :-(  I wanted Gnomesby to be nestled in a valley with forested hills surrounding it, but the trees aren’t showing up from lot view. Well, they do, but only within a small radius. I could swear they were showing up from farther away on my old computer, which had a lesser graphics card. So why the heck won’t they show up on my new computer, which has a supposedly awesome graphics card? Did I spend a crapload of money for nothing? Sigh.

I considered going back to my old computer for this project, but that’s just silly. My pics would look nice, but I’d barely be able to play the darned game. So I am choosing gameplay over aesthetics. Which pains me, it really does. I like pretty pictures. But I’m spinning my wheels over this stuff. Time to move on and just start building the town, which is the part I’m really excited about.

So…posting some pictures soon. I’m this close to finishing up my terrain. Just gotta smooth out a few rough edges.

10 thoughts on “Whiny Monday

  1. Hi Jen.
    Maybe you need to adjust your preferences in the… (how’s that menu called again? Well just press F5 lol)? At least from what I understood, maybe this is the solution?

    Eager to see Gnomesby. I’ve just recently found out about Isle of Thyme and yours, it’ll be nice to see a city/neighbourhood growing in first-hand (usually I get to meet the community much later it’s created :( ).

  2. Hey Jen, sorry to hear about your issues. Can you maybe show a picture of the weird texture thing? It would make it easier to see what exactly is going on.

    As for the tree view distance, you can adjust that in your options. It isn’t turned all the way up by default. That should, hopefully, fix it.

    I can’t wait to see some of your buildings! I really love the way you build.

  3. Aw, shucks! you really can’t fix it? i wonder why though.
    oh well i dont care i just know i’ve been craving for an update from you about Gnomesby. i dont care what the pictures look like, its a work in progress remember.

  4. Yep, I checked my Options the other night, and neighborhood view (or whatever it’s called) is set to Extra Large. But Jade sent me something to try, so I’ll check that out tonight! I’m feeling more positive now. :-)

    Mao, I will try to post a pic of the texture thing tonight. It’s not a huge thing, just the occasional little green square showing up on clothing and skin textures (even the Maxis ones). It does that in my LOTRO game, too. It just burns me that I got this brand spankin’ new computer with a nice video card, and I’m still having graphics issues! DOH. Ah well, at least the lag is gone. ;-)

    I will post some pics of my terrain tonight, weird graphics and all.

  5. Have you tried updating your drivers? It sounds like that might help. Usually weird distortions like that are fixed. Hopefully something works for you! That would drive me insane.

  6. I understand that you prefer gameplay before graphic, though your graphic card should be better than mine which is crap given that I have a “ordinateur portable”… (sorry I’m French). I can’t wait to see your first building and then characters, political system and everything ! Courage !

  7. I am so anxious to see the posts! Those stupid graphic cards!!! I’m sure it will be great even if the pictures arn’t perfect!

  8. Aww, sorry about the glitch in the graphics, Jen. Truely can not wait until you share pictures, glitch or not. I know they are going to be great.

  9. I am always amazed that people can have the same kind of machines with the same specs and different glitches/experiences. Hopefully you’ll find the solution to your graphic issue soon.