Come What May

Eventually the cold, skeletal, floral-scented figure of death came for Pao and took him away to where the ukuleles never stop playing and the tiki torches are always aflame. Doesn’t sound too bad, actually. Pao died in platinum (thank you, random passerby and SimVac!), so I finally got my Popularity tombstone.

The Reaper and Pao
“What are YOU lookin’ at?”

The Reaper totally glitched out for a few minutes before he took Pao away. He just kept lifting his scythe to the sky and lowering it over and over again like he was doing some John Travolta disco dance. For a while I thought I might have to force quit the game and go back to my last save. But he finally stopped disco’ing, and Pao’s passing continued on normally. Thank goodness.

Poor Cleo was pretty upset at the death of Pao. He had been like a second father to her. Or a third father, considering she had two dads already.

Cleo mourns Pao
“He made such good omelettes…”

Shortly thereafter, Cleo became a teenager! I rolled the Family aspiration for her. Awww. I am so tempted to marry her off but let her stay in the house so we can have some more alien-blood kids in Shanley Manor. She can’t be an heir or anything, but it’d be cool anyway. I wish I had more room in the house!

Cleo as a teen
“Why should Scottie have all the fun? I deserve a boyfriend, too.”

I was tired of Cort being a slacker, so I had him search for a job online. And what do you know? He got a job as a Slacker. A movie theater projectionist, actually. So now he can slack professionally! When he’s not busy slacking, I have him on a strict regimen of skill-building and using the energizer. The poor man never sees his bed.

Cort looks for a job
“Hm, ‘single female seeks handsome geek for long term-relationship’…oops, wrong link.”

I was eager for Lennan to become an adult and get started on 9th generation, so I let his aspiration meter edge into red, then directed him to drink elixir every hour or so as I had with Tebbany. I did let him have at least a few days as a teenager, though, during which I made him become friends with his future wife, policewoman Demi Love. She looks a lot like a blond Kaylynn.

Lennan talks to Demi
“Wanna play some video games? My dad got me this really cool new one…”

One day Maire Shanley from Uncle Liam’s house came home with Gary, so I had her get to know her relatives a bit. It’s weird to think that her sister Fiona was Scottie’s great great grandmother. Maire should be long gone by now.

Maire, Scottie, and Tebbany
Maire (4G), Scottie (8G), and Tebbany (7G)

After several drinks of elixir, Lennan was now many days older than his twin sister. Funny how things work in the Sims world sometimes. When Lennan became an adult, I gave him a “You’re a Romance Sim now” makeover.

Lennan as an adult
“Too bad University isn’t out yet…I’d make a cooool jazz musician.”

Unfortunately Lennan is a TERRIBLE Romance Sim. He’s extremely Outgoing, which is good, but he’s also extremely Serious and, well, a bit of a grouch, which means it takes FOREVER for those romantic interactions to show up. His wooing of Demi Love (if he took her name he’d be Lennan Love! *snicker*), who I believe is a Shy Sim, did not go very well.

Demi refuses Lennan's advances
“I wouldn’t kiss you if you were the last Sim on earth!”

I was almost positive she’d accept that First Kiss interaction — they had been flirting and chatting for HOURS, and his daily score with her was at 100. So I wasn’t expecting Lennan, who had a Fear of first kiss rejection, to slip into aspiration failure when Demi spurned him. My old friend the Sim Shrink had to coax Lennan out of his funk, but not before Lennan let out a primal scream that nearly deafened the old doc. (I’ve finally noticed that Sims react differently to aspiration failure — it must depend on their personalities. Pao acted like a monkey, Tebbany acted like a chicken, and Lennan let out this gutteral yell of despair. Weird.)

Lennan screams to the skies

Well, that’s it for tonight. I have a feeling that getting Lennan and Demi married is going to be tricky. I hope I get to play sometime this weekend! Have a good night, all.

14 thoughts on “Come What May

  1. I’m am SO enjoying your simblog. I have no idea what I will do for entertainment when you are done with your challenge. I suppose I’ll actually have to PLAY rather than read sim legacy stories :).

