Death and Romance

When I switched back to the Manor, Fiona was in full platinum. Ahhh. I do love those platinum headstones. And this is the first generation I’ve gotten both spouses to die in platinum. Huzzah! It’s sweet — Fiona’s last thought before she left with the Reaper was of her granddaughter, the heir to the legacy.

Fiona meets the Reaper
“It’s all up to you now, Vesta.”

Life went on as usual after the fourth gen elders passed on, with a little mourning here and there, of course. Tristan resumed his romancing of Sheila, working up to some heavy-duty flirting. It’s hard to tell in the picture, but he was in platinum, so he’s doing the “sexy walk” over to Sheila. It always cracks me up to see Sims doing that. He did a good job flirting, too, because they shared their first kiss that evening.

Tristan flirts with Sheila
“I’m…too sexy for your hat…”

So we were back down to four Shanleys living in the Manor. They all managed to sit down together for breakfast one morning, which is such a rarity I felt compelled to take a picture. You can also see some of the new decorating that Marie did with her inheritance money. ;-) Actually I was just getting sick of looking at the same wallpaper and decided to give the house a makeover. I went for a sort of Mediterranean villa theme. I’m not sure I like it yet, but at least it’s something different! I only changed walls, floors and some of the furniture — no walls were demolished.

Breakfast at the Manor
“Well, it was either this or silver walls with hot pink shag carpeting.”

With slight dismay I realized that I was now dealing with THREE Romance Sims in the same house and no other aspirations (aside from Vesta’s “Grow Up”) to give me reprieve. At least there is no shortage of people in the neighborhood to keep my Romancers happy. Sometimes they remind me of Popularity Sims the way they want to be friends with everyone they meet. Here Marie chats with one of her many boyfriends, Pao Mellon, and his friend Joe Carr. Meanwhile Stefaan (who is always in his PJs for some reason — gotta show off those muscles, I guess) is flirting shamelessly with Celena McEllers, the mother of Tristan’s girlfriend Sheila. Celena’s father-in-law happens to be one of Marie’s other boyfriends, Kent. What a weird, tangled web of relationships.

Romance in the Study
“I’m working late at the restaurant tomorrow night if you guys would like to visit me…”

Stefaan has been promoted to Projectionist in the Slacker career, so he spends most of his days home while everyone else is at work or school. One day he decided autonomously to repair the computer. (I had it on triple speed just to get through the day so I wasn’t really paying attention to what he was doing.) Suddenly I noticed that he was getting shocked. I slowed the game down and watched in horror, hoping I wouldn’t have another Shanley die on me unexpectedly. The only other person on the lot, gardener Ericka, was also rather concerned.

Stefaan gets shocked

Thankfully the shock didn’t kill Stefaan, though he did look like a giant charcoal briquet afterwards.

Stefaan the human lump of charcoal
“I’m glad you’re alive, but what’s with the hair??”

After Stefaan got cleaned up, I had him chat with Ericka outside. I guess I was playing matchmaker a little bit, thinking that if they really hit it off, I’d maybe have them get married or something. Well, they got along…eh, OK, so no wedding bells just yet.

Stefaan chats with Ericka
“Are you sure you don’t want to come in for some grilled cheese sandwiches or something?”

Tristan was having more luck with Sheila out in the front yard, although it might have worried him to know she was thinking about babies when she kissed him.

Tristan kisses Sheila
*smooch noise*

That evening it was time for Vesta to become a teen! I was excited to be that much closer to 7th generation, so I didn’t bother with a birthday party. I did change her into a formal for her family tree portrait, though. And I rolled Family for her, which isn’t so bad. At least she’s not another Romance Sim. The cool thing is that Vesta in Roman mythology was a goddess of the hearth and home, so it’s a perfect name for a Family Sim. (Nice job, Mary!)

Vesta as a teen
“Now I just need a handsome boy in a tux…”

She has the same cupid’s-bow lips and pudgy cheeks that all of the 4G and 5G girls have, but her mother’s eyes and nose.

Well, that’s it for now! I have hopes to marry Vesta off to either Waylon the Repairman (yeah, I know he’s an elder, but he can still make babies) or Stuart Andrews the Grocery Delivery guy (if I can find him) since I need a Popularity Sim to pass away before 8th generation. I want to get all five aspirations in my platinum headstones! I’m pretty sure I can get a Romance one with all the Romance Sims in the house, so Popularity is the only one left. We’ll see how it goes.

