The Ravelos Branch Out

Only four kids to go! And Ron’s will be brief, since he’s the only one who hasn’t gotten married or had children. Not that he didn’t try, the poor guy — he is a Family Sim after all.

But he kept falling for the wrong women back in college. First, he tried to hook up with Christy Stratton, Darren’s girlfriend. She was intrigued by Ron but was already dating Darren, so not much happened between them.

Ravelo Family

Then he dated Kaylynn the maid for awhile, and even had his first kiss by her, but she was in love with half the guys in town and wasn’t ready to commit to anyone (I didn’t want Kaylynn get married yet).

Ravelo Family

So Ron ended up staying single after graduation and moving to Hazelton where the rest of his siblings lived. Here’s his snapshot:

Ravelo Family
Ron Ravelo

(If I play Ron again, I’ll probably find someone for him to marry — he’s a cool Sim and deserves that much, heh.)

Now for Johannes. He didn’t do much of note in college except jump on the couch a lot (he was a Pleasure Sim)…

Ravelo Family

…and get into a nasty fight with Cady. (Man, they really hated each other, and I’m not sure why, but I bet Cady started it.)

Ravelo Family

(By the way, I had Johannes change his aspiration during college, and rolled Family for him.)

After graduation (and I don’t have any grad pics of the last four kids, since I was anxious to just get them out of there, and I didn’t want to have a party for each one), he married his college sweetheart Marie Phillips (who looks exactly like Marie Mazza, only red-headed), and had a daughter (yet another blondie) with her.

Ravelo Family
The Ravelos
Fern, Johannes, and Marie

Stephen followed pretty much the same trajectory as Johannes (except for the fighting with Cady). His aspiration changed to Family and he dated a college girl, Geena Thorpe (a CAS Sim).

Ravelo Family

After college, Stephen and Geena got married and had one child, Marty.

Ravelo Family
The Ravelos
Marty, Stephen, and Geena

And last but not least, we have Leda. She started out as a Fortune Sim, but changed to Romance during college.

Ravelo Family

She never married anyone, but had a short-lived affair with Brady Stompel (a downtownie), which resulted in a child, little Sable.

Ravelo Family
Leda & Sable Ravelo

Well, there you go, the whole kit and kaboodle. I actually had a lot of fun playing these satellite families, but I’m eager to get back to the main house and get going on fourth generation. I haven’t updated the family tree with all of these kids yet, but I hope to soon. The next update will either be the main Ravelo house or perhaps Annabel Island (with the Braytons). And maybe I’ll do a Shanley update sometime soon just for kicks. Who knows! Stay tuned!

23 thoughts on “The Ravelos Branch Out

  1. Aww.. Marlee has a nice looking family. :) And little Viola is gorgeous.. I love when they get the dark skin and blond hair naturally like that. Cady and Arielle I could definately see as swingin’ singles.. but I can imagine their families spending a lot of time together too. Ron does need someone to marry! He’s a hunk! :D Wonderful updates on the family.. can’t wait to see more! And I’ll love you forever if you do another Shanley update.

  2. I really liked it when Cady and Arielle were living together as swingers! But their families are nice too. I don’t know why but I think that Cady and Arielle were my favorites of generation two. I adore that last picture of Leda and Sable! Even though I’ll probably miss Marlee and her letters and Cady and her temper, I’m really looking forward to the main house with Trent as the heir. And I really do miss the Shaneys! I’m even starting to miss Juan!

  3. I really liked the whole holiday picture thing, it was pretty adorable. All the kids turned out cute, but why are their kids all blond? Geez.

  4. Wow you sure have been busy with those sattelite families. Will you continue playing them or is this it?

    The updates along with the family photos look awesome, I guess you got the holiday party pack too eh? :lol:

  5. I realy enjoyed reading these storie’s.
    Can’t wait for you next posted sory

    I think you are a really good writer and i think one day you
    should publish ur own book.


  6. Go the Ravelos! And Marty looked a bit like that kid in Little Lord Fauntleroy! One question though, how in the heck did you get Marlee and her siblings through uni without going nuts??

  7. Wow! I love all of them! I still feel like they ought to be growing up or going through college. (don’t I sound like an old person…hehe!) Marlee married again! My goodness! And all those children! I love the hairstyles, clothes and names you use for your sims, and I love the houses/settings they’re in too! Your photos are so charming! Hehe! Great job, thanks for the update! I’ll miss all of those people, but that would be a lot of people on whom to update us. Especially because I’d probably get interested in all the children too… ^.~

  8. Hey! brillaint update Jen! You just insprired me to play sims 2 again! I’ve finished exams about a week now but didn’t really find any motivation to play it, but now your stories give me some ideas for my own game play :) so hopefully my blog will come out of haitus then! Can’t wait to see how your legacy holder’s going on the main house

  9. Wow, it is kinda weird that most of the kids turned out as blondes. I noticed it and thought that maybe it had something to do with their mom being blonde. But you never konw with these sims. And i also noticed their eyes. They are all so beautiful. Ethan’s house is magnificent! And the clothing you picked for them are also beautiful. But for some odd reason, i think that Leda’s portrait and family look so cozy. And i noticed that you got the Season Pack! I beseech you to do the next update on Annabel Island with my lovely Braytons. I CANT live without them for any longer. :lol: Actually i can, but i would love for you to update on them. Trent can wait, haha. Cecily, i want to know what happend with Max Degroff( i think that is his name) and the kid that she had a fling with, and Samuel. There is so much going on with them, I just can’t wait for an update. But like always, it is what you would rather be doing and what you choose to spend your time writing the update on so..anything is greatly appreciated.

  10. Janice! You’re coming back? Yay! I love your legacy! For a while there I thought you’d never come back! Though I should probably be saying so on your blog and not on Jen’s blog.