  2. Gethane – Heehee, maybe you could start your own Legacy family? Or have you already tried that? :-) (D’oh, never mind that — I recognize your name now, and I know you’re already doing the Legacy Challenge! Sorry, brain is fried. :-))

  3. Cool update Jen. It was worth the wait. Here’s to hoping your layout turns out well and you finish the Legacy Challenge on time! Can’t wait to see more!

  4. oh new layout. It looks good at the moment so I’m looking forward to when you finish editing the template^^ anyway, comments on the post. I totally didn’t recognise Lenna with the new make over! lol. Looks good idea, like a Blues musician. I generally don’t like bif nosed sims, but the nose on Lenna actually matches him. looking forward to G9!

  5. oh wow. fab update. definitely worth the wait! liking the layout, bit different. ditto what jessica and janice said. its gonna be interesting once university comes out and the legacy is over for now. i am looking forward to the new stories about other families around then. from dustyn. p.s.- has anyone heard from blu/miranda lately? i need her for my website which lornaly is trying to update for me, the darl. oh and i am starting to update my site with sims 2 stuff now. :) cya

  6. Maybe Demi’s needs were too low for her to be in good mood and accept the kiss (when playing non legacy smi I have sometimes reloaded after a similar event and it often goes better if you let the visiting sim go to the bathroom/eat/play before trying to kiss them. Even if their social need and relationship are high, they often refuse the kiss if their mood is bad (beware of environnement score too)
    By the way I really love your blog, and it is easy to follow, even if english is not my mother tongue

  7. I just love that last caption…it had me spitting out my morning cup of joe :)

    I had to end up starting a new legacy family in a new neighborhood…long story but can you imagine how peeved I was at my hubby last night? UGH!

  8. Hi Jen. Great update! I love the emotional scream Lennan did. That was almost human.. pretty cool. I also think Cleo having babies will be a fun addition to your family but you’re just so close to finishing, it would probably slow you down. Thanks for the great update. Have a great weekend and i’m very much looking forward to your next update!

  9. BURNED! No, seriously though, poor Lennan, such a cute kid. Maybe it’s the clothes, Demi could probably see through the ‘i’m a cool romance sim, heyyyyy’ look he was going for. I think Scottie should marry Benji! How adorable would their babies be? Nice post and hope you manage to finish the site and get it looking all sparkly! :D

  10. Hey everyone and Jen! Get ready for a LONG post:
    Great great post Jen, defenitely worth the wait. Also, new layouts are like new haircuts. When I see the new haircut on someone, for the life of me, I cannot remember to old one (unless I look at pictures). So, good layout!
    Now, I have an idea. This does not have to happen with the Legacy Challenge, but don’t you think it would be cool if in your families (or for the legacy with every new generation) a faithful follower (like everyone posting here) can make a Sim on the Sims 2 Body Shop, upload it to the Sims 2 Resource or the likes. Then, you can look at those sims and choose your favorite to become to spouse/best-friend/lover of the spare heir (or just a character in any other family). I dunno, the idea occured to me when I was fooling around on body shop…and still clutching my Sims 2 Box. Dumb little blue bar that won’t finish loading!
    Lol, well please consider this Jen, and I look forward to your next post!
    Also, anyone esle please feel free to tell me what you think.

  11. Great great job! I just love the last caption! LOL! Cleo’s shirt looks interesting… reminds me of the disco fever! It’s weird, I have someone in Veronaville who’s name is ALSO Demi Love… those Maxis people aren’t too creative, are they?

  12. pioupiou1717 – Good point, I didn’t even think about Demi’s mood affecting her desire to kiss Lennan (or lack thereof). I was just too impatient!

    PRMami – I said this on the Yahoo! Group, too, but it just really sucks that you lost your Legacy family. :-( Has your hubby apologized profusely? You should make him buy you University!

    Vivi – I think that’s a cool idea, if people are interested. Maybe when I’m done with the Challenge (hopefully in a couple of days!), I can post a request for custom Sims for my next round of stories. By the way, did you find any info on TSR or anywhere else regarding your video card problem?

    Mieko – Sure! I don’t think I’ve used one of your names yet…