20 thoughts on “Death and Romance

  1. Hi Jen. You are doing really good. I was a little scared you lost another sim to weird death. I’m so happy about Vesta! How cool is that. :)
    I hope you don’t mind me saying, I hope your sims aren’t boring you too much. I wish I could go over and play for you to give you a break. Also you usually comment between your updates.
    Jen thanks for all your hard work. Your update truely give me a little taste of what I’m missing since I don’t have the game :(

  2. Vesta is so pretty! She’ll make a great hier, I’m sure. And an easy one – Family Aspiration!
    I feel bad for Daria. Poor thing, so innocent! Lol. I’m glad Stefaan didn’t die after the shocking incident. I hope you’re having fun with your family! Keep it up!

  3. Great Job! I just love your photo captions they always crack me up.
    I totally forgot about the sim vac to get them in platinum before Old Grim comes by. Shucks I missed out getting a family platinum tombstone when my 2g passed she got the hula gals but a boring gray slab.

  4. Hey everyone, thanks for the comments. I’m still having a blast with my Legacy family — I just wish I could play more often! I’ve also been having urges to tell stories and build houses, but I want to finish the challenge first. I’m planning a little side story with Vesta, though, just for fun and to satisfy some of my storytelling urges. Stay tuned!

    PRMami, I’m sorry to hear about your grey slab for 2G. Good luck next time!

  5. finally, able to get some tiem off from school work and read some simming tales. great job as usual. You updates makes me feel like playign sims myself! anyhow, I accidentally read this post before the previous post so I’m a little “huh?” with some of the things like how come Patrick’s dead! anyhow, I’ll be reading the prev post now.

  6. Another fun update. I’m glad you’re having such a good time with your legacy family. Wow, when I read how you’re managing them into a plantinum death, it sounds like so much work. The Shanleys are my favorite family to read about. It doesn’t hurt that they’re all so easy on the eyes as well. I LOVED that aspiration vacuum. How funny is that!

  7. LOL! Nice update, Jen. I really love your captions. They’re so funny! Oh no! Robi and Fiona are both gone!! It seems like Fiona lived forever. I’m sure you’ll really miss her. She was around for a while. I’m sure Vesta would do very well as the heir though! ^_^

  8. Oh! and I love the vacuum! That’s hilarious. It’s acctually a REALLY good idea! I’m gonna do that for MY elder Sims too! (I never knew what the Vacuum was for until now) Yeah, I’m so lame.

    By the way, sorry for the double post… :P

  9. Sorry about your G4 elders. XC I suppose they are in Sim Heaven now, sucking up other people’s aspiration points! *wonders if that made sense* So…I hope that Vesta gives birth to many beautiful, non-identical children. I have a suggestion for boys’ and girls’ names:

    Boys: Zion, Caleb, Azu, Hermes (another Greek God name…), Tyson, Houston
    Girls: Rune, Cheniba, Nelina, Zoe, Klere, Kaeti, Shelby, Camrynn, Kendal

    Whew! *wipes forehead* So many names…so many sims…too slow typing XD

  10. *raises hand* I have a question! Are we allowed to post pictures here…so we can show and tell our sims? XD

  11. I suppose, Jessica. I have a family with fourteen kids now and about five grandchildren. But, I mean…I’m bad with blogs! XD I’m good at telling stories and stuff, but these ‘free’ blog websites get ze QF confuzzled XD

  12. I don’t even know WHERE to find my Sims 2 pictures. I’ve looked EVERYWHERE on my computer-no where XD Help? *gulps*

  13. Um, you can find the pictures at the Storytelling folder in your Sims 2 folder. You go to My Documents/EA Games/Sims 2/Storytelling. It’s that simple! Then you sort them by right clicking a blank space and sort them by “modified” and then go to thumbnail. Then you will see all the pictures! Hope that helps ^_^

  14. i just quickly skimmed through the comments – but you mentioned that Stefaan autonomously repaired the computer?! i had no idea they would do that!! i’ve always hired a repairman so they wouldn’t get shocked. they look so funny when they get burnt to a crisp.

  15. Vesta is really pretty and what a perfect name! I love reading your updates, it makes me want to play so bad! I can’t wait until my computer gets fixed. :)