  11. Awesome Jen! I love all of your family pics! I just got the Maxis Holiday Pack, and I can’t wait to make some Christmas updates with my Montgomery Legacy Family! I absolutely cannot wait for an Annabel Island update!!!! I love where that story was going!

  12. Oh wow!! Awesome update Jen! I could never manage with so many families like you do. I like to have just a few at a time,you must have hundreds of families! All the Ravelo’s have lovely families now, and all that blonde hair IS interesting. My guess is, it came from Lauren, being the recessive gene. :)

    I cant wait for more updates, your families always seem so nice !!

    (Ive finally got my blog sorted now too, and have started a new legacy. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep this one!)

    ~ kath x

  13. Hi and thanks to those of you who commented! I know it wasn’t much of an update, but it was fun to take all the pics, and I’m glad you liked them, too.

    Audrey – I went into the Shanley lot the other night intending to play them for a bit and found that I they were in the middle of a remodel! I worked on it for a couple hours but didn’t finish — I’m too nitpicky, and I have too many downloads! But I plan on doing a Shanley update very soon.

    PRMami – I doubt I’ll play the satellite families, mostly because I have so many other families I want to play, too (like my Annabel Island families), and there’s just not enough time in the day, as I’m sure you know. ;-) I might visit them from time to time — I’d like to see some of those kids grow up.

    Scally – Regarding Uni, it wasn’t too bad getting Marlee, Ethan, and Trent through, since they were the first batch, and I was having fun writing their letters. Once they graduated, it became a total drag, since I was eager to just get on with the Legacy. I was determined to graduate all 10 from college, though, so I pretty much played them on double or triple-speed all the time. I’d try to fulfill a power want for them at the beginning of the semester, have them use the energizer, write a term paper, and then let them go on their own for the rest of the semester. That way they ended up passing, but I didn’t have to pay much attention to them. ;-) If I were to do that again, I’d leave them in the dorms since there’s always food, and plenty of townie Sims who can be influenced to do the unpleasant work. :-)

    Eva – I worked on the Braytons last night, mostly building and decorating a house (which took up a regrettably huge amount of time) but I’m excited to continue their story, so look for an update soon!

    Kath – Yay! I’m off to check out your new blog! :-)

  14. JEN, what did I read – a SHANLEY update!! Geez, that would be so so great ;)
    I’m so happy you updated after all, those pictures are more than magnificent, just marvelous. The Ravelos all look so extremely good! I’m totally thrilled to see that you got those 20 grandchildren together and that all of your Ravelos lead happy lives. I especially like Cady – she’s the prettiest of the girls I feel.
    And it’s really hard telling all those gen 2 Ravelo boys apart, they look so similar! But after all, I just loved this update. PLUS – you named that little blonde boy Felix. Felix is my most favourite name of all – if I ever get a son, his name will be Felix, just love it ;)
    I’m feeling totally christmassy with your wonderful update now. You also had your first snow? We had snow here in Germany on Friday.
    Oh, and to all I must say I am really sorry that I am so – mute – in continuing the Morrigans, but at the moment I don’t know where my head is and I am grateful for every second of sleep that I find. Life’s so strenuous! Hardly playing the Morrigans at the moment, but I’m hoping for better days to come *lol*.
    Keep going, I’l always be there to read. Oh, and I REALLY don’t mind that you quit NaNo in behalf of our beloved stories *g*. Keep it up, my Sim-Idol :)

  15. Awesome update! Like the rest I got inspired: I think my next project is to play a family — and its consequent offshoots! Should be fun. :D Thank you for all the work you put into your blog, Jen! I check it as often as I check my comics, which should tell you something on how entertaining a read I find yours.

  16. Mannnn, every time I read this blog, I suddenly want to go on a TS2 downloads spree, because your Sims always look so-gosh-durned nice with them. Maybe it’s the pictures’ nice-looking…ness (essence!?!), maybe it’s the Sims– who knows?!
    Anyway– I missed reading this! :D

    Everyone looks so nice and happy with their spouses. :D Maaaan. 20 grandchildren. Even if I was a family Sim, I don’t know if I’d ever want that. But if I was in a Legacy, someone would force it on me. XD And I’d be all waving to the screen, and going “eh? *sad face, sigh*” But, noo.
    Legacy owners are so, so cruel. *swoon* (Me, I’m proud of it. >D)

    I love Ethan’s house! Seriously, it’s sporking lovely. Andrea is smiling so much in those pictures. It’s sweet!

    And, you know, wasn’t the mom blonde? Most of them probably got the blonde genes from her, you know?
    It’s weird. I had a Sim with brown hair, who married an NPC with blonde hair, and they had four black-haired children together (my sim’s mom had black hair, so, *shrug*).
    Then, one of them got married to an NPC that had red-hair genes, and had two blonde-haired children.
    I guess that rescessive blonde gene is stronger than it seems. Hmmm.

    Maaan, Kaylynn is busy.

    I kind of like Johannes’ Elvisness. Stylin’! Hip! Fan hysteria!

    Aw, Sable is a cute name. It reminds me of Animal Crossing!
    Which grandchild was born last, I wonder?

    Looking forward to the next blog post! Whee~ *rolls around*

  17. I love hearing where all the kids go after they move out of the house. Beautiful pictures, i liked seeing all the grandchildren. I like all the new christmas objects it really adds color to the pictures. After you get 20 grandchildren its going to be hard to keep track of all of them. :D

  18. Wow, 20 grandkids. That’s a lot.

    Anyway, I’m glad that Marlee and Ethan and Darren and Cady and Arielle and Ron and Johannes and Stephen and Leda (phew…) are all getting along well, but I agree with Audrey, Ron needs someone to marry!

    I’m looking forward to the next update.