Those Sticky Burrs

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know I had hoped to post a Burr update before the weekend, but they’re giving me a bit of trouble (which may or may not be related to University being a pain in the kiester).

So…I’m going to shift gears slightly and tonight give you Part I of the introduction to my Shady Bluff stories. Shady Bluff is the new ‘hood I’ve been working on feverishly for a few weeks now, and it’s a bit different from my usual stuff. I hope you’ll enjoy it. And I will get back to the Burrs very soon — I’m not abandoning them by any means.

Thanks for continuing to read my silly blog, and please do stay tuned…

17 thoughts on “Those Sticky Burrs

  1. Hmmm…Shady Bluff…sounds like some creepy place in an old movie where someone pushes someone else over a cliff and their body drops into the ocean and washes up on some unknown beach with very poor sound effects where some gumshoe tries to solve the murder and ends up in a chase scene with creepy music and somehow traps the villain in some sneaky contraption…or something like that.

  2. I see what you guys mean… Shady Bluff sounds like the name of an abandoned ghost-town back in the cowboy days. You’ve really peaked my interest *scratches head*.

    Don’t be silly, this is an awesome blog! You get like 40 comments every update, that’s what I call reader loyalty. I get like 2, at best (newbie).LOL!

  3. Jenba’s top quality. What first attracted me to her blog was her flawless grasp on the English language: there’s no typos, no net speech, and I love how she can mix both a third person perspective with funny little first person comments from her Sims. Second was the pictures: they’re big, there’s tons of them, and they’re always interesting. The last is pretty hard to pull off when taking screenshots in a game that’s got several years on its neck and millions of players! :D Third is her blogger personality: she updates regularly, is always nice, keeps this blog a Sims 2 blog and just generally behaves online like a nice, mature person who’s as into this hobby as the rest of us. A+, would read again!

  4. Oh boy, oh boy! I can’t wait! I have been eagerly awaiting this new ‘hood and the fabulous stories I am sure you have been creating! I can’t wait to read the first installment!

  5. Oooh… something different, eh? This ought to be interesting. Can’t wait to see it, Jen! Shady Bluff does sound a tad foreboding…

  6. Sounds intresting. and mysterious. are you starting it because of halloween? But knowing all of your blogs it will be good.

  7. Thanks guys…hope you enjoy it! The prelude’s going to be several installments, so it may be a bit before we get to Shady Bluff proper.

    Kay, you’re a sweetheart. Thanks. :